Can't find a valid editor for this file extension - dreamweaver

I've changed Extensions.txt in
Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5\Configuration
And I've changed MMDocumentTypes.xml in
Program Files (x86)\Adobe\Adobe Dreamweaver CS5.5\Configuration\Document Types
But I'm still getting "Can't find a valid editor for this file extension".

in dreamwaver just go to
Edit > Preferences > File Types/Editors
you will find .js .asa .css .inc .txt .as .asc .asr .htaccess .htpasswd
add your extension at the end to be like this
.js .asa .css .inc .txt .as .asc .asr .htaccess .htpasswd .lng
my additional extension here was .lng file.
it really saved me a lot of time.thanks

in dreamwaver just go to Edit > Preferences > File Types/Editors
you will find .js .asa .css .inc .txt .as .asc .asr .htaccess
.htpasswd add your extension at the end to be like this
This worked like a charm. Wish I would have found this two hours ago.

Dreamweaver's configuration work with the user folder taking precedence. Typically, at least one of the files that you mention have copies in the user's configuration folder. So if they are present they will be used not the ones in the application configuration folder.
The Adobe technote that describes how to add a file extensions ( ) lists the user configuration folder under the edits to the Extensions.txt file. Also, while that technote states to edit the MMDocumentTypes.xml file in the application folder, make sure you don't have a copy in your user folder. There are some circumstances where there will be a copy in the user folder and if so, you have to make changes to the user configuration folder copy, not the application configuration folder version.


How to set RubyMine's default working directory to the executing .rb program's subdirectory?

In RubyMine, I have a project with many subfolders, each of which contains:
One or more standalone single-file executable Ruby programs (.rb files);
An input text file.
In older versions of RubyMine, when running one of the standalone executable programs (via Cmd+Shift+R on my Mac), the default folder in which RubyMine would look for the input file would be the same directory as the .rb file currently being executed -- which worked great.
The code used to read the file is something like:
data = File.readlines('input.txt')
However, after recently updating RubyMine to v2022.3.1, the behavior has changed, such that RubyMines now seems to be looking in the project's root directory for the file, instead of the same subdirectory as the .rb file currently being run. This produces the error:
in `readlines': No such file or directory # rb_sysopen - input.txt (Errno::ENOENT)
To correct this, I've been going into Run (menu) > Edit Configurations; and in the Edit Configurations dialog, in the configuration that RubyMine auto-created for the current executable file, changing the Working Directory value from the default of the project's root directory, to the subfolder of the current .rb file.
However, this above workaround is annoying, since I need to do it once each for every individual one of the many individual .rb executable files in my project.
My question: How can I configure my project and/or RubyMine itself to go back to the older behavior of defaulting a given .rb file to use its own directory as the default Working Directory, instead of the project's root directory?
(This question and/or its solution might also apply to other JetBrains IDEs such as IntelliJ, since they all seem to work similarly.)
The previous behaviour has been changed with So now yes, the logic is the following:
in case of no Ruby module, project's root will be used
in case of Rails, its home folder
otherwise the module's root
There is no option to change it in RubyMine but you can configure the configuration template using some variable there as Working directory.

Silver Searcher: Excluding files in vimrc

Is there a way to exclude files from an ag search by adding an array of files to the vimrc file?
Like with FuzzyFinder, file extensions are ignored by adding this:
let g:fuf_file_exclude = '\v\~$|\.o$|\.exe$|\.bak$|\.swp$|\.class$'
I actually just want to exclude my style.css as most of the time I want to locate a term in the scss working file and not the minified output in style.css.
ag will read in most VCS ignore files by default (see the --skip-vcs-ignores option -- you have to turn it off specifically). This means it will read .gitignore file (or .hgignore, or svn:ignore) in your project and ignore anything in there. Works well for my needs.
If you are having problems with compiled CSS files (or source maps, or the like) you might also want to configure your build scripts or whatever you use (grunt, gulp) to keep the .scss files in a /src directory and the .css files in /public (for instance) - and then add "public/" to .gitignore.

Change output file when packaging a chrome extension

When I package my extension folder it outputs with the same name and in the same directory
In the terminal:
/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --pack-extension=./extension
My project folder:
How can I change the name of the .crx and .pem files and also their destination?
There is no built-in option in Chrome to change the name or destination. You can either add a command to your build process to move the generated files or use the CRX building scripts published here to directly build the files as you please. The one in Ruby already has the options you need. The bash one would require some modification.

Downloading snort rules

I have downloaded snort rules from the website but instead of getting a zipped folder, I get a single file which cannot be opened by windows. I also tried using 7zip to extract the file regardless its a single file but it just replicates itself.
anyone know how I can resolve this or a get snort rules zipped folder?
It's a gunzipped tar ball (tar.gz) (reference). You need to unzip it first, you can use 7-zip on windows just right click on it then > 7-zip > Open Archive. The archive will have a .tar file (community-rules.tar) just right click on this and hit Open. This should create a folder "community-rules" with a few files inside. The rules file is the one called "community.rules", all of the rules are in this file. If you open it with wordpad you should be able to see all of the rules.
If you're on linux/unix/mac you can just run the command:
tar xzvf community-rules.tar.gz

How to link a .lib in Visual Studio 2008 C++

I'm finding it really difficult to properly link a .lib file to my C++ Win32 Console Application. Here's my problem.
Just as in this MSDN article, I have developed a MathFuncsLib.lib file.
Then, in the MyExecRefsLib Win32 Console App, I want to link to the above file. So, inside MyExecRefsLib folder (same folder where .sln file resides) I created a directory called "LibraryFiles" and placed both MathFuncsLib.lib file AND MathFuncsLib.h file.
Then, in Properties->Linker->Input I added both "MathFuncsLib.lib" and "MathFuncsLib.h" (without full path) and then in Properties->Linker->Additional Library Directories I added the path to my folder "LibraryFiles" which is what pretty much EVERY thread on the web about this problem tells me to do.
But now it gives me the following error:
fatal error C1083: Cannot open the
include file. 'MathFuncsLib.h': No
such file or directory.
What am I doing wrong? Please help.
Note that my code is exactly the same as what's in the above given MSDN link.
To link with a .lib file, you just need to:
right clic on the project name, select Properties
under Properties->configuration properties->C/C++->General item "other include directories" add the path to your .h file
under Properties->Linker->Input add the path and name of your .lib file
And that's it.
