ABNewPersonViewController internationalization - ios4

I am using ABNewPersonViewController to add new contact in my app, but the it's always in English. How can I change the locale settings so it's possible to display in the language set by the user in the iPhone settings.app? Thanks.


The search option does not show on a mobile device using Housez theme

I decided to use the Housez theme as it advertises as super easy and flexible to use. I am not a web designer but have managed to get my site up and running. www.islandestates.net The problem I have is that there is no search option for the properties on a mobile device? The desktop version works well but how do I get a search box onto the mobile version?
The support from Housez is non existent, I have submitted a request to favetheme but they never reply.
Any help would be aprreciated.

Kentico multi language with multi domains

My build is English and French. I have a domain key for each in the system. I have my two cultures set as well, and I can not get this work correctly. my language toggle is based on the Kentico V8 Toggle, which currently gives the domain I Expect.
I'm making my changes in Chrome, and checking in IE, so I can see it not logged in.
Here's my setup:
My domain alias is set to the French URL and the french culture. Default path and Redirect URL are blank.
In Settings -> Content: Default culture is English. Combine check boxes are blank.
In Settings -> URLS - SEO - Cultures, all check boxes are empty
I've also noticed the culture class on the BODY tag doesn't change to FRCA.
I'm hoping this is something simple, but from the documentation, i can't see what I've missed. Also, is the license key different for a alias domain?
I've had similar problems with language switching in the past too. If your language switcher is custom code, try adding a lang querystring with value set to the target culture code (e.g. domain.fr/?lang=fr-FR). This has worked for me before.
This seems to be working. Not sure if there was a iis cache issue. I'm going to reboot my local dev, and try across multiple browsers.

Liferay 6.1 : Mobile theme

I have created theme for 6.1.20.
Now I want to create theme for Mobile device. I have never created mobile theme before.
I have created one sample-Wap-theme.
I can see my sample-wap-theme under ContolePanel > Site Pages > Mobile Devices.
I have selected that theme.
but when I switch to different mobile device user agent , I can not see theme changes !!!
Do I need to do any settings for Mobile Device Rule Groups ?
I have read some where about WURFL plugin. Do I need to install it ?
any help ?
As of Liferay 6.1, you must install the WURFL plugin in order to allow the mobile device rules to work.
This guide is very detailed

What is the URL option to display a Mobile XPage App with iPhone theme?

When I load an xpages mobile application into desktop safari it displays the app with the default theming for an Android device. What do you need to do to get it to use the default iPhone theming?
I thought you needed add something like &iPhone=1 to the end of the url, but that's not working.
Thank you.
To quote the Mobile Controls tutorial:
A browser platform query string parameter is available for developers
to force the browser to takes precedence over one another. Just add
'?platform=iphone' or '?platform=android' to the URL and this will
force the correct theme for XPages mobile pages that match against the
xsp.theme.mobile.pagePrefix property.
Another option is to enable the Develop menu (Edit - Preferences, then on Advanced tab tick Show Develop menu in menu bar. Then from the Develop menu you can change the user agent or set your own.
You could use the sample application for the Extension Library from openntf.org. Go to the "Mobile" tab where you can "extract" the urls to show as iPhone, Android and BlackBerry.
With just a few changes you can add a url as a parameter to this application to show your own mobile app in the same context ;-) I use that for demo purposes.

Default Language setting in front end not working in Joomla 1.5

In my site there are 3 Languages (Arabic, English, Netherlands). I am using Joomfish to manage translation. My client asked me that he want Arabic as his default language. That is www.mysite.com should be load in Arabic. I already made Arabic as the default language from Joomla admin panel. But the site is still loading in English. What to do.?
Tip found myself : Actually the Arabic site will be loaded by opening www.mysite.com/ar. So i tried to do a htaccess redirection. Unfortunately that too didn't worked.
Kindly share your ideas to get ride of this situation.
Thanks & Regards.
I had the same problem yesterday for a spanish/english website where Spanish was to be the default. It was driving me crazy!!!! Anyway, the solution is to go to Plugin Manager and select the Jfrouter system plugin.
On the right hand side change the "Language selection for new visitors?" setting to "site default language" instead of "browser settings". It turns out that the Joomfish plugin was using the language of my browser instead of the site default.
