I'm trying to write function and i dont know why i cannot make it in that way
ssm' = foldr (\x acc -> if acc == [] then [x]++acc else if (x > (maximum acc)) then [x]++acc else acc) []
give me a clue please.
By the way, your code looks way too complicated. You overuse if, and [x]++acc is just x:acc. Scanning acc in every step using maximum is wasteful, as its biggest element must be its head. Alltogether I'd write:
ssm' :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
ssm' = foldr go [] where
go x [] = [x]
go x ms#(m:_)
| x > m = x:ms
| otherwise = ms
If you really like one-liners, try
import Data.List
ssm' xs = reverse $ map head $ groupBy (>) (reverse xs)
You've run into the monomorphism restriction. You can fix it by adding a type signature.
ssm' :: Ord a => [a] -> [a]
ssm' = ...
I'm working my way through "Real World Haskell," and the assignment is to make safe versions of head, tail, last, and init. I've succeeded on the first three, but the Maybe typeclass is killing me on init.
Here is my code:
-- safeInit
safeInit :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
safeInit [] = Nothing
safeInit (x:xs) = if null xs
then Just [x]
else x : (safeInit xs)
And here are the resultant errors on loading into GHCI (the function starts on line 23 of the original file:
[1 of 1] Compiling Main ( ch04.exercises.hs, interpreted )
> ch04.exercises.hs:27:26: error:
> • Couldn't match expected type ‘Maybe [a]’ with actual type ‘[a]’
> • In the expression: x : (safeInit xs)
> In the expression: if null xs then Just [x] else x : (safeInit xs)
> In an equation for ‘safeInit’:
> safeInit (x : xs) = if null xs then Just [x] else x : (safeInit xs)
> • Relevant bindings include
> xs :: [a] (bound at ch04.exercises.hs:25:13)
> x :: a (bound at ch04.exercises.hs:25:11)
> safeInit :: [a] -> Maybe [a] (bound at ch04.exercises.hs:24:1) | 27 | else x : (safeInit xs) |
> ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
> ch04.exercises.hs:27:31: error:
> • Couldn't match expected type ‘[a]’ with actual type ‘Maybe [a]’
> • In the second argument of ‘(:)’, namely ‘(safeInit xs)’
> In the expression: x : (safeInit xs)
> In the expression: if null xs then Just [x] else x : (safeInit xs)
> • Relevant bindings include
> xs :: [a] (bound at ch04.exercises.hs:25:13)
> x :: a (bound at ch04.exercises.hs:25:11)
> safeInit :: [a] -> Maybe [a] (bound at ch04.exercises.hs:24:1) | 27 | else x : (safeInit xs) |
> ^^^^^^^^^^^ Failed, no modules loaded.
Any way I mark or don't mark either the x or xs on the last two lines with Just, I get different, but very much related, typing errors. What subtlety on using the Maybe type with lists am I missing?
The main reason why this does not work is because your expression x : safeInit xs will not typecheck. Indeed, safeInit xs is a Maybe [a], but (:) has type (:) :: a -> [a] -> [a], so the types do not match.
There is also a semantical error. If null xs is True, then you should return Just [] instead of Just [x], since then x is the last element in the list.
You can make use of fmap :: Functor f => (a -> b) -> f a -> f b (so for f ~ Maybe, fmap is fmap :: (a -> b) -> Maybe a -> Maybe b), to alter a value that is wrapped in a Just:
safeInit :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
safeInit [] = Nothing
safeInit [_] = Just []
safeInit (x:xs) = fmap (x:) (safeInit xs)
but this will result in a lot of wrapping and unwrapping of values in a Just. It also means that for an infinite list, it will get stuck in an infinite loop. We can simply check if the list contains at least on element, and then perform the init logic as the result of a function we wrap in a Just:
safeInit :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
safeInit [] = Nothing
safeInit (x:xs) = Just (go xs x)
where go [] _ = []
go (x2:xs) x = x : go xs x2
One interesting problem is how to write safeInit in terms of foldr. Aside from the fun of the puzzle, this allows it to participate in the list fusion optimization in GHC as a "good consumer", which can improve performance in some cases. We start with the first (naive) version in Willem Van Onsem's answer:
safeInit0 :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
safeInit0 [] = Nothing
safeInit0 [_] = Just []
safeInit0 (x:xs) = fmap (x:) (safeInit0 xs)
The first problem with this is that it's not shaped quite like a fold: it has separate cases for [p] and for p:q:rs. A classic trick for patching this up is to pass a Maybe carrying the previous value in the list.
safeInit1 :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
safeInit1 xs0 = go xs0 Nothing
-- This first case only happens when
-- the whole list is empty.
go [] Nothing = Nothing
go [] (Just x) = Just [x]
go (x:xs) Nothing = go xs (Just x)
go (x:xs) (Just prev) = (prev:) <$> go xs (Just x)
The next problem is semantic: it doesn't work right with infinite or partially defined arguments. We want
safeInit [1..] = Just [1..]
but safeInit1 will diverge in this case, because fmap is necessarily strict in its Maybe argument. But it turns out there's a bit of information we can use: fmap will only be applied to a Just value in this case. Exercise: prove that.
We'll take advantage of that by representing Maybe [a] in a weird way as (Bool, [a]), where Nothing is represented as (False, []) and Just xs is represented as (True, xs). Now we can be lazier:
safeInit2 :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
safeInit2 xs = case helper2 xs of
(False, _) -> Nothing
(True, xs) -> Just xs
helper2 :: [a] -> (Bool, [a])
helper2 xs0 = go xs0 Nothing
go [] Nothing = (False, [])
go [] _ = (True, [])
go (x:xs) mb = case mb of
Nothing -> (True, rest)
Just p -> (True, p:rest)
rest = snd (go xs (Just x))
Now this has precisely the shape of a fold:
safeInit3 :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
safeInit3 xs = case helper3 xs of
(False, _) -> Nothing
(True, xs) -> Just xs
helper3 :: [a] -> (Bool, [a])
helper3 xs0 = foldr go stop x0 Nothing
stop Nothing = (False, [])
stop _ = (True, [])
go x r mb = case mb of
Nothing -> (True, rest)
Just p -> (True, p:rest)
rest = snd (r (Just x))
You might worry that all these intermediate Maybes and pairs will cause performance problems, but in fact GHC is able to optimize them all away, producing something very much like Willem Van Onsem's optimized implementation.
Suppose I have two lists A and B of the same length. I want to keep elements in A which are greater than corresponding elements in B. Let A=[1,5,8], B=[2,4,9], the result should be [5] because 1<2, 5>4, 8<9.
I come up with a solution. Let C=zip A B, then filter C, finally get result by taking fst of each element in C. It's not so elegant. Is there a simpler way?
map fst (filter (\ x-> (fst x) > (snd x)) (zip a b))
Your described solution looks fine to me.
An alternative which is not necessarily better:
import Data.Maybe
import Control.Monad
catMaybes $ zipWith (\a b -> guard (a>b) >> return a) list1 list2
According to the desugaring of monad comprehensions this should also work
{-# LANGUAGE MonadComprehensions #-}
[ a | ( a <- list1 | b <- list2 ), a > b ]
... but in practice it does not. It is a pity because I find it quite elegant.
I wonder whether I got it wrong or it is a GHC bug.
I was working on something similar and as a newbie this is the best I came up with:
filterGreaterThan xs ys = do (x,y) <- zip xs ys
guard (x > y)
return x
This solution is easier to reason about than the others. The do notation really shines here.
I'm not sure how your code looks but the following function look quite elegant to me:
greater :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
greater xs = map fst . filter ((>) <$> fst <*> snd) . zip xs
example :: [Int]
example = greater [1,5,8] [2,4,9] -- result is [5]
This pattern is well known in the Lisp community as the decorate-process-undecorate pattern.
A recursive approach, not so elegant as (any) of the other approaches, this relies on no explicit zipping and we get the result in one pass,
greater :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
greater [] [] = []
greater (x:xs) (y:ys)
| x > y = x : greater xs ys
| otherwise = greater xs ys
If you want to generalize this idea nicely, I would recommend looking to mapMaybe:
:: (a -> Maybe b)
-> [a] -> [b]
Applying that idea to zipWith yields
:: (a -> b -> Maybe c)
-> [a] -> [b] -> [c]
zipWithMaybe f xs ys =
[c | Just c <- zipWith f xs ys]
Now you can write your function
keepGreater :: Ord a => [a] -> [a] -> [a]
keepGreater = zipWithMaybe $
\x y -> x <$ guard (x > y)
Is it really worth the trouble? For lists, probably not. But something like this turns out to be useful in the context of merges for Data.Map.
Pretty similar to #chi's solution with Lists concant:
concat $ zipWith (\a b -> last $ []:[[a] | a > b]) as bs
I'm stuck at making a function in Haskell wich has to do the following:
For each integer in a list check how many integers in front of it are smaller.
smallerOnes [1,2,3,5] will have the result [(1,0), (2,1), (3,2), (5,3)]
At the moment I have:
smallerOnes :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)]
smallerOnes [] = []
smallerOnes (x:xs) =
I don't have any clue on how to tackle this problem. Recursion is probably the way of thinking here but at that point I'm losing it.
It is beneficial here not to start with a base case, but rather with a main case.
Imagine we've already processed half the list. Now we are faced with the rest of the list, say x:xs. We want to know how many integers "before it" are smaller than x; so we need to know these elements, say ys: length [y | y<-ys, y<x] will be the answer.
So you'll need to use an internal function that will maintain the prefix ys, produce the result for each x and return them in a list:
smallerOnes :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)]
smallerOnes [] = []
smallerOnes xs = go [] xs
go ys (x:xs) = <result for this x> : <recursive call with updated args>
go ys [] = []
This can also be coded using some built-in higher-order functions, e.g.
scanl :: (a -> b -> a) -> a -> [b] -> [a]
which will need some post-processing (like map snd or something) or more directly with
mapAccumL :: (acc -> x -> (acc, y)) -> acc -> [x] -> (acc, [y])
mapAccumL is in Data.List.
import Data.List (inits)
smallerOnes :: [Int] -> [(Int,Int)]
smallerOnes xs = zipWith (\x ys -> (x, length $ filter (< x) ys)) xs (inits xs)
I try to implement the reverse function with Maybe. I don't know how to return Just in pattern matching using recursion. By example, ghci> myReverse [1,2,3] need to return Just [3,2,1]. Here is my code :
myReverse :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
myReverse [] = Nothing
myReverse [x] = Just [x]
myReverse (x:xs) = myReverse xs ++ [x] -- here's my problem.
I thought that myReverse (x:xs) = Just $ myReverse xs ++ [x] work, but no and I don't know how to do it. What I would to know it is how to do it and why.
Thanks for your help!
myReverse returns a Maybe [a], which can't be directly appended to something because it is not a list. IOW the value of myReverse xs will be either Nothing, or Just <some list>. You need to pattern match on the result.
myReverse (x:xs) =
case myReverse xs of
Just list -> ...
Nothing -> ...
And of course, you need to decide what needs to be done in each of these cases, depending on what you want myReverse to do.
Also keep in mind that not every function needs to be recursive, so you can call the regular reverse from myReverse if you need it.
As [a] is a Monoid define by,
instance Monoid [a] where
mempty = []
mappend = (++)
Then Maybe [a] is also a Monoid,
instance Monoid a => Monoid (Maybe a) where
mempty = Nothing
Nothing `mappend` m = m
m `mappend` Nothing = m
Just m1 `mappend` Just m2 = Just (m1 `mappend` m2)
Note the type constraint in the instance declaration which impose a to be a Monoid or else Maybe a won't.
We can then use mappend, (<>), to chain our recursive call at the condition to transform the head of the list to a singleton.
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
myReverse :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
myReverse [] = Nothing
myReverse (x:xs) = myReverse xs <> Just [x]
Last note, the previous fold solution can be improve too.
>>> let mrev = foldl' (\x y -> Just [y] <> x ) Nothing
>>> mrev []
>>> mrev "hello"
Just "olleh"
Previous fold answer
Knowing that reverse can be define using fold as follow,
>>> foldl' (flip (:)) [] [1..5]
This can be rewritten as,
>>> foldl' (\x y -> y:x) [] [1..5]
To adapt for Maybe type, we do the following transformation,
The seed [] become (Just [])
The anonymous function must now be apply inside Just, we use fmap to do it.
This lead us to,
>>> foldl' (\x y -> fmap (y:) x) (Just []) [1..5]
Just [5,4,3,2,1]
mreverse xs | null xs = Nothing
| foldl' (\x y -> fmap (y:) x) (Just []) xs
I thought of something along the lines of luqui's, except applying the Maybe at the end:
myReverse :: [a] -> Maybe [a]
myReverse ys
| null (myReverse' ys) = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (myReverse' ys)
myReverse' [] = []
myReverse' (x:xs) = myReverse' xs ++ [x]
Or, if you will,
myReverse ys | null (reverse ys) = Nothing
| otherwise = Just (reverse ys)
I am looking for a way to replace occurrences of strings in Haskell. I have this working for single pairs. My current function is implemented like so:
replaceList :: (Eq a) => [a] -> ([a],[a]) -> [a]
replaceList z#(x:xs) (a,b)
| take (length a) z == a = b ++ strt z (length a)
| otherwise = x : replaceList xs (a,b)
In this context, strt is just a function that returns a list starting at a certain index. This function works. replaceList "Dragon" ("ragon","odo") will return "I am a dodo". However, I am looking for a way to make this function accept a list of these tupples. For instance:
replaceList "I am a dragon" [("I","You"),("am","are"),("a dragon","awesome")] returning "You are awesome".
The methods I have tried so far have been to map a partially applied replaceList over a list of tupples, but that returns a list of each individual element changed. I also tried using this code:
replaceInfinity :: (Eq a) => [a] -> [([a],[a])] -> [a]
replaceInfinity x [] = x
replaceInfinity x ((a,b):ys) = (flip replaceList (a,b)) . (replaceInfinity x ys)
but that fails to compile. I'm relatively new to Haskell and am using this to rewrite an old language preprocessor. I can't understand the logic of how to implement this type of function.
Could someone tell me the tactic to get to the answer, or even implement the function for me so I could learn how it would be done? If it helps, I have the entire source file I've been using to play around with this here: http://hpaste.org/85363
The smallest change to your code that I could think of is:
replaceInfinity :: Eq a => [a] -> [([a], [a])] -> [a]
replaceInfinity x [] = x
replaceInfinity x (y:ys) = replaceInfinity (replaceList x y) ys
*Main> replaceInfinity "I am a dragon" [("I","You"),("am","are"),("a dragon","awesome")]
"You are awesome"
On second thought:
replaceInfinity x ((a,b):ys) = (flip replaceInfinity ys) . (replaceList x) $ (a,b)
Or more succinctly:
replaceInfinity x (y:ys) = flip replaceInfinity ys . replaceList x $ y