The link above downloads the PDF, but I just want it to open up in the browser. Is there a way to do this?
Remove the output=pdf.
If you want to open pdf in browser without downloading pdf then below is the best way to do it :
Intent i = new Intent(Intent.ACTION_VIEW);
String yoururl =;
yoururl= "" + yoururl;
If you want it to open in your browser, you need a PDF viewing plugin for your browser.
The same obviously holds true for your visitors as well.
It is the browser which determines what to do with files. (open or dowload)
Is there a way to disable auto generated hyperlinks from pdf. For example, I have a string, after converting from html to pdf using Puppeteer, it automatically converts the string to an hyperlink, which does not exist.
Is there a flag or something in Chromium or puppeteer to disable auto linkification.
Puppeteer does not add any links to the PDF document that are not actually present in the page. It is very likely your PDF viewer that is adding these links.
Try it yourself.
Upload your PDF to this viewer (that uses PDF.js), button is in the top right. This viewer does not add any links to the document. If the link is not clickable in this document, your PDF viewer is adding the links.
Might be a silly question but is it possible to convert a data URI back to SVG? I've Googled & searched SO and found nothing on the subject, loads of stuff on the other way round of course.
Edit: sorry should've been more specific - a data:image like this:
View the data URI in a web browser
Use inspect element
Open the data URI in new browser window/tab
Save the image as an .svg file
I am going to assume you mean a Base64 encoded data URI.
The answer is yes. The URI will look something like:
The Base64 part is the part that starts with PH. Copy that part into an online converter such as this one.
Using javascript, you can open developer tool and run this code in the
var dataURI = '';
var svg = atob(dataURI.replace(/data:image\/svg\+xml;base64,/, ''));
The atob() method decodes a base-64 encoded string.
Check out this website SVG VIEWER. You can put your .svg file or SVG Text-Based to this website. After that, you can download as .svg, .jsx, and .png extension.
I need to embed PDF files in an xpage application. We are using IE11 x64 and this cannot be changed. Eventually, I'll also need to embed MS Office files (Word, Excel, Power Point).
I have looked at a lot of pages and couldn't get a working solution for this... I have some code that works if I force IE11 in IE10 mode, but then Dojo starts acting weird (cannot close dialog boxes, ...).
The code I have right now in my computed field looks like this:
var id:string = pageDocument.getDocument().getUniversalID();
var attNames = #AttachmentNames();
var url = getAttachmentURL(id,attNames);
'<object data="' + url + '#view=Fit&pagemode=none&statusbar=0&messages=0"' +
'type="application/pdf" width="100%" height="100%" > ' +
'<p>It appears your Web browser is not configured to display PDF files. ' +
'No worries, just click here to download the file.</p>'+
I need a free solution.
IBM, This should be made easy if we want to compete with SharePoint, no???
Short answer: don't bother.
Long answer: While you might get it to work for PDF in IE11, your boss won't be happy, because it will not show on her iPad, so you need to have a plan B.... and there is another gotcha down the road (read below). This is what I would do:
Use Apache PDFBbox to extract text from the PDF and show that in the XPage.
Add a link to the page to open the whole PDF
Do the same thing for office documents using Apache POI eventually using OpenNTF POI4XPages
The download link should make use of WebDAV for Domino to allow round-trip editing
Why all this fuzz:
Your users will use mobile at some point of time and NO mobile browser does support embedding (nor do any browsers on a Mac)
Even if you successfully get embedding working, users will start to edit the embedded document and get really really upset since you don't save back the changes
On a side note: asking IBM to support a technology that is vendor proprietary working in one browser (that has been EOL for future updates - see project Spartan) - ain't going to happen.
I got this working nicely in IE11 for PDF files with this very simple line:
<embed src="MyPDFFile.pdf" width="640px" height="755px" alt="pdf" />
I'll go along with Stephen's answer: I won't bothe rtrying to mak ethis work with Office files. It will give our "Notes is bad" users some munitions to move to SharePoint, but we do have other advantages!
I tried using Bumpbox, and pdf.js and while I could get them working, iframes seemed to work best for me with using normal Domino attachment urls in xpages
I am not sure if this solution is right or not, but it works well for an app I have that only has PDFs. It does work on mobile too, at least on iOS.
var url = 'https://app.nsf/';
var doc = sessionScope.docID;
var atname = #RightBack(sessionScope.aname,'Body');
var end = '/$file'+atname;
return url+doc+end}"
width="800" height="1000">
Probably the best approach is to use a pure HTML5/JavaScript renderer
for PDF documents without any third-party plugins (e.g. PDF.js)
For further discussion take a look at the following stackoverflow
entry recommended way to embed pdf in html
In my opinion, it's the best way to use a commercial product (e.g. crocodoc) for other documents like MS Office (Word, Excel, etc.).
I have created a file upload function which saves all the uploads to a certain place:
private String destination = "D:/Documents/NetBeansProjects/FileUpload/uploadedDocuments/";
Is this a good place to store it? Should I store it some where else?
Is it possible that once the upload is complete for a page to be displayed showing the user what they have just uploaded, like a box below showing a preview? And how would I go about doing this? I am new.
I have figured it out how to display a plain txt file and an image, however it is the pdf that is confusing me.
As to the upload location, which seems to be the IDE project folder, that's absolutely not right. You should choose a configureable and fixed location somewhere outside the IDE project folder. You should not rely on using getRealPath() or relative paths in It would make your webapp unportable. See also this related question: Uploaded image only available after refreshing the page.
Whatever way you choose based on the information provided in the answer of the aforementioned question (and all links therein), you should ultimately end up having a valid URL pointing to the PDF file in question such as
Then, you can serve the PDF file on a webpage using either an <iframe>:
<iframe src="/files/some.pdf" width="600" height="400"></iframe>
Or an <object>:
<object data="/files/some.pdf" type="application/pdf" width="600" height="400">
some.pdf <!-- This link will only show up when the browser doesn't support showing PDF. -->
Keep in mind that showing PDFs in a browser is only supported in browsers having Adobe Reader plugin. Note that the <object> approach will gracefully degrade to a link when the browser doesn't support displaying application/pdf content.
Export This
The above is a Data URI containing a base 64 encoded csv data export. On my app's report page, I embed the export within each page view so that an export doesn't require another trip to the database.
In Firefox 3, clicking this link opens a save-as download dialog box. Clicking it in Chrome 9 does nothing. I can right-click-save-as in Chrome, and it will write the decoded csv to a file. Clicking it in Safari opens the decoded CSV data in the browser window, which I can then save manually.
In IE... who cares, am I right?
You can reproduce this to test for yourself by copying that <a> tag in it's entirety into a blank file called test.html and open it in each browser. It acts exactly the same way as it does in the context of my app.
Question: Is there a way to force a Save As dialog to pop up, as in Firefox, when the user clicks the Data URI link? Or some other way to get around this inconsistency?
In theory, Firefox, Chrome and Safari all support Data URIs. In practice.......
Unfortunately, application/octet-stream doesn't work too well in Safari (at least Safari 6). It just saves the file as "unknown" with no Save dialog box. To my knowledge, there's no cross-browser way to do what you're trying to do except to bounce the content off a server.