What is the URL option to display a Mobile XPage App with iPhone theme? - xpages

When I load an xpages mobile application into desktop safari it displays the app with the default theming for an Android device. What do you need to do to get it to use the default iPhone theming?
I thought you needed add something like &iPhone=1 to the end of the url, but that's not working.
Thank you.

To quote the Mobile Controls tutorial:
A browser platform query string parameter is available for developers
to force the browser to takes precedence over one another. Just add
'?platform=iphone' or '?platform=android' to the URL and this will
force the correct theme for XPages mobile pages that match against the
xsp.theme.mobile.pagePrefix property.

Another option is to enable the Develop menu (Edit - Preferences, then on Advanced tab tick Show Develop menu in menu bar. Then from the Develop menu you can change the user agent or set your own.

You could use the sample application for the Extension Library from openntf.org. Go to the "Mobile" tab where you can "extract" the urls to show as iPhone, Android and BlackBerry.
With just a few changes you can add a url as a parameter to this application to show your own mobile app in the same context ;-) I use that for demo purposes.


The search option does not show on a mobile device using Housez theme

I decided to use the Housez theme as it advertises as super easy and flexible to use. I am not a web designer but have managed to get my site up and running. www.islandestates.net The problem I have is that there is no search option for the properties on a mobile device? The desktop version works well but how do I get a search box onto the mobile version?
The support from Housez is non existent, I have submitted a request to favetheme but they never reply.
Any help would be aprreciated.

Hide address bar when opened new tab of another application with $window.open() in chrome

I have two applications: a business application using Angular and a chat application built with NodeJs.
In an Angular controller, I have written code to open the chat application login screen using...
$window.open("http:IPaddress/port/", "_blank","location=0,resizable=yes,top=100,left=20,width=650,height=400")
It is opening the new tab but with with an address bar on it. I want to get rid of the address bar. In IE, by default, the address bar is hidden but on Chrome it is visible.
Could anyone suggest a way to open this new tab as popup without $window.Open() and hide address bar?
can't be turned off, security requirement so users know which site they are actually on.
the only exception might be IE11 running on Win7
The Chromium team has indicated that ignoring the value of location is intended behavior.
You'll need to work around it. One option would be to put the chat view inside the window/tab that's displaying the business application using a chat library like converse.

Chrome extension that turns on/off mobile profile

Is there an extension that will allow me to turn the profile of a running Chrome window from desktop to mobile? This is, so that it automatically renders pages in mobile layout then I switch the profile on, and back to desktop profile when I switch it off.
Any ideas?
Take a look at this extension it allows to switch the user-agent: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/user-agent-switcher-for-c/djflhoibgkdhkhhcedjiklpkjnoahfmg

Primefaces interface test on pc?

I am developing a web application with a mobile interface using JSF/Primefaces and I want to test the change from one view to another but the only view that appears is the first one.
How to make it work on PC?
If you use Mozilla Firefox you can download a plugin called User Agent Switcher. There you go to tools -> Default user Agent -> By default it shows Iphone 3.0, but you can download more agents to render different browser views.
You can learn some about the User Agents here

How to remove IE toolbar and menu bar

We have a asp.net web application which will be used in an intranet environment on IE 6. We want to change the default configuration of the browser so that it's always rendered without the Tool Bars, Menu Bars and Address Bar, just the browser window frame and the status bar should be present.
We were looking at the IEAK toolkit for IE6 but it doesn't seem to have the option of turning all this off though you can turn off certain menus and toolbar options.
Any ideas of how this can be done, is there a group policy setting or something that we can utilize here to get this done?
Thanks for your help.
You have to handle the showing of toolbars, address bar,... before the page is loaded, because it's built client side.
So to solve your problem, I think you should write the first page (Enter page for example) Then when use click on the Enter link you open another page using VBScript or Javascript to remove toolbars, address bar,...
Hope this helps ^^
Have you investigated Kiosk Mode?
Also, you're deploying IE6 at the wrong end of its lifecycle.
It also sounds like your requirement is for an app you're developing; mandating that the browser is configured this way for all sites might make the customers unhappy. If you want to know how to open a browser window without those things for your site, from your site, I'd suggest a repost to StackOverflow.
