qtconfig fonts list on linux - linux

I've built qt 4.7.4 on ubuntu and my application fonts look terrible. I used qtconfig to try and make the font more pleasing to the eye, but most look really bad (not aliased, and the list of fonts appears incomplete; e.g the clearlooks font in gnome uses "sans", but this doesn't appear in the list of available fonts in qtconfig).
However, if I install qtconfig-qt4 using aptitude, the fonts rendered in that application look great and there are loads more fonts available. The settings however are not applied to my qt applications.
I have no idea where qtconfig is picking up the font settings it makes available nor where it is saving the settings. The qt docs don't seem to help as far as I can see.
If someone could help me with either setting up the qtconfig in my install (maybe I need to configure with some different options - I used -debug-and-release -fast -qt-libtiff -no-webkit ?) or getting my apps to pick up the qtconfig-qt4 settings I would be most grateful! I would prefer the former!

Had a similar issue where qtconfig doesn't seem to be picking up the system fonts. Found some settings in kubuntu under appearance - fonts where I changed "use anti-aliasing" to enabled (from system) and then when configured I enabled "use sub-pixel rendering".
I think this gets stored in a file ~/.fonts.conf.
Still haven't figured out how to get all the fonts to appear in qtconfig though.


How to change the font of Visual Studio Code's UI?

I'm trying to figure out how to change the font used in non-editor tabs in Visual Studio Code; right now this is what I'm getting (zoom the picture to better see what I'm referring to):
As you can see, a Serif font is used on these non-editor tabs (extension info, Git Graph tab, etc.), making it quite unpleasant and really hard to read.
This happened all of a sudden, I'm quite sure that it is not the default and a nicer and more readable Sans font was used before (like on the left panel), until this problem occurred. I've tried to find if it is possible to change this from inside VSC, but I'm only able to change the fonts used in the editor tabs.
I don't know why and how this behavior has started, and I'm not really sure if this issue is caused by VSC itself, by an extension, by the OS, or something else.
If it matters, I'm working on Linux, on a fully updated openSUSE Tumbleweed with KDE, and like I said this problem started to manifest itself only recently, it was not how it worked by default.
Any clue on how to solve this?
Visual Studio Code does not offer convenient solution out of the box to change the UI font family.
But a developer created the Customize UI plugin for VS Code.
⚠️ EDIT 02/01/2023: following the version 1.74, the Customize UI plugin no longer work, see here. There is currently no ways to change the font in VSCode.
Install the Customize UI plugin
Restart VS Code
Open VS Code Settings
Change Customize UI Font:Monospace to Fira Code
Change Customize UI Font:Regular to Helvetica Nueve or Arial depending on your OS
Alternativaly, you can edit those settings using the json settings editor as follow:
"customizeUI.font.regular": "Helvetica Nueve",
"customizeUI.font.monospace": "Fira Code",
GitHub issue here
vscode is an electron app so you can actually just open up the developer tools in the help menu, look up the location of workbench.desktop.main.css under the source tab, make a backup and edit the font-family rule for your OS.
There's a pretty gnarly-phrased notification that pops up about vscode being corrupted, however the linked-documentation is fairly clear it's just unsupported officially.
In most of the Linux distributions we get the option to change the fonts systemwide if you are okay with changing the system font.

Font smooth issue, fonts are not looking good in Debian QT [Embedded Qt]

I am using qt-x11-opensource-4.8.2 Debian Jessie on BBB Embedded device.
Steps I have tried to solve the Issue:
Configured the Qt font libraries and Transferred to the Board -> configured the font path properly.
Qt Creator Build & Run Changes has been done to run the Qt application on the Embedded device. Added the Environment variables [QTDIR, QT_QWS_FONTDIR & LD_LIBRARY_PATH] to the Build setup.
Downloaded all the QtGui Dependencies libraries for X11 in Embedded device.
X Rendering Extension; used for anti-aliasing, Run the application as cmd: ./Teledyne -xrender
Q_WS_X11 macro is defined in the code for support embedded Linux project, which will Export all X11 related functions.
Used the Qt Resource Embedded Fonts [Roboto & VeraBd] and Run the application
Used the Qt PreferAntialias and PreferFullHinting option to enable the smooth font.
Installed the basic font packages and configure them
cmd : apt-get install ttf-dejavu ttf-liberation
Using the XLFD -X logical font Description
cmd : xfontsel
Tried to change the font width point size and pixel size
Configure the XTT and Created a xtt font folder and loaded the font path to the Xservers session
cmd: xset +fp /usr/share/fonts/X11/xtt
Checked whether the lightdm may depends of the font configuration
created file : ~/.config/fontconfig/fonts.conf
Create a file called .fonts.conf in home directory -> added content for the antialiasing, which will Enable subpixel-hinting and font-smoothing
Created a Qt application with the few available fonts e.g.dejavu sans,Fixed[Sony],Bitstream Vera Sans,Courier,dejavu serif,Times
Tested the above fonts Qt application in the Device.
Any suggestions what might be causing this Issue ?
Please can any one help me on this, I am struck :(
Thanks in advance.
Are you compiling Qt with support for fontconfig?
We have been having similar problems related to bad rendering and
sometimes even non readable fonts, and after installing the dev
package of fontconfig and recompile Qt with support for fontconfig
everything works as expected.
At the end we've been getting again same problem of fonts being shown incorrectly ( basically bad rendering ) and was because RenderType uses which is defaulted to "Text.QtRendering" and we need to use "Text.NativeRendering" to have the proper rendering on platform used ( linux ).
http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/qml-qtquick-text.html#renderType-prop ->
Select Text.NativeRendering if you prefer text to look native on the
target platform and do not require advanced features such as
transformation of the text. Using such features in combination with
the NativeRendering render type will lend poor and sometimes pixelated
Hope it helps.

where is Fixed[Misc] font

In kate (or QtCreator), I've a font named "Fixed[Misc]". I'd like to retrieve the font file(s) but I didn't find them:
in my font directory, I've a "misc" directory, but I can't find exactely the font I've in kate...
could you give me some informations on how it works and how to get the glyphs I've in kate ?
Fixed[Misc] is the default monospace font of the legacy core fonts subsystem of x-windows
You do not want to dig into this, this subsystem is a mess of legacy fonts in weird pre-opentype multi-file formats and incomplete unicode coverage which are quasi unmaintained and have been on the killing block for about a decade (and wayland/mir will finish them up soon).
I'm not sure if kate is even supposed to show you those fonts if a modern font systems like fontconfig is activated (this may be distribution dependent) but if you're only seeing core fonts in your apps you have a deployment problem because QT and KDE do know how to do better when built/deployed properly.

Can't get Terminus to work with PHPStorm

The original Terminus just does not appear available in PHPStorm.
I tried installing Terminus.ttf but this one has different sizing and literally broke the look and feel of the whole system (e.g., code in browser is not readable). Besides this Termius in PHPSotrm is not as accurate as the original one.
Is there any way to make the original Terminus work under PHPStorm?
I'm using Debian testing.
JVM supports only TTF and OTF fonts (OTF since 1.7), so you need a version of Terminus in the compatible format. Original one will not work.
I've made a TTF version of Terminus many years ago, but it's far from perfect. Probably there is a better one now somewhere.
It may help if you change the font name with a font editor so that it doesn't conflict with the original one (like TerminusTTF). Use the TTF font in the IDE and the original font in the system.
Also check this issue, it has some details in the latest comments how font appearance can be improved in Java applications on Linux.

X11 with window decorations on ubuntu mini distro

Goal: To display an application in the middle of the screen on a solid colour background. This means nothing else showing no gnome-desktop nothing apart from the application and the solid colour background.
Currently I'm using X11 for the background xstart -solid Grey which is great however as a test application I'm running firefox which I see has no window decorations ie: max, min title or boarder neither for that matter does xterm. I was wondering if it is possible to show the decorations without installing gnome possibly by installing just the themes eg: gnome-themes which I have done but have been unable to make the connection, or weather just running X isn't going to work without more gnome modules. I'm new to delving into the inner workings of linux as I've never had to deal with it before. I did ask a question previously which led me to xstart and xsetroot and I've been playing around with them for a bit trying to familiarise myself.
I do recognise that it is possible that I have gone about this all wrong, but if we don't try we don't learn.
If anyone knows of any tutorials or documentation that could help or if anyone has any tips I'd be grateful for the pointers.
Just thought I'd mention that I solved my issue after installing an ubuntu server distro I added xinit via apt-get then added metacity Then I edited the gconf files using gconf-editor then removed the Gnome-panels from /usr/bin However as I may possibly require them in the future I have made a copy of them before I deleted them. Thanks again for the help it was much appreciated.
The window decorations are created/managed by the window manager. If you don't have one running, you won't get window decorations.
Ok... I think I understand what you are asking. Gnome is a "Desktop", and includes with it one of many "Window Managers" called Metacity if I remember correctly. That is the part that adds the title and borders etc. There are many pure window managers(not desktops). A common and popular "Window Manager" is fluxbox although there are many others. Fluxbox does allow you to "undecroate" a window when you launch it. I'm not sure if this is what you are asking. Hopefully it is of some help.
