using Gitolite while pull No rc file found error - gitolite

I am using gitolite as git server. It was working fine earlier . but somehow now if i try to fetch/pull/push its throwing error "no rc file found"
no rc file found
Compilation failed in require at /home/git/bin/gl-auth-command line 43.
BEGIN failed--compilation aborted at /home/git/bin/gl-auth-command line 43.
fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
How can i fix this ??

"no rc" found means gitolite doesn't found your gitolite.rc file anymore.
It looks by default in:
"$ENV{HOME}/.gitolite.rc", "/etc/gitolite/gitolite.rc"
So checkout your HOME (and the actual value of the environment variable HOME) or /etc/gitolite/gitolite.rc if you did a "root installation".
If that file has somehow disappeared, then you need to run the setup again:
gl-setup -q /path/to/gitadmin_public_key
See gitolite installation for the various installation method.
See my own script for an example of a gitolite automatic installation.


Nest js failed to execute command: with 'node'

I'm trying to init my first NestJS project but met this fail:
$ nest new testproj
⚡ We will scaffold your app in a few seconds..
'node' is not recognized as an internal or external command,
operable program or batch file.
Failed to execute command: node #nestjs/schematics:application --name=testproj --directory=undefined --no-dry-run --no-skip-git --no-strict --package-manager=undefined --language="ts" --collection="#nestjs/schematics"
Tryed to reinstall NodeJS, but no luck.
$ node -v
$ nest -v
$ npm -v
Any help will be appreciated.
If your PATH somewhere has a file in it and not a folder (can also be in the middle of a path, with some \other\stuff appended like C:\stuff\somefile.txt\stuff), then this can happen due to an error when Git bash is translating PATH before calling cmd.exe, resulting in part of the PATH not being forwarded and making binaries in that part "not found".
After some investigation via chat, it turned out that the root cause was a bad GRADLE_HOME environment variable.
Yes, Gradle has nothing to do with node.js or nest, but bear with me, this is one of those moments where a TV episode starts with a totally crazy scene and you wonder what the heck happened that led to this, and then you get "6 hours earlier..." 😁
So, Git bash obviously succeeded in finding node, because it ran the nest CLI (which is a node script). But then, somehow, cmd (which is called by node when executing shell commands) did not find node. This normally should not happen.
Tracing the events with Process Monitor revealed that bash (sh.exe) passed a truncated PATH variable to node.exe. It just ended abruptly somewhere in the middle, and C:\Program Files\nodejs (which was towards the end of it) was not passed along.
The reason for this turned out to be an entry in the PATH that looked like this: C:\foobar\\bin. The transition into bash worked, as the full path (including this bad entry as /c/foobar/ could be seen in bash's $PATH, and /c/Program Files/nodejs was there too.
But the transition from bash to node.exe failed. In the process of converting the Linux-style paths to Windows-style paths before passing the variable on to node.exe, bash silently failed in the middle of the string and stopped processing it - as soon as this /c/foobar/ entry was encountered. C:\foobar\ did exist, and it turns out Git bash behaves like this when it unexpectedly encounters a "not a directory" error from the OS when querying the path segment ("file not found" is fine) - as a result of attempting to access a "subdirectory" of a file. Removing this entry from the PATH made everything work normally.
The source of this entry was actually %GRADLE_PATH%\bin in the Windows PATH, and the reason this caused the problem was that GRADLE_PATH itself was incorrectly set to a file (C:\foobar\ instead of a directory.
There are three ways to resolve this:
Remove %GRADLE_PATH%\bin from the PATH.
Fix GRADLE_PATH to point to a directory.
Delete or rename the C:\foobar\ file.

TortoiseGit responding "/usr/bin/sh: git-lfs: command not found" when attempting diff of lfs tracked file

I am trying to perform a diff of a LabVIEW (.vi) file using TortoiseGit. I get the following error:
Failed to checkout file "*****.vi" of revision ### to
libgit2 returned: External filter application exited non-zero (127) and reported:
/usr/bin/sh: git-lfs: command not found
I am using TortoiseGit with a GitLab server. I have lfs enabled. Any file type that is tracked with lfs seems to have this problem. The error message seems straightforward as to what the problem is, but it's not clear to me how to fix it.
Try and launch TortoiseGit after changing the PATH, adding:
C:\Program Files\Git\mingw64\bin
The git-lfs.exe is in %GH%\mingw64\bin
That means TortoiseGit will be able to execute "git lfs" when launched with the proper %PATH% value.

Noip dynamic client installing Problem Configuration file can NOT be created

I follow the installation process from
While installing i get a kind of error.
Configuration file can NOT be created.
Auto configuration for Linux client of
Please enter the login/email string for ******Email*****.com
Please enter the password for user '******Email*****.com' *********
No hosts are available for this user.
Go to and create some!
mv /tmp/no-ip2.conf /usr/local/etc/no-ip2.conf
mv: cannot stat '/tmp/no-ip2.conf': No such file or directory
make: *** [Makefile:32: install] Error 1
A bug while copy the /tmp/no-ip2.conf
A bug while copy the /tmp/no-ip2.conf using script of make install.
This no-ip2.conf file is missing or it make a random name of a file which is create in each command of make install. This is the name of created file NO-IPTIziyV in /tmp/ directory.
But my credentials are correct.
The script create a wrong name file which make the error while moving the file in /usr/local/etc/ directory.
I had the same error message. I assume it was a bug at the noip side. As a workaround I regsitered my addresses again and reinstalled the client.
1)I installed the windows client on a windows machine and observed the
same strange behavior. (Windows client didn't find my hostnames either, although they were indeed registered.)
2) Removed my host names at and registered them again.
3) Then checked that the windows client has found my host names.
4) I put the following lines into the install script
/usr/local/bin/noip-2.1.9-1# nano Makefile
Check the link because this text editor doesn't let me paste it for some reason. Please consider that the script Makefile is indented with tabs and not with spaces.
5) I uninstalled the client
/usr/local/bin/noip-2.1.9-1# make uninstall
6) Than ran the install again. Now everything seems to be fine.

sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory on cited drive

I am trying to compile ARM code on Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin).
Everything is working fine when I put the code in the local directory.
But when I put the code in the cited mount directory, an error shows up:
making testXmlFiles
sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory
ARM Compiling xxxxx.c
sh: 0: getcwd() failed: No such file or directory
Here is my setting in fstab:
// /mnt/data cifs auto,noserverino,credentials=/root/.smbcredentials,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=0777,uid=user,gid=users,noperm 0 0
What is going on here? What could cause this error?
This error is usually caused by running a command from a directory that no longer exists.
Try changing your directory and rerun the command.
That also happened to me on a recreated directory. The directory is the same, but to make it work again, just run:
cd .
Try the following command. It worked for me.
cd; cd -
This can happen with symbolic links sometimes. If you experience this issue and you know you are in an existing directory, but your symbolic link may have changed, you can use this command:
cd $(pwd)
In Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS (Xenial Xerus), the following command works for me:
Then I've login again.
Please check whether the directory path exists or not. This error comes up if the folder doesn't exist from where you are running the command.
Probably you have executed a remove command from the same path on the command line.
If some directory/folder does not exist, but somehow you navigated to that directory, in that case you can see this error.
For example:
currently, you are in the "mno" directory (path = abc/def/ghi/jkl/mno
run "sudo su" and delete mno
go to the "ghi" directory and delete the "jkl" directory
now you are in the "ghi" directory (path abc/def/ghi)
run "exit"
after running the "exit", you will get that error
now you will be in "mno"(path = abc/def/ghi/jkl/mno) folder. That does not exist.
So, generally this error will show when the directory doesn't exist.
To fix this, simply run "cd;" or you can move to any other directory which exists.
In my case, none of the previous answers has worked.
After banging my head against the wall for a while I've found out, that I've destroyed the /etc/passwd entries by running a custom-made-linux-server-setup-bash-script which worked well previously, but this time the regex within the "sed" command erased all the existing entries :D
After copy pasting the default entries from another working Linux server, I could finally restart sshd.
So don't forget to back up the original /etc/passwd file before applying any regular expression replacements on it :)

Exceptions using CruiseControl.NET

I recently updated to CC.NET 1.5 and I'm now getting some strange exceptions.
On one project I get: -
ThoughtWorks.CruiseControl.Core.CruiseControlException: Source control operation failed: svn: Can't create a character converter from native encoding to 'UTF-8'
This happens when CC is checking a subversion repository for any mods. If I run the actual command line CC says is failing it works and returns an empty XML (there are no mods).
Some other projects also fail to check mods with another "Source control operation failed" exception but no further info. Again the command is an "svn log" which when run from command line works ok.
I'm using subversion 1.4.5 client side and my source repository exists on a separate box than my build server.
Anyone got any ideas?
Have u try to update Svn client ? I doubt it is so simple, but let's check !
Try a svn cleanup
What is your svn config in ccnet ?
What is the build revision of ccnet you are using ? You should try the latest 1.5.x nigthly build, which is very stable for me.
did you try to change the startup parameters of CCService?
Namely, set the "Allow service to interact with desktop" check box on Log On tab.
Also, you may try to use other account than "Local System".
I am not sure, but seems it may fix the issue, since it may be "Local System" account specific issue effect.
