Error installing Alfresco Community 4.0.b - Unterminated Uqoted String - ubuntu-10.04

When trying to install Alfresco 4.0.b in text mode on Ubuntu 10.04, I get the error:
./alfresco-community-4.0.b-installer-linux-x64.bin: 1: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string
Is this related to the installer or Ubuntu? Some help to get it running?

Either corruption, or you are working on 32bit Operating System, use the command : uname -m to know this, if it gives something other than : x86_64 then you are not using a compatible version of UBUNTU, you have either to install a 64bit release of UBUNTU or choose the hard coded installation of Alfresco since the 4th version doesn't have a 32bit Alfresco installer.

Had the same issue but resolved it by making sure the .bin was executable by:
chmod 777 <filename>
You also need to run it as root and have './' before the filename:
$ ./alfresco-community-4.0.b-installer-linux-x64.bin
I used sh as I'm used to running shell/bash scripts. I think that's why it came up with the "unquoted string' error.
Could also have been that I used chmod +a instead of chmod 777.


Ubuntu WSL is listed in Clion toolchains but says "not found"

Unlike this question or this one, CLion seems to detect the WSL correctly:
You can see that Ubuntu-20.04 is listed but still not found :
Versions :
Windows 10 : 1803
WSL : 1 (since windows 1803 does not support WSL 2)
WSL Distrib : Ubuntu 20.04 from Windows store
CLion : 2021.2.3
Has anyone ever faced this issue?
The issue seem to be, that clion can't find the cmake, C compiler, or C++ compiler of the WSL. My guess is that you haven't installed those yet.
You can install gcc with:
sudo apt install build-essential
This article explains how to build cmake:
Go to — That shows all the list of the versions of cmake, I use cmake-3.15.0-rc1.tar.gz.
Open your terminal or bash and download it.
After downloading, then untar.
tar -xvzf cmake-3.15.0-rc1.tar.gz
cd cmake-3.15.0-rc1/
sudo make
sudo make install
cd /bin/
sudo cp cmake /usr/bin/
Now don’t forget we are currently in cmake-3.15.0-rc1/ just go back by entering cd ... that takes you up one directory back.
Now copy the directory to /usr/bin/share
sudo cp -r cmake-3.15.0-rc1/ /usr/share/cmake-3.15
export CMAKE_ROOT=/usr/share/cmake-3.15
After you have done that, clion should be able to detect everything correctly.
I asked the CLion support and this if the answer (which fixed my problem)
Actually, the best way to solve this is to update Windows. If it's not possible, then in CLion go to Help | Find Action, type "Registry...", select it and in the opened list find and and disable the wsl.execute.with.wsl.exe option. It should help.

command not found in zsh when it is there

I just installed the android SDK and was trying to run the emulator when this happened:
:: ~ » echo $PATH
:: ~ » whereis emulator
emulator: /home/neeraj/code/android/android-sdk-linux/tools/emulator
:: ~ » emulator
zsh: command not found: emulator
emulator seems to be in one of the $PATH directories, but zsh still says that it wasn't found. What could be the cause?
Try running rehash command, it helps in cases when some new software is installed. You can also try to run another shell instance (by executing zsh or logging out and in), this should also help.
Please also check file permissions to make sure you can read and execute that file.
Solved it. The problem was that emulator was a 32-bit ELF binary, and I didn't have the 32-bit runtime libraries installed. I installed the packages libc6:i386, zlib1g:i386, libstdc++6:i386 and lib32z1 as suggested in this answer, and that worked.

Open MPI Files Can´t Be Found For (RegCM) Installation

I tried to install a climate modelling programm (RegCM) for which I used Ubuntu on VMware Workstation, GNU fortran compiler and Open MPI.
Like suggested [] I installed the GNU fortran compiler, Open MPI, unpacked RegCM Version 4.4.5 and configured RegCM (./configure CC=gcc FC=gfortran).
In 'sudo make' the Error
'Error: Can't open included file 'mpif.h''
appears. In 'RegCM-' which was searched is no file with that name but one can be found in 'openmpi-1.10.2/ompi/include'. Just to give it a try copied 'mpif.h' in the searched directory.
It worked but now a new Error appeared:
'Can't open included file 'mpif-config.h''
which again can be found in 'openmpi-1.10.2/ompi/include'. Again copied the same Error arised with another file.
I also tried a older Version of RegCM (4.3) with the same effect.
Any suggestions on this?
? Which version of Ubuntu are you using ? Like "Ubuntu 16.04 - amd64".
mpif.h, mpif-config.h : sudo apt-get install libopenmpi-dev
Note : RegCM- is buggy. No luck with '' here, any contemporary OS. RegCM-4.5.0 → RegCM-4.5.0.tar.gz builds with no errors : Tested with Ubuntu 16.04 - 64bits and PCLinuxOS2016 -32bits.

Squeak 5.0 on 64-bit Linux ignores -headless and -nodisplay

I am trying to run the new Squeak 5.0 on 64-bit Linux with no display driver.
On an older server I always used -nodisplay or -headless and they worked, however now they are ignored and I get this error message:
squeak: could not find any display driver
Further details:
squeak was installed via apt-get
command line: sudo squeak Squeak5.0-15113.image -headless -nodisplay
The Linux is a Ubuntu, newly installed by 1&1.
For those who have this problem in the future:
The parameters were ignored because they were not passed from the squeak shellscript to the squeak executable.
You can find the executable in:
Sidenote: Another trap is if ./squeak throws the error file not found then the permissions are not set (maybe you extracted the file on windows like me and uploaded it to a linux server, the permissions were lost on windows) - then you can sudo chmod +x squeak.

Plone Unified Installer missing Python

I'm trying to install plone 4.3.4 on a SLES 11 SP3 64bit server via the Unified Installer. I've fullfilled all the dependencies listed in the readme.txt, but when I try to get the installer running with the command sudo ./ --password=******* standalone I get the error message: which: no python2.7 in (/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin) Unable to find python2.7 on system exec path.
I find that rather strange as in the description of the unified installer it is said "The new Zope/Plone install will use its own copy of Python, and the Python installed by the Unified Installer will not replace your system's copy of Python. You may optionally use your system (or some other) Python, and the Unified Installer will use it without modifying it or your site libraries." on the Plone-Website.
So - what am I doing wrong???
I've just tried adding the parameter --build-python but had to find out that the libxml2-devel and libxslt-devel libraries that are available for SLES-11-SP-3 are sadly not up-to-date enough 2.7.6 instead of 2.7.8 and 1.1.24 instead of 1.1.26 respectively. So no joy there either. :-(
Is there any way to install the current version of plone on SLES 11 SP3 64bit?
The installer command:
./ standalone --build-python --static-lxml=yes
worked perfectly for me. The installer downloaded and built the Python and libxml2/libxslt components necessary to remedy the terribly out-of-date (and vulnerable) versions included with sles11sp3.
System packages needed for the build were:
All installed via zypper.
I'd advise not using sudo for the install. If you want to, you'll need to create the plone_daemon and plone_buildout users and the plone_group group in advance due to oddities in SUSE's adduser implementation.
