Callback function in waveOutOpen() API - visual-c++

I am building an audio player that plays '.wav' files and I have a problem with the callback function called from waveOutOpen() API.
Opening the output audio device for playback:
MMRESULT mRes = waveOutOpen(m_hWO,WAVE_MAPPER,&wFmt,(DWORD)&waveOutProc,(DWORD)this, CALLBACK_FUNCTION);
Implementation of callback function:
void CPlayWave::waveOutProc(HWAVEOUT m_hWO,UINT uMsg,DWORD dwInstance, DWORD dwParam1, DWORD dwParam2)
CPlayWave *pPW = (CPlayWave*)dwInstance;
case MM_WOM_DONE: //playback finished
mmRes = waveOutUnprepareHeader(m_hWO, &pPW->m_WHdr, sizeof(WAVEHDR));
//error handling
mmRes = waveOutClose(m_hWO);
//error handling
AfxMessageBox("Finished playing the file");
m_bPlay = FALSE; //boolean flag used for pausing
case WIM_DATA:
//for recording completion
The problem is the MM_WOM_DONE never occurs and the callback function is never called after the playback of the file is completed. If a thread has to be used instead of callback function, can someone give me a simple example on how to use a callback thread(haven't found on net).
Also waveOutReset() documentation suggests that it closes all the buffers and returns to the system, so for handling the Stop-button in my application, I used the waveOutReset() function but, this causing the application to freeze. Why is this happening? Is there any alternative method to stop playing while buffer is still in queue for playback.

Callback function probably can not be a method of your class CPlayWave itself. It must be simple function out of your class with requested prototype.
void CALLBACK waveOutProc(HWAVEOUT m_hWO, UINT uMsg, DWORD_PTR dwInstance, DWORD_PTR dwParam1, DWORD_PTR dwParam2) {
It must be, of course, declared/defined before you call waveOutOpen(). In addition, function name is pointer itself and ampersand & is not needed. Thus calling waveOutOpen() should be:

Also you there are only few system functions you can call from waveOutProc:
"Applications should not call any system-defined functions from inside a callback function, except for EnterCriticalSection, LeaveCriticalSection, midiOutLongMsg, midiOutShortMsg, OutputDebugString, PostMessage, PostThreadMessage, SetEvent, timeGetSystemTime, timeGetTime, timeKillEvent, and timeSetEvent. Calling other wave functions will cause deadlock."
So calling funcitons like AfxMessageBox or waveOutUnprepareHeader might be cause terrible issues.


Glib & Gstreamer: Does a probe callback behave like another thread in glib

I am trying to ask a question with reference to the question Glib: Calling a iterative loop function
I am actually doing GStreamer and trying to use Glib library function in my application as much as possible. The program require some system event/response before performing some action in response to some user input
Design of flow
User input the option and application take it as user_input is asserted to be true
Application need install a callback (called it callback_A) -- which wait out for buffer flowing in that point of application
Callback-A will be called whenever buffer passes through a point.
In callback A, Application to wait for some particular condition (ie a key-frame buffer passing through) at a point. If a key frame buffer pass through, it will then install a second callback at some point downstream, callback-B. An EOS event is send out through the pipeline. Otherwise wait for next time a buffer pass through
In callback B, it will wait for the event (EOS) to arrive and determine further action. If everything is completed, set task_completed to be true
function return to main while loop. The blocking (task_completed) is released and the application will report the task completed to UI
Currently I faced a problem of the callback not completing their task (takes a long time) before it went to being blocked by task completed (and being blocked thereafter)
In Glib, is a callback within the same memory space(or thread) as its caller?
In Glib, how do I overcome the problem of being blocked? Is there some methods to ensure that the task are being run before time up and control is returned to the caller
Will a gthread help? Putting the two call-back as a separate thread since they need to wait for some events to happen
This may be too much. Any alternatives, example polling instead of callback in this case.
Here is my pseudocode
gbool user_input;
gbool task_completed = false;
static void
callback_B(GstPad *pad,
GstPadProbeInfo *info,
gpointer udata)
//// wait for some events--- call it event B
GstEvent *event = GST_PAD_PROBE_INFO_EVENT (info);
/// do something
/// ......
task_completed =true;
static void
callback_A( GstPad *pad,
GstBuffer * buffer,
gpointer udata)
//// wait for some event call it event A
/// install callback-B to determine some condition
gst_pad_add_probe ( pad,
GstPad* padB = gst_pad_get_peer (pad);
gst_pad_send_event(padB, gst_event_new_eos());
check_cmd_session(NULL )
// ........ some other actions *****************
/// initialize task_complete to be false
task_completed = false;
//// install callback_A
/// notify UI of changes done

Begin/EndInvoke not synchronizing with main thread

I'm creating a networked game in Unity using tcp based sockets.
(I'm new to networking and threading stuff).
I'm using System.Net.Sockets async methods like socket.BeginReceive() and socket.EndReceive().
All the client-server connecting and messaging works. But as soon as I try access anything from a Monobehavior (so that I can actually have any effect on the Unity game), like a gameobject's transform, an exception is thrown telling me that I can only access these properties from the main thread.
My question is: why am I not back on the main thread in the callback to foo.beginRecieve(), or at least after I call foo.EndReceive()? How do I return to the main thread using the async socket api? Will I end up having to use the synchronous socket api and just handle the threading myself so I can properly resync with Unity's main thread?
Any help would be much appreciated.
//code which sets up the callbacks which are executed when a client receives a message from the server
void BeginReceive() => _clientSocket.BeginReceive(_messageReceivedBuffer, 0, _messageReceivedBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, ReceiveCallback, null);
void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult result)
var msg = _serializer.ByteArrayToObject<NetworkMessage>(_messageReceivedBuffer);
//this clientmanipulation manipulates the game grid and the gameobjects' which it references
//it's in this method that an exception gets thrown and the code breaks
In general for EndReceive:
Before calling BeginReceive, you need to create a callback method that implements the AsyncCallback delegate. This callback method executes in a separate thread and is called by the system after BeginReceive returns. The callback method must accept the IAsyncResult returned by the BeginReceive method as a parameter.
The EndReceive method will block until data is available.
Usually you would use a pattern often referred to as Main Thread Dispatcher using a ConcurrentQueue. For Unity this is quite easy since you already have something that is surely always been executed in the main thread: Update
public class Example : MonoBehaviour
private ConcurrentQueue<Action> _mainThreadActions = new ConcurrentQueue<Action>();
private void Update()
// Handle all callbacks in main thread
while(_mainthreadActions.Count > 0 && _mainThreadActions.TryDequeue(out var action))
void BeginReceive()
_clientSocket.BeginReceive(_messageReceivedBuffer, 0, _messageReceivedBuffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, ReceiveCallback, null);
void ReceiveCallback(IAsyncResult result)
var msg = _serializer.ByteArrayToObject<NetworkMessage>(_messageReceivedBuffer);
// On threads / possibly async code enqueue the action to be invoked in the main thread
_mainThreadActions.Enqueue(()=> {msg.ClientManipulation(_gameGrid)});

SAPI 5 TTS Events

I'm writing to ask you some advices for a particular problem regarding SAPI engine. I have an application that can speak both to the speakers and to a WAV file. I also need some events to be aware, i.e. word boundary and end input.
m_cpVoice->SetNotifyWindowMessage(m_hWnd, TTS_MSG, 0, 0);
hr = m_cpVoice->SetInterest(SPFEI_ALL_EVENTS, SPFEI_ALL_EVENTS);
Just for test I added all events! When the engine speaks to speakers all events are triggered and sent to the m_hWnd window, but when I set output to the WAV file, none of them are sent
CSpStreamFormat fmt;
CComPtr<ISpStreamFormat> pOld;
SPBindToFile(file, SPFM_CREATE_ALWAYS, &m_wavStream, &fmt.FormatId(), fmt.WaveFormatExPtr());
m_cpVoice->SetOutput(m_wavStream, false);
m_cpVoice->Speak(L"Test", SPF_ASYNC, 0);
Where file is a path passed as argument.
Really this code is taken from the TTS samples found on the SAPI SDK. It seems a little bit obscure the part setting the format...
Can you help me in finding the problem? Or does anyone of you know a better way to write TTS to WAV? I can not use manager code, it should be better to use the C++ version...
Thank you very much for help
This seems to be a thread problem and searching in the spuihelp.h file, that contains the SPBindToFile helper I found that it uses the CoCreateInstance() function to create the stream. Maybe this is where the ISpVoice object looses its ability to send event in its creation thread.
What do you think about that?
I adopted an on-the-fly solution that I think should be acceptable in most of the cases, In fact when you write speech on files, the major event you would be aware is the "stop" event.
So... take a look a the class definition:
#define TTS_WAV_SAVED_MSG 5000
#define TTS_WAV_ERROR_MSG 5001
class CSpeech {
CSpeech(HWND); // needed for the notifications
HWND m_hWnd;
CComPtr<ISpVoice> m_cpVoice;
std::thread* m_thread;
void WriteToWave();
void SpeakToWave(LPCWSTR, LPCWSTR);
I implemented the method SpeakToWav as follows
// Global variables (***)
long tRate;
HWND tHwnd;
ISpObjectToken* pToken;
void CSpeech::SpeakToWave(LPCWSTR file, LPCWSTR msg) {
// Using, for example wcscpy_s:
// tMsg <- msg;
// tFile <- file;
tHwnd = m_hWnd;
if(m_thread == NULL)
m_thread = new std::thread(&CSpeech::WriteToWave, this);
And now... take a look at the WriteToWave() method:
void CSpeech::WriteToWav() {
// create a new ISpVoice that exists only in this
// new thread, so we need to
// CoInitialize(...) and...
// CoCreateInstance(...)
// Now set the voice, i.e.
// rate with global tRate,
// voice token with global pToken
// output format and...
// bind the stream using tFile as I did in the
// code listed in my question
cpVoice->Speak(tMsg, SPF_PURGEBEFORESPEAK, 0);
Now, because we did not used the SPF_ASYNC flag the call is blocking, but because we are on a separate thread the main thread can continue. After the Speak() method finished the new thread can continue as follow:
if(/* Speak is went ok */)
::PostMessage(tHwn, TTS_WAV_SAVED_MSG, 0, 0);
::PostMessage(tHwnd, TTS_WAV_ERROR_MSG, 0, 0);
(***) OK! using global variables is not quite cool :) but I was going fast. Maybe using a thread with the std::reference_wrapper to pass parameters would be more elegant!
Obviously, when receiving the TTS messages you need to clean the thread for a next time call! This can be done using a CSpeech::CleanThread() method like this:
void CSpeech::CleanThread() {
m_thread->join(); // I prefer to be sure the thread has finished!
delete m_thread;
m_thread = NULL;
What do you think about this solution? Too complex?

Slow response to resolved promise node.js

I'm brand new to node.js and and I feel I am doing something incorrectly, but I'm having a harder time googling good answers then I have for other languages for some reason. Basically I'm using a node wrapped c++ addon to do some work and then I want to send it over a websocket after I've done some some additional parsing on it. When the additional parsing is done synchronously it is sent immediately (as expected). When I do the work in a promise (which is what a thirdparty module is doing for me) after the resolve is called it takes an excessively long time for the fulfilled callback to be called. Like upwards of 5-10 seconds. Here's the code:
var addon = require('...'); // Node wrapped C++ module
var server = http.createServer(){...};
var ios = io.listen(server);
function someFunction(args) {
console.log("Preparing to call some function");
someOtherFunction(args).then(funtction(val) {
console.log("Sending val over websocket....");
ios.sockets.emit('thing', val);
function someOtherFunction(args) {
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
console.log("Done with someOtherFunc");
ios.sockets.on('connection', function(socket){
// This does some work on a different thread. Eventually reposts to event loop and calls callback
addon.doThing("someVal", someFunc);
socket.on('disconnect', function() {
Preparing to call some function...
Done with someOtherFunc;
<variable delay sometimes up to 5-10 seconds>
Sending val over websocket.
Multiple callbacks to someFunction may happen before the first call to someOtherFunction is done. These are all posted events to the the main Event loop, so I don't believe anything is blocking there.
Preparing to call some function...
Done with someOtherFunc;
<1 second delay>
Preparing to call some function...
Done with someOtherFunc;
<1 second delay>
Preparing to call some function...
Done with someOtherFunc;
<1 second delay>
<variable delay sometimes up to 5-10 seconds>
Sending val over websocket.
Sending val over websocket.
Sending val over websocket.
So my question original thought was that when resolve was called then the callback was called immediately. But that doesn't look like it's happening. Something is triggering the callback to eventually trigger but I have no idea what and it seems random when it actually does. Any help would be appreciated!
C++ Addon code:
class NodeWrapper {
static NodeWrapper& GetInstance() {
static NodeWrapper mInstance;
return mInstance;
~NodeWrapper() {
uv_close((uv_handle_t*) &mNodeAsyncEventLoop, NULL);
static void SendToNode(uv_async_t *handle) {
void SendToNode() {
swap(pushQueue, popQueue);
while(!popQueue.empty()) {
Data* pData = popQueue.front();
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::GetCurrent();
HandleScope scope(isolate);
const unsigned argc = 1;
Local<Value> argv = { node::Buffer::New(isolate, pData->mData, pData->mLen, DataDeleter, NULL).ToLocalChecked() };
Local<Function> cb = Local<Function>::New(isolate, mNodeCB);
cb->Call(isolate->GetCurrentContext()->Global(), argc, &argv);
log << "Done with Callback!" << std::endl;
void SendOnData(const void* pData, DWORD dwLen) {
log << "Callback received!" << std::endl;
if(dwLen > 0) {
pushQueue.push(new Data(pData, dwLen));
static NodeWrapper mInstance;
UniquePersistent<Function> mNodeCB;
NodeWrapper() {
uv_async_init(uv_default_loop(), &mNodeAsyncEventLoop, &NodeWrapper::SendToNode);
DATA_QUEUE pushQueue;
DATA_QUEUE popQueue;
uv_mutex_t mMutex;
uv_async_t mNodeAsyncEventLoop;
void doThing(const FunctionCallbackInfo<Value>& args) {
Isolate* isolate = Isolate::GetCurrent();
HandleScope scope(isolate);
auto f = std::bind(&NodeWrapper::SendOnData, &NodeWrapper::GetInstance());
NodeWrapper::GetInstance().mNodeCB = UniquePersistent<Function>(isolate, Local<Function>::Cast(args[1]));
Output update:
22:01:57.831645 - Callback received
Preparing to call some function....
Done with someOtherFunc
22:01:57.839711 - Done with Callback!
22:01:57.918472 - Callback received
Preparing to call some function....
Done with someOtherFunc
22:01:57.927344 - Done with Callback!
Sending val over websocket....
Sending val over websocket....
Promise .then() callbacks are never called immediately upon resolve(). Instead, they are always called asynchronously. This provides uniform async behavior whether the resolve is called synchronously or asynchronously, thus making life a lot easier for the caller.
Promises wait until other code in the current thread of execution has finished executing and the stack frame has cleared back to only "platform code" as the spec says. Then, the .then() callback is called. If you are doing a lot of other stuff in that thread of execution, then there can be a delay before the .then() handler is called.
I solved it by switching from native v8 Promises to bluebird Promises. Native v8 Promises are handled by a Microtask queue, I'm not sure how c++ addons are handled (I could never get a good stack trace to see) but it looks like the microtask queue was getting starved until it eventually ran after some event must of flushed it (still not sure about it). bluebird uses SetImmediate which and it is processed immediately which solved the issue for me.
Further reading read here:
This was "fixed" in v0.12, I'm using actually io.js v3.2.0. I'm not 100% sure if this is the same issue or different. Either way I'll stick with bluebird for now

Convert asynchronous/callback method to blocking/synchronous method

Is is possible to convert an asynchronous/callback based method in node to blocking/synchronous method?
I'm curious, more from a theoretical POV, than a "I have a problem to solve" POV.
I see how callback methods can be converted to values, via Q and the like, but calling Q.done() doesn't block execution.
The node-sync module can help you do that. But please be careful, this is not node.js way.
To turn asynchronous functions to synchronous in 'multi-threaded environment', we need to set up a loop checking the result, therefore cause blocking.
Here’s the example code in JS:
function somethingSync(args){
var ret; //the result-holding variable
//doing something async here...
ret = result;
while(ret === undefined){} //wait for the result until it's available,cause the blocking
return ret;
synchronize.js also helps.
While I would not recommend it, this can easy be done using some sort of busy wait. For instance:
var flag = false;
asyncFunction( function () { //This is a callback
flag = true;
while (!flag) {}
The while loop will continuously loop until the callback has executed, thus blocking execution.
As you can imagine this would make your code very messy, so if you are going to do this (which I wouldn't recommend) you should make some sort of helper function to wrap your async function; similar to Underscore.js's Function functions, such as throttle. You can see exactly how these work by looking at the annotated source.
