Plug new FFI method into GHC - haskell

Is there a way to plug a Haskell function of type
myFFI :: (C a) => String -> IO a
(where C is some typeclass describing the types of variables I can import) into GHC as an FFI scheme so that I can write in my Haskell program stuff like
foreign import myFFI "foo" foo :: T1 -> T2
that gets compiled into a call to foo = unsafePerformIO $ myFFI "foo" :: T1 -> T2?
I imagine this could be done by modifying GHC, but is there a way to do it via a plugin I can write without touching the GHC codebase proper?

To answer the question in the comments (since the main question is answered with "use TH"), you can use TH as well to collect a list of all the names you've thus bound. Then, at startup, an init call can walk through that and force them.

There is no requirement that the second argument be in the IO monad in the first place.
foreign import ccall sin :: Double -> Double
is perfectly legit, but leads to undefined behavior if sin is impure.


Solving linear equations - Math.LinearEquationSolver returns IO(Maybe[Rational])

I am writing a program to solve certain mathematical problems, and Haskell is the language I've written it in so far (for various reasons). At one point, I need to solve a system of linear equations, and then use the result for something else. I can give more details if needed, but didn't want to go crazy at first.
The easiest way I could find of solving linear equations was to use the Math.LinearEquationSolver module from the linearEqSolver package on hackage. Everything works fine, except that all of the methods (e.g. solveRationalLinearEqs) have a return type of IO (Maybe [Rational]). I want to be able to feed the solution into a method which accepts [Rational].
I know that the whole point of IO is that you can't just take stuff out of it and put it back in, but I haven't written Haskell in enough years now that I've forgotten all of what I used to know about IO.
Is there an easy explanation/example of what I should do? Is the simplest solution to use some other module/find some other way of solving the system of equations?
Edit: I have tried using the HMatrix method linearSolveLS but this returns a list of type [Double] (and is also nowhere near accurate enough for what I need, even if I did settle for a non-fractional type), whereas I would really prefer the return to be of type [Rational] (as in LinearEquationSolver).
The most idiomatic way to do this is to use >>= to combine the IO action that produces your result with the rest of your program.
(>>=) :: Monad m => m a -> (a -> m b) -> m b
(>>=) :: IO (Maybe [Rational]) -> ((Maybe [Rational]) -> IO a) -> IO a
You would use it like this:
(linearEqSolver arg1 arg2 arg3 ... argn) >>= \maybeResult -> case maybeResult of
Just resultList -> (... :: IO a)
Nothing -> (... :: IO a)
Alternatively, if the rest of your code doesn't need IO, you can use fmap, or its infix synonym <$> to map a pure function over the result of linearEqSolver.
theRestOfYourCode :: Maybe [Rational] -> a
(theRestOfYourCode <$> (linearEqSolver arg1 arg2 ... argn)) :: IO a
Note: Most of these type signatures are just for clarity, and can be inferred.
You could also use the Monad instance for Maybe in the same way, but pattern matching is clearer in this case, since it is hard to mentally parse expressions that use multiple Monad instances in general.

Moving from static configuration to dynamic configuration

I am working on a haskell project where the settings are currently in a file called Setting.hs, so they are checked during compile time and can be accessed globally.
However, since that is a bit too static, I was considering to read the configuration during runtime. The codebase is huge and it seems it would be considerable effort to pass the setting e.g. as an argument through the whole program flow, since they may be arbitrarily accessed from anywhere.
Are there any design patterns, libraries or even ghc extensions that can help here without refactoring the whole code?
Thanks for the hints! I came up with a minimal example which shows how I will go about it with the reflection package:
{-# LANGUAGE Rank2Types, FlexibleContexts, UndecidableInstances #-}
import Data.Reflection
data GlobalConfig = MkGlobalConfig {
getVal1 :: Int
, getVal2 :: Double
, getVal3 :: String
main :: IO ()
main = do
let config = MkGlobalConfig 1 2.0 "test"
-- initialize the program flow via 'give'
print $ give config (doSomething 2)
-- this works too, the type is properly inferred
print $ give config (3 + 3)
-- and this as well
print $ give config (addInt 7 3)
-- We need the Given constraint, because we call 'somethingElse', which finally
-- calls 'given' to retrieve the configuration. So it has to be propagated up
-- the program flow.
doSomething :: (Given GlobalConfig) => Int -> Int
doSomething = somethingElse "abc"
-- since we call 'given' inside the function to retrieve the configuration,
-- we need the Given constraint
somethingElse :: (Given GlobalConfig) => String -> Int -> Int
somethingElse str x
| str == "something" = x + getVal1 given
| getVal3 given == "test" = 0 + getVal1 given
| otherwise = round (fromIntegral x * getVal2 given)
-- no need for Given constraint here, since this does not use 'given'
-- or any other functions that would
addInt :: Int -> Int -> Int
addInt = (+)
The Given class is a bit easier to work with and perfectly suitable for a global configuration model. All functions that do not make use of given (which gets the value) don't seem to need the class constraint. That means I only have to change functions that actually access the global configuration.
That's what I was looking for.
What you are asking, if it was possible would break referential transparency, at least for pure function ( a pure function result can depend on some global variables but not on a config file couldn't it ) ?
Usually people avoid that type of situation by passing implicitly the configuration as data via a Monad. Alternatively (if you are happy to refactor your code a bit) you can use the implicit parameter extenson, which in theory has been made to solve that type of problem but in practice doesn't really work.
However, if you really need, you can use unsafePerformIO and ioRef to have a top level mutable state which is dirty and frowned upton. You need a top level mutable state, because you need to be able to modify "mutate" your initial config when you are loading it.
Then you get things like that :
myGlobalVar :: IORef Int
{-# NOINLINE myGlobalVar #-}
myGlobalVar = unsafePerformIO (newIORef 17)

Are there "type-level combinators"? Will they exist in some future?

Much of what makes haskell really nice to use in my opinion are combinators such as (.), flip, $ <*> and etc. It feels almost like I can create new syntax when I need to.
Some time ago I was doing something where it would be tremendously convenient if I could "flip" a type constructor. Suppose I have some type constructor:
m :: * -> * -> *
and that I have a class MyClass that needs a type with a type constructor with kind * -> *. Naturally I would choose to code the type in such a way that I can do:
instance MyClass (m a)
But suppose I can't change that code, and suppose that what really fits into MyClass is something like
type w b = m b a
instance MyClass w where
and then I'd have to activate XTypeSynonymInstances. Is there some way to create a "type level combinator" Flip such that I can just do:
instance MyClass (Flip m a) where
?? Or other type level generalisations of common operators we use in haskell? Is this even useful or am I just rambling?
I could do something like:
newtype Flip m a b = Flip (m b a)
newtype Dot m w a = Dot m (w a)
But then I'd have to use the data constructors Flip, Dot, ... around for pattern matching and etc. Is it worth it?
Your question makes sense, but the answer is: no, it's not currently possible.
The problem is that (in GHC Haskell's type system) you can't have lambdas at the type level. For anything you might try that looks like it could emulate or achieve the effect of a type level lambda, you will discover that it doesn't work. (I know, because I did.)
What you can do is declare your Flip newtypes, and then write instances of the classes you want for them, painfully with the wrapping and the unwrapping (by the way: use record syntax), and then clients of the classes can use the newtypes in type signatures and not have to worry about the details.
I'm not a type theorist and I don't know the details of why exactly we can't have type level lambdas. I think it was something to do with type inference becoming impossible, but again, I don't really know.
You can do the following, but I don't think its actually very useful, since you still can't really partially apply it:
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, FlexibleInstances #-}
module Main where
class TFlip a where
type FlipT a
instance TFlip (f a b) where
type FlipT (f a b) = f b a
-- *Main> :t (undefined :: FlipT (Either String Int))
-- (undefined :: FlipT (Either String Int)) :: Either Int [Char]
Also see this previous discussion: Lambda for type expressions in Haskell?
I'm writing answer here just for clarifying things and to tell about achievements in the last years. There're a lot of features in Haskell and now you can write some operators in type. Using $ you can write something like this:
foo :: Int -> Either String $ Maybe $ Maybe Int
to avoid parenthesis instead of good old
foo :: Int -> Either String (Maybe (Maybe Int))

Haskell -- dual personality IO / ST monad?

I have some code that currently uses a ST monad for evaluation. I like not putting IO everywhere because the runST method produces a pure result, and indicates that such result is safe to call (versus unsafePerformIO). However, as some of my code has gotten longer, I do want to put debugging print statements in.
Is there any class that provides a dual-personality monad [or typeclass machinery], one which can be a ST or an IO (depending on its type or a "isDebug" flag)? I recall SPJ introduced a "Mutation" class in his "Fun with Type Functions" paper, which used associative types to relate IO to IORef and ST to STRef. Does such exist as a package somewhere?
Edit / solution
Thanks very much [the nth time], C.A. McCann! Using that solution, I was able to introduce an additional class for monads which support a pdebug function. The ST monad will ignore these calls, whereas IO will run putStrLn.
class DebugMonad m where
pdebug :: String -> m ()
instance DebugMonad (ST s) where
pdebug _ = return ()
instance DebugMonad IO where
pdebug = putStrLn
test initV = do
v <- newRef initV
modifyRef v (+1)
pdebug "debug"
readRef v
testR v = runST $ test v
This has a very fortunate consequence in ghci. Since it expects expressions to be IO types by default, running something like "test 3" will result in the IO monad being run, so you can debug it easily, and then call it with something like "testR" when you actually want to run it.
If you want a unified interface to IORef and STRef, have you looked at the stateref package? It has type classes for "references to mutable data", separated for readable, writable, etc., with instances for IORef and STRef, as well as things like TVar, MVar, ForeignPtr, etc.
Have you considered Debug.Trace.trace instead?

Towards understanding CodeGen* in the Haskell LLVM bindings

Background: I am writing a toy Lisp interperter/compiler in Haskell for my own amusement/edification. I am trying to add the ability to compile to LLVM bytecode.
Context: I have been reading the documentation for LLVM.Core and a code example (here) attempting to understand the means of combination and means of abstraction (as described in Abelson and Sussman Structure and Interpretation
of Computer Programs.) used in the Haskell LLVM bindings. There are a lot of small pieces and I am not clear how they are intended to work together. It seems like there is a level of abstraction above the basic LLVM machine instructions that is obvious to someone with lots of experience with LLVM, but not documented for those, like me, who are just getting their feet wet.
Question: What are CodeGenModule and CodeGenFunction and how are they used to build up Functions and Modules?
The Module and Function types are just thin wrappers around pointers to the corresponding C++ objects (that is, Module* and Value*):
-- LLVM.Core.Util
newtype Module = Module {
fromModule :: FFI.ModuleRef
deriving (Show, Typeable)
type Function a = Value (Ptr a)
newtype Value a = Value { unValue :: FFI.ValueRef }
deriving (Show, Typeable)
-- LLVM.FFI.Core
data Module
deriving (Typeable)
type ModuleRef = Ptr Module
data Value
deriving (Typeable)
type ValueRef = Ptr Value
The CodeGenModule and CodeGenFunction types are parts of the EDSL built on top of the LLVM.FFI.* modules. They use Function, Module and the functions from LLVM.FFI.* internally and allow you to write LLVM IR in Haskell concisely using do-notation (example taken from Lennart Augustsson's blog):
mFib :: CodeGenModule (Function (Word32 -> IO Word32))
mFib = do
fib <- newFunction ExternalLinkage
defineFunction fib $ \ arg -> do
-- Create the two basic blocks.
recurse <- newBasicBlock
exit <- newBasicBlock
ret r
return fib
You can think of CodeGenModule as an AST representing a parsed LLVM assembly file (.ll). Given a CodeGenModule, you can e.g. write it to a .bc file:
-- newModule :: IO Module
mod <- newModule
-- defineModule :: Module -> CodeGenModule a -> IO a
defineModule mod $ do [...]
-- writeBitcodeToFile :: FilePath -> Module -> IO ()
writeBitcodeToFile "mymodule.bc" mod
--- Alternatively, just use this function from LLVM.Util.File:
writeCodeGenModule :: FilePath -> CodeGenModule a -> IO ()
I also recommend you to acquaint yourself with core classes of LLVM, since they also show through in the Haskell API.
CodeGenFunction maintains LLVM assembly code for one function.
CodeGenModule maintains several such functions.
In the Haskell llvm bindings package there is an example directory with working code.
