String transformation - string

I came across the following article which got me interested in this particular problem.
Given two words "CAT", "FAR" determine if you can get from the first
to the second via single transformations of valid words....e.g. 1
transformation gets you from CAT to CAR changing T to R, then another
gets you from CAR to FAR changing the C to F...all are valid english
Any ideas? Not really sure how to begin to be honest. If you point me in the right direction, then that will be enough. Thanks!

As noted in this answer (thanks, aix), this is a shortest-path problem, and can be efficiently solved with the A* algorithm using the Hamming distance (i.e. the number of letters by which two words differ) as a heuristic.

There are 3 points to consider :
1 How many characters are different between the two given words ? Its just not the char, but its position in the word also matters. So compare on position.
2 Determine for each transformation , if the resulting word is a valid english word. Some reference of correct words will be needed here.
3 Work out the sequence of transforms that each intermediate word is valid.
This is going to be a try-err approach I guess. Any backtracking algorithm will be a good choice.


How to define a distance between two strings based on how similar the characters look?

I have a text extracted using an OCR and need to look for the sub-string most similar to a query string in it. I used the approach described here. and here.
For two characters a and b, when using the distance defined as d(a,b) = int(a!=b) we have Levenshtein's distance. But in my case, some errors are more frequent than others because they come from the OCR. For example, i is more likely to be read as 1 than as c.
Is there any kind of measure that I could use to define a distance between two characters based on how similar they look (optically) ?

clustering strings - what algorithm is suitable?

I have some strings and characters will not be repeated in a single string.
for example: "AABC" is not possible.
I want to cluster them into sets by their common sub-strings.
for example: "ABC, CDF, GHP" will be cluster into two sets
several strings with one or more common sub-strings will be in one set.
a string which has no common sub-string with any other strings will be a set itself.
so keep the number of sets smallest.
for example:
1. "ABC, AHD,AKJ,LAN,WER" will be two sets {ABC, AHD,AKJ,LAN},{WER}.
2. "ABC,BDF, HLK, YHT,PX" will be 3 sets {ABC,BDF}.{HLK, YHT},{PX}.
Finding a string which has nothing common with others is easy I think;
for(i=0; i< strings.num; i++)
{ str1 = strings[i];
bool m_com=false;
for(j=0;j < strings.num; j++ )
str1 has no common substring with any string,
now I am thinking about others, how to classify them, is there any algorithm suitable for this?
strings (characters are not be repeated)
sets (keep number of sets as small as possible)
I know this involves with finding common sub-string problem and clustering.
but I am not familiar with clustering techniques, so I am hoping some one
could recommend me such algorithm.
while I am looking for good ways to do this, I also appreciate suggestions from others.
Tip: actually these strings are simple paths between two points in a graph. I want to find the edge whose removal cuts all these paths. the number of such edges should be minimum. so, for AB,BC,CD, it means a single path ABCD exist.
and I write down a algorithm to find common substrings in my case(my case much simpler). I think I might use this algorithm during the clustering to measure similarities.
I might have two paths, {ABC, ADC}, both removing A or removing B could split the paths.
or I could have {ABC, ADC,HG}, so removing {A,H}, or {CH}, or {CG},or {AG} all works.
I thought I could solve this by finding common subs-strings, then I decide where to remove edges.
One thing should be pointed out first:
For any two strings, "having common substring" is really equivalent to "having common letter". Thus we can replace the condition by "having common letter".
Consider the graph G whose vertices are the strings, and two strings are connected by an edge if and only if they have a common letter. Then you are really asking for separate the graph G into connected components. This can be done easily, using standard graph operation algorithms, c.f. the wiki page here.
What remains is the task of establishing the graph. This is also easy: first, create 26 boxes, labelled A to Z, and read each string once. If the string contains letter A, then put it (or its index) into box A, etc. Finally, those strings inside one box have edges connecting to each other.
There can be further optimizations, but I guess it will depend on the nature of your input data.
You have to use Heap's algorithm for your job to create permutations's_algorithm
As opposed to WhatsUp, I assume you want any two strings in a subset to have a common substring. This means that for AB, BC, CD, {AB, BC, CD} is not a valid solution, because AB and CD do not have a common substring.
As Whatsup already pointed out, you can represent your strings as a graph, where vertices are the strings and and edge goes from one to the other if they have a common character.
If we are not accepting chains (as described at the beginning), the problem becomes finding a minimum clique cover, which is unfortunately NP-complete.

Algorithm (or pointer to literature) sought for string processing challenge

A group of amusing students write essays exclusively by plagiarising portions of the complete works of WIlliam Shakespere. At one end of the scale, an essay might exclusively consist a verbatim copy of a soliloquy... at the other, one might see work so novel that - while using a common alphabet - no two adjacent characters in the essay were used adjacently by Will.
Essays need to be graded. A score of 1 is assigned to any essay which can be found (character-by-character identical) in the plain-text of the complete works. A score of 2 is assigned to any work that can be successfully constructed from no fewer than two distinct (character-by-character identical) passages in the complete works, and so on... up to the limit - for an essay with N characters - which scores N if, and only if, no two adjacent characters in the essay were also placed adjacently in the complete works.
The challenge is to implement a program which can efficiently (and accurately) score essays. While any (practicable) data-structure to represent the complete works is acceptable - the essays are presented as ASCII strings.
Having considered this teasing question for a while, I came to the conclusion that it is much harder than it sounds. The naive solution, for an essay of length N, involves 2**(N-1) traversals of the complete works - which is far too inefficient to be practical.
While, obviously, I'm interested in suggested solutions - I'd also appreciate pointers to any literature that deals with this, or any similar, problem.
Perhaps some examples (ranging over much shorter strings) will help clarify the 'score' for 'essays'?
Assume Shakespere's complete works are abridged to:
"The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
Essays scoring 1 include "own fox jump" and "The quick brow". The essay "jogging" scores 6 (despite being short) because it can't be represented in fewer than 6 segments of the complete works... It can be segmented into six strings that are all substrings of the complete works as follows: "[j][og][g][i][n][g]". N.B. Establishing scores for this short example is trivial compared to the original problem - because, in this example "complete works" - there is very little repetition.
Hopefully, this example segmentation helps clarify the 2*(N-1) substring searches in the complete works. If we consider the segmentation, the (N-1) gaps between the N characters in the essay may either be a gap between segments, or not... resulting in ~ 2*(N-1) substring searches of the complete works to test each segmentation hypothesis.
An (N)DFA would be a wonderful solution - if it were practical. I can see how to construct something that solved 'substring matching' in this way - but not scoring. The state space for scoring, on the surface, at least, seems wildly too large (for any substantial complete works of Shakespere.) I'd welcome any explanation that undermines my assumptions that the (N)DFA would be too large to be practical to compute/store.
A general approach for plagiarism detection is to append the student's text to the source text separated by a character not occurring in either and then to build either a suffix tree or suffix array. This will allow you to find in linear time large substrings of the student's text which also appear in the source text.
I find it difficult to be more specific because I do not understand your explanation of the score - the method above would be good for finding the longest stretch in the students work which is an exact quote, but I don't understand your N - is it the number of distinct sections of source text needed to construct the student's text?
If so, there may be a dynamic programming approach. At step k, we work out the least number of distinct sections of source text needed to construct first k characters of the student's text. Using a suffix array built just from the source text or otherwise, we find the longest match between the source text and characters x..k of the student's text, where x is of course as small as possible. Then the least number of sections of source text needed to construct the first k characters of student text is the least needed to construct 1..x-1 (which we have already worked out) plus 1. By running this process for k=1..the length of the student text we find the least number of sections of source text needed to reconstruct the whole of it.
(Or you could just search StackOverflow for the student's text, on the grounds that students never do anything these days except post their question on StackOverflow :-)).
I claim that repeatedly moving along the target string from left to right, using a suffix array or tree to find the longest match at any time, will find the smallest number of different strings from the source text that produces the target string. I originally found this by looking for a dynamic programming recursion but, as pointed out by Evgeny Kluev, this is actually a greedy algorithm, so let's try and prove this with a typical greedy algorithm proof.
Suppose not. Then there is a solution better than the one you get by going for the longest match every time you run off the end of the current match. Compare the two proposed solutions from left to right and look for the first time when the non-greedy solution differs from the greedy solution. If there are multiple non-greedy solutions that do better than the greedy solution I am going to demand that we consider the one that differs from the greedy solution at the last possible instant.
If the non-greedy solution is going to do better than the greedy solution, and there isn't a non-greedy solution that does better and differs later, then the non-greedy solution must find that, in return for breaking off its first match earlier than the greedy solution, it can carry on its next match for longer than the greedy solution. If it can't, it might somehow do better than the greedy solution, but not in this section, which means there is a better non-greedy solution which sticks with the greedy solution until the end of our non-greedy solution's second matching section, which is against our requirement that we want the non-greedy better solution that sticks with the greedy one as long as possible. So we have to assume that, in return for breaking off the first match early, the non-greedy solution gets to carry on its second match longer. But this doesn't work, because, when the greedy solution finally has to finish using its first match, it can jump on to the same section of matching text that the non-greedy solution is using, just entering that section later than the non-greedy solution did, but carrying on for at least as long as the non-greedy solution. So there is no non-greedy solution that does better than the greedy solution and the greedy solution is optimal.
Have you considered using N-Grams to solve this problem?
First read the complete works of Shakespeare and build a trie. Then process the string left to right. We can greedily take the longest substring that matches one in the data because we want the minimum number of strings, so there is no factor of 2^N. The second part is dirt cheap O(N).
The depth of the trie is limited by the available space. With a gigabyte of ram you could reasonably expect to exhaustively cover Shakespearean English string of length at least 5 or 6. I would require that the leaf nodes are unique (which also gives a rule for constructing the trie) and keep a pointer to their place in the actual works, so you have access to the continuation.
This feels like a problem of partial matching a very large regular expression.
If so it can be solved by a very large non deterministic finite state automata or maybe more broadly put as a graph representing for every character in the works of Shakespeare, all the possible next characters.
If necessary for efficiency reasons the NDFA is guaranteed to be convertible to a DFA. But then this construction can give rise to 2^n states, maybe this is what you were alluding to?
This aspect of the complexity does not really worry me. The NDFA will have M + C states; one state for each character and C states where C = 26*2 + #punctuation to connect to each of the M states to allow the algorithm to (re)start when there are 0 matched characters. The question is would the corresponding DFA have O(2^M) states and if so is it necessary to make that DFA, theoretically it's not necessary. However, consider that in the construction, each state will have one and only one transition to exactly one other state (the next state corresponding to the next character in that work). We would expect that each one of the start states will be connected to on average M/C states, but in the worst case M meaning the NDFA will have to track at most M simultaneous states. That's a large number but not an impossibly large number for computers these days.
The score would be derived by initializing to 1 and then it would incremented every time a non-accepting state is reached.
It's true that one of the approaches to string searching is building a DFA. In fact, for the majority of the string search algorithms, it looks like a small modification on failure to match (increment counter) and success (keep going) can serve as a general strategy.

mapping strings

I want to map some strings(word) with number. the similar the string, the nearer their value(mapped number) . also, while checking the positional combination of the letters should impact the mapping.the mapping function should be function of letters, positions (combination given position of letter thepriority such as pit and tip should be different), number of letters.
Well, I would give some examples : starter, stater , stapler, startler, tstarter are some words. These words are of format "(*optinal)sta(*opt)*er" where * denotes some sort of variable in our case it is either 't' or 'l' (i.e. in case of starter and staler). these all should be mapped INDIVIDUALLY, without context to other such that their value are not of much difference. and later on which creating groups I can put appropriate range of numbers for differentiating groups.
So while mapping the string their values should be similar. there are many words, so comparing each other would be complex. so mapping with some numeric value for each word independently and putting the similar string (as they have similar value) in a group and then later find these pattern by other means.
So, for now I need to look up for some existing methods of mapping such that similar strings (I guess I have clarify the term 'similar' for my context) have similar value and these value should be different to the dissimilar ones. please, again I emphasize that the number of string would be huge and comparing each with other is practically impossible(or computationally expensive and much slow).SO WHAT I THINK IS TO DEVISE AN ALGORITHM(taking help from existing ones) FOR MAPPING WORD(STRING) ON ITS OWN
Have I made you clear? Please give me some idea to start with. some terms to search and research.
I think I need some type of "bad" hash function to hash strings and then put them in bucket according to that hash value. at least some idea or algorithm names.
Seems like it would best to use a known algorithm like Levenshtein Distance
This search on StackOverflow
reveals this question about finding-groups-of-similar-strings-in-a-large-set-of-strings, which links to this article describing a SimHash which sounds exactly like what you want.

Is there a formal definition of character difference across a string and if so how is it calculated?

I'm looking to analyse the difference between two characters as part of a password strength checking process.
I'll explain what I'm trying to achieve and why and would like to know if what I'm looking to do is formally defined and whether there are any recommended algorithms for achieving this.
What I'm looking to do
Across a whole string, I'm looking to compare the current character with the previous character and determine how different they are.
As this relates to password strength checking, the difference between one character and it's predecessor in a string might be defined as being how predictable character N is from knowing character N - 1. There might be a formal definition for this of which I'm not aware.
A password of abc123 could be arguably less secure than azu590. Both contain three letters followed by three numbers, however in the case of the former the sequence is more predictable.
I'm assuming that a password guesser might try some obvious sequences such that abc123 would be tried much before azu590.
Considering the decimal ASCII values for the characters in these strings, and given that b is 1 different from a and c is 1 different again from b, we could derive a simplistic difference calculation.
Ignoring cases where two consecutive characters are not in the same character class, we could say that abc123 has an overall character to character difference of 4 whereas azu590 has a similar difference of 25 + 5 + 4 + 9 = 43.
Does this exist?
This notion of character to character difference across a string might be defined, similar to the Levenshtein distance between two strings. I don't know if this concept is defined or what it might be called. Is it defined and if so what is it called?
My example approach to calculating the character to character difference across a string is a simple and obvious approach. It may be flawed, it may be ineffective. Are there any known algorithms for calculating this character to character difference effectively?
It sounds like you want a Markov Chain model for passwords. A Markov Chain has a number of states and a probability of transitioning between the states. In your case the states are the characters in the allowed character set and the probability of a transition is proportional to the frequency that those two letters appear consecutively. You can construct the Markov Chain by looking at the frequency of the transitions in an existing text, for example a freely available word list or password database.
It is also possible to use variations on this technique (Markov chain of order m) where you for example consider the previous two characters instead of just one.
Once you have created the model you can use the probability of generating the password from the model as a measure of its strength. This is the product of the probabilities of each state transition.
For general signals/time-series data, this is known as Autocorrelation.
You could try adapting the Durbin–Watson statistic and test for positive auto-correlation between the characters. A naïve way may be to use the unicode code-points of each character, but I'm sure that will not be good enough.
