fuzzyfinder: Error detected while processing function <SNR>19_onCommandPre - vim

When typing an command, I get an error like this:
Error detected while processing function <SNR>19_onCommandPre..fuf#mrucmd#onCommandPre..<SNR>25_updateInfo..fuf#updateMruList:
line 2:
E121: Undefined variable: word
line 5:
E121: Undefined variable: word
Is it a bug or just cause by my incorrect configuration?
I set let g:fuf_modesDisable=[] in my .vimrc.
And the vim version I use if vim 7.3, the fuzzyfinder version is fuzzyfinder 4.2.2

I had the same (or very similar) problem. I've filed issues against FuzzyFinder.
If you follow the link you will find the details of my investigation together with solution.
If nothing else work I believe that wiping out ~/.vim-fuf-data directory will do. But better to try what is described in the issue first (~/.vim-fuf-data/mrufile/items).

I encountered the same error. Deleting the FuzzyFinder data file fixed the issue for me. Of course I am starting from scratch now, but it works!
Delete the following:

Just doing a plugin install seemed to fix the issue for me


neovim: Error detected while processing function <SNR>29_on_window_changed[22]..<SNR>29_ini t[29]..<SNR>29_on_colorscheme_changed:

I recently was looking into nvim, and was Downloading the vim-airline-gruvbox-git from the AUR, which resulted in this error, even after multiple tries of uninstalling the package/plugins and reinstalling everything:
Error detected while processing function <SNR>29_on_window_changed[22]..<SNR>29_init[29]..<SNR>29_on_colorscheme_changed:
line 4:
E117: Unknown function: airline#init#gui_mode
And I sadly have no Idea what I can take from this and how I should go about fixing it.
I know I should of looked if there was a github for this and added it to my configs, but here I am.
Edit: I resolved it by deleting some Folders named nvim, looked if it worked, maybe reinstalling here and there. Sorry for not remembering what Folders I deleted, but if you make this exact mistake, a probably cleaner solution is in the Comments (thanks TornaxO7).
A quick look into its PKGBUILD:
# ...
# ...
# ...
it looks like that it's actually just installing the gruvbox (this is the link from url in the PKGBUILD!) theme for airline:
install -Dm755 ${srcdir}/${pkgname}/autoload/airline/themes/gruvbox.vim ${pkgdir}/usr/share/vim/vimfiles/autoload/airline/themes/gruvbox.vim
but it does not install vim-airline itself. So all you need to do is installing vim-airline as well.

gVim error on startup: E121: Undefined variable: paste#paste_cmd

In gvim 8.1.1401 on Debian 10.4 when I open a file from Thunar with Right-click -> Open With -> Open with "gVim"
I have been getting an error popup:
Error detected while processing /usr/share/vim/vim81/menu.vim:
line 166:
E121: Undefined variable: paste#paste_cmd
When I open the same file from the command line with gvim /path/to/file it doesn't happen.
I don't get it launching normal vim from the command line either.
I tried uninstalling and re-installing all of my vim packages, in case it was picking up incompatible files from an old version. This didn't help.
I googled for the error and found various clues:
GVIM - undefined variable: paste#paste_cmd?
They pointed me in the right direction to find it, i.e. an invalid runtimepath in ~/.vimrc, but were not the exact same error and didn't detail the solution I discovered.
By editing my ~/.vimrc and trying different things I tracked down the cause.
Because I couldn't find the answer online I'm sharing it here.
If you have:
set runtimepath=
in ~/.vimrc AND if that line does not include /usr/share/vim/vim81
then you will get the error.
If you don't have a ~/.vimrc you won't get the error.
If you don't have a runtimepath= entry you won't get the error.
If ~/.vimrc has a runtimepath= entry and it includes /usr/share/vim/vim81 in the path, then you won't get the error.
If this is still an issue in future versions of vim after 8.1 which doesn't have the vim81 directory, then the numbers will need to be updated to point to a valid directory for that version e.g. vim82 (or later)
NB: If the runtimepath in ~/.vimrc is correct, but vim81/autoload/paste.vim does not exist you will also get the error.
If vim81/autoload/paste.vim does exist, but the paste_cmd is commented out/deleted/corrupted, you will get the error (and an instance of it from each entry in vim81/autoload/paste.vim and any other files which refer to paste_cmd)
I hope this saves people time and prevents frustration!

Installing Plugins in gvim on Windows 8

I seem to have put the EasyMotion plugin in the correct location, but now there's an error loading it... I downloaded "Lokaltog-vim-easymotion-1.3-0-g667a668.zip" from [here][1].
I had previously put EasyMotion.vim in $HOME/vimfiles/plugin, which was giving the following error message:
>Error detected while processing C:\Users\Willem\vimfiles\plugin\EasyMotion.vim:
>line 24:
>E117: Unknown function: EasyMotion#InitOptions
>line 39:
>E121: Undefined variable: g:EasyMotion_hl_group_target
>E116: Invalid arguments for function EasyMotion#InitHL
>line 40:
>E121: Undefined variable: g:EasyMotion_hl_group_shade
>E116: Invalid arguments for function EasyMotion#InitHL
>line 69:
>E117: Unknown function: EasyMotion#InitMappings
I now realize that there are two files and have gotten it working! As per the first answer, I have now moved autoload/EasyMotion.vim into $HOME/vimfiles/autoload, as well as moving plugin/EasyMotion.vim into $HOME/vimfiles/plugin
It looks like you have forgotten to install everything.
More precisely, the autoload/EasyMotion.vim file is supposed to go in $HOME/vimfiles/autoload/ and the doc/easymotion.txt file is supposed to go in $HOME/vimfiles/doc/.
You might want to use pathogen to help you with your plugins.
Once you have installed pathogen and activated it in your _vimrc, installing a plugin can be as simple as unpacking it in $HOME\vimfiles\bundle and restarting vim.

Cannot edit HAML files in carlhuda - janus VIM distro

I switched from my own VIM setup to janus recently. I really like the organization.
When I tried to edit and save HAML files, I got following error.
Error detected while processing function <SNR>44_UpdateErrors..<SNR>44_RefreshSigns..<SNR>44_SignErrors:
line 12:
E474: Invalid argument
How can I fix this issue?
probably, it will fix with fixing following line in your vimrc.
let g:syntastic_enable_signs=1
let g:syntastic_enable_signs=0
It was an error with syntastic plugin. I created an issue at GitHub.
scrooloose has fixed this issue.
You can find the patch here
Simply run
inside your ~/.vim directory. It'll update the syntastic plugin.

Getting E488 errors using Pathogen with Vim

I'm trying to use Pathogen to manage my vim add-ons under Ubuntu so I can do some rails development but following all the examples leads to a ton of E488 Trailing characters: errors when I run vim.
Here is my .vimrc not that it's much to look at...
call pathogen#runtime_append_all_bundles()
Has anyone experienced this and if so how did you fix it?
It might be that your file is in the wrong format (dos instead of unix).
Try the following:
$ dos2unix .vimrc
I turned up my scroll buffer so I could see the original error and it ended up being gist.vim which is for some reason an html file.. removing this plugin fixed everything.
