TCP connection, bash only - linux

I found this line in a script. While I globally understand what it does--opening a bidirectional TCP connection--, I need some explanations on the syntax. Here's the line:
exec 5<>"/dev/tcp/${SERVER}/${PORT}"
And my questions:
< and > are usually used to redirect IOs. What does it mean there? Is it usable in another context? How?
Why does it work, while /dev/tcp doesn't exists?
Why 5? Can it be another number? What are the values allowed?
Why is exec necessary? (given nothing is actually executed)

< and > are usually used to redirect IOs. What does it mean there? Is it usable in another context? How?
It's the same - input and output is redirected to fd 5.
Why does it work, while /dev/tcp doesn't exists?
It's a special file: If host is a valid hostname or Internet address, and port is an integer port number or service name, bash attempts to open a TCP connection to the corresponding socket.
Why 5? Can it be another number? What are the values allowed?
Yes, it can be any value, but you need to ensure you don't use an fd already in use.
Why is exec necessary? (given nothing is actually executed)
exec means the redirection happens in the current shell, not within a subshell.

I can only answer for the exec part:
exec without a command given may be used to change I/O redirections. <> in this case means open for read+write. 5 is the channel number (or file descriptor). This makes sense if other commands send their output / read their input from channel 5.
For "/dev/tcp/${SERVER}/${PORT}" I don't know if it's a feature of a specific Linux version or if it's a bash feature (I assume the latter).
-- EDIT: from the bash manual page: --
Bash handles several filenames specially when they are used
in redirections, as described in the following table:
If fd is a valid integer, file descriptor fd is
File descriptor 0 is duplicated.
File descriptor 1 is duplicated.
File descriptor 2 is duplicated.
If host is a valid hostname or Internet address,
and port is an integer port number or service
name, bash attempts to open a TCP connection to
the corresponding socket.
If host is a valid hostname or Internet address,
and port is an integer port number or service
name, bash attempts to open a UDP connection to
the corresponding socket.


NodeJS spawn does not escape bad strings

I want to download a url in a remote host using ssh, i was using exec(), it was working:
const cmd = `mkdir -p /home/username/test; wget --no-check-certificate -q -U \"\" -c \"${url}\" -O /home/username/test/img.jpg`;
const out = execSync(`ssh -o ConnectTimeout=8 -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -p 2356 username#${ip} '${cmd}'`);
But it's usafe to use the url variable this way, the value of this variable is from user input, so i found some posts on stackoverflow saying that i need to use spawn:
const url = '';
const out = spawnSync('ssh', [
'-o', 'ConnectTimeout=8',
'-o', 'StrictHostKeyChecking=no',
'-p', '2356',
`mkdir -p /home/username/test; wget --no-check-certificate -q -U "" -c "${url}" -O /home/username/test/img.jpg`,
What about if const url = '"; echo 5; "';, the echo will be executed, could someone tell me how to execute this code in a safe way?
There are two aspect. First, you are correct that execSync is unsafe. To quote from the documentation:
Never pass unsanitized user input to this function. Any input containing shell metacharacters may be used to trigger arbitrary command execution.
A solution is to use execSpawn, as you pointed out, for example, like in this related answer.
However, in your example, you are calling ssh and passing it a text, which will be executed by the shell on the remote system. Because of that, you are still vulnerable to the attack, as you showed in the example. But note that it is no longer a NodeJs related exploit, but an exploit on ssh and the shell.
To mitigate the attack, I would recommend to concentrate on the remote server. Instead of sending it a command over ssh, which it should trust and execute in the shell, you could provide a clear defined API from the server. In the HTTP interface, you can accept input and do a proper validation (instead of simplify trusting it). The advantage is that you do not need to deal with the subtleties of the shell.
If you are forced to work with ssh, you could validate the URL and only if it is safe, forward it to the server. It is still not ideal from a security perspective. First, the remote server will need to trust you completely (often it is better to avoid that and instead validate as locally as possible). Second, the validation itself is not straightforward. You will need to decide if a string looks like an URL (e.g. by using new URL(url)), but the more difficult aspect is to make sure that no exploits slip through. I don't have a concrete example, but I would be cautious to assume all strings that pass the URL parser will be safe to execute in a shell environment.
In summary, if possible try to avoid ssh with passing shell command in that situation (input data controlled by an attacker). Instead prefer a normal API like a HTTP interface (or other text or binary protocols). If it is not possible, try hard to sanitize the data before sending it out. Maybe you know in advance how a URL will look like (e.g. the list of allowed hostnames, allowed paths, etc). But realize that there might be hidden examples that you will overlook, and never underestimate the creativity of an attacker.

AWS changes the port number to name

AWS automatically changes the well known port numbers to name.
For example 554 to rtsp.
When I am installing iptable rules, with the port number as 554, its getting changed to rtsp. This is creating problem when searching because my program passes 554 as parameter.
How to make sure that the AWS doesn't change the number to name ?
In the picture we can see the dpt:rtsp, which actually should be dpt:554.
Perhaps you're looking for iptables --list -n? The -n prints "numeric output of addresses and ports."

How can you hide passwords in command line arguments for a process in linux

There is quite a common issue in unix world, that is when you start a process with parameters, one of them being sensitive, other users can read it just by executing ps -ef. (For example mysql -u root -p secret_pw
Most frequent recommendation I found was simply not to do that, never run processes with sensitive parameters, instead pass these information other way.
However, I found that some processes have the ability to change the parameter line after they processed the parameters, looking for example like this in processes:
xfreerdp -decorations /w:1903 /h:1119 /kbd:0x00000409 /d:HCG /u:petr.bena /parent-window:54526138 /bpp:24 /audio-mode: /drive:media /media /network:lan /rfx /cert-ignore /clipboard /port:3389 / /p:********
Note /p:*********** parameter where password was removed somehow.
How can I do that? Is it possible for a process in linux to alter the argument list they received? I assume that simply overwriting the char **args I get in main() function wouldn't do the trick. I suppose that maybe changing some files in /proc pseudofs might work?
"hiding" like this does not work. At the end of the day there is a time window where your password is perfectly visible so this is a total non-starter, even if it is not completely useless.
The way to go is to pass the password in an environment variable.

What does the function ttyn(3) return?

The man page is here:
This example:
if (ttyn(0) = 'x'){
The man page says "x is returned if the indicated file does not correspond to a
The indicated file would be argument 0, so the standardinput, right?
And what is a typewriter? My keyboard?
What are you checking with this line?
if (ttyn(0) = 'x')
At that point in time, a typewriter (or teletype, or tty) was an RS-232 terminal connected to the computer via a serial port. The device entries in /dev corresponding to these ports were named /dev/tty0, /dev/tty1, /dev/ttya, etc. Each of those files was a character special file, as opposed to an ordinary file.
When a terminal was detected by the system, typically by being turned on or connected through a modem, the init process opened the device on file descriptors 0, 1, and 2 in a new process, and those file descriptors persisted through the login process, a user's shell, and any processes forked from the shell.
As you said in your question, file descriptor 0 is also called standard input.
The ttyn function calls fstat on its argument, which returns some info about the file such as its inode number, permissions, etc. ttyn then reads through /dev, looking at each file that starts with "tty", to see which one has the same inode number as ttyn's argument. When it finds a match, it returns the 4th character of the filename, which would be '0', '1', 'a', etc. If no matches are found, it returns 'x'.
There were generally a console and a few 8-port serial interfaces on a PDP-11. so there was no ttyx. And you could name devices in /dev anything you wanted. So it was easy to avoid /dev/ttyx being an actual device.
Commands like goto could use ttyn(0) != 'x' to determine whether the user was actually typing the command on a terminal.
Here is the default config file, /etc/ttys, used by init in V6. The console was tty8.
In V7 Unix, the functionality of ttyn was replaced by ttyname, which could accommodate longer device names, and isatty, which returned true if the fle descriptor was a terminal device. The goto command was not present in V7.
I've never seen this library call before; I'm used to the more familiar ttyname. The webpage doesn't give a return value, but based on what the text says, it would give the last char value in the string returned by ttynam(3). So if stdin (fd0) was connected to "/dev/tty2", then the return value would be the char 2. And in C, you would be able to check it with:
if (ttyn(0) == '2') { ... }
Granted the documentation is not clear. And it is using bad terminology; instead of "typewriter", it should be using "teletype" or "terminal", which are the accepted terms. Remember that stdin can be different from stdout; it is perfectly possible to do run cat </dev/tty1 > /dev/tty2, assuming you have the permissions for it.

Passing key material to openssl commands

Is it safe to pass a key to the openssl command via the command line parameters in Linux? I know it nulls out the actual parameter, so it can't be viewed via /proc, but, even with that, is there some way to exploit that?
I have a python app that I want to use OpenSSL to do the encryption/description through stdin/stdout streaming in a subprocess, but I want to know my keys are safe.
Passing the credentials on the command line is not safe. It will result in your password being visible in the system's process listing - even if openssl erases it from the process listing as soon as it can, it'll be there for an instant.
openssl gives you a few ways to pass credentials in - the man page has a section called "PASS PHRASE ARGUMENTS", which documents all the ways you can pass credentials into openssl. I'll explain the relevant ones:
Lets you pass the credentials in an environment variable. This is better than using the process listing, because on Linux your process's environment isn't readable by other users by default - but this isn't necessarily true on other platforms.
The downside is that other processes running as the same user, or as root, will be able to easily view the password via /proc.
It's pretty easy to use with python's subprocess:
new_env["MY_PASSWORD_VAR"] = "my key data"
p = subprocess.Popen(["openssl",..., "-passin", "env:MY_PASSWORD_VAR"], env=new_env)
This lets you tell openssl to read the credentials from a file descriptor, which it will assume is already open for reading. By using this you can write the key data directly from your process to openssl, with something like this:
r, w = os.pipe()
p = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", ..., "-passin", "fd:%i" % r], preexec_fn=lambda:os.close(w))
os.write(w, "my key data\n")
This will keep your password secure from other users on the same system, assuming that they are logged in with a different account.
With the code above, you may run into issues with the os.write call blocking. This can happen if openssl waits for something else to happen before reading the key in. This can be addressed with asynchronous i/o (e.g. a select loop) or an extra thread to do the write()&close().
One drawback of this is that it doesn't work if you pass closeFds=true to subprocess.Popen. Subprocess has no way to say "don't close one specific fd", so if you need to use closeFds=true, then I'd suggest using the file: syntax (below) with a named pipe.
Don't use this with an actual file to store passwords! That should be avoided for many reasons, e.g. your program may be killed before it can erase the file, and with most journalling file systems it's almost impossible to truly erase the data from a disk.
However, if used with a named pipe with restrictive permissions, this can be as good as using the fd option above. The code to do this will be similar to the previous snippet, except that you'll need to create a fifo instead of using os.pipe():
pathToFifo = my_function_that_securely_makes_a_fifo()
p = subprocess.Popen(["openssl", ..., "-passin", "file:%s" % pathToFifo])
fifo = open(pathToFifo, 'w')
print >> fifo, "my key data"
The print here can have the same blocking i/o problems as the os.write call above, the resolutions are also the same.
No, it is not safe. No matter what openssl does with its command line after it has started running, there is still a window of time during which the information is visible in the process' command line: after the process has been launched and before it has had a chance to null it out.
Plus, there are many ways for an accident to happen: for example, the command line gets logged by sudo before it is executed, or it ends up in a shell history file.
Openssl supports plenty of methods of passing sensitive information so that you don't have to put it in the clear on the command line. From the manpage:
the actual password is password. Since the password is visible to utilities (like 'ps' under Unix) this form should only be used where security is not important.
obtain the password from the environment variable var. Since the environment of other processes is visible on certain platforms (e.g. ps under certain Unix OSes) this option should be used with caution.
the first line of pathname is the password. If the same pathname argument is supplied to -passin and -passout arguments then the first line will be used for the input password and the next line for the output password. pathname need not refer to a regular file: it could for example refer to a device or named pipe.
read the password from the file descriptor number. This can be used to send the data via a pipe for example.
read the password from standard input.
All but the first two options are good.
