Examples of products/libraries that use log4net - log4net

This isn't exactly a technical question, but I figured folks here might be a good resource. I'm preparing a presentation about log4net and I'd like to cite some well known products/projects/libraries that have incorporated log4net. Part of this is motivated to let the audience know how well established the tool is and the other is to demonstrate how the output from referenced assemblies can be incorporated into the logging output of your application.
I know nHibernate and StructureMap use it, but I'd like to really bury the slide in names/logos of applications that use log4net.
Thanks in advance for any ideas.

CruiseControl.Net uses log4net...

I used to have an Acer laptop and at least some of the Acer supplied utilities (called something like Acer Empowering Technology tools) used it.
Don't have access to the laptop now, but I did google search for 'acer empowering log4net' just to check my memory wasn't faulty.
If you are just looking for logos, then the first link that came up in the search http://www.exe-dll.com/dll/log4net.dll.htm also shows some other possible users including LinkSys, Motorola

One thing I find appealing about log4net is that it is related to log4j, the original one of the pair. This means that since I understand how to configure log4j, I also know how to configure log4net. The log4j package is used extensively in the java world. Oracle's Weblogic is a good example, and you can likely find more out there.
I believe this is a very appealing attribute, as there is more to this world than MS applications.


WPP tracing for linux

I'm looking for a way to output traces to a log file in my code, which runs on linux.
I don't want to include the printing information in the binary, in every place I deploy it.
It windows, I simply used WPP to trace without putting the actual traces strings in my binary.
How can this by achieved in Linux?
I'm not very familiar with Linux tools in this area, so maybe there is a better system. However, since nobody else has made any good suggestions, I'll make a suggestion. (Probably not a very good suggestion, but the best I can think of right now.)
In theory, you could continue to use wpp. Wpp is simply a template system. It scans the configuration and input files to create data structures. Then it runs a template, fills in the data values it got from the scan, producing the tmh files. You could create a new set of templates that would use Linux apis instead of Windows apis, and would record the message strings in a way that works with some other log decoder system.
I noticed this question only now and would like to add my two cents to the story just for a case. Personally, I truly appreciate Windows WPP Tracing and consider it probably the best engineering solution for practical development troubleshooting among similar tools.
It happened I extended WPP use to Unix-like platforms twice. We wanted to use strong sides of WPP concept in general and yet use it in a multi-platform pieces of code. This was not a porting but rather a wrapper to specific WPP use we configured on Windows. One time we had a web service to perform actual WPP pre-processing on Windows; it may sound a bit insane but it worked fine and effective within the local network. A wrapper script that was executed before each compilation sent a web request, got a processed file and post-processed the generated include file to make it suitable for Unix-like platforms. The second time we implemented a simplified WPP pre-processor of our own (we found yet additional use for it - we could generate the tracing statements differently for production and unit testing, for example). This was a harsh solution: you anyway need to use some physical tracing framework behind the wrapper on non-Windows platform (well, the first time we apparently implemented our own lower level).
I do not think the Linux world has a framework comparable to WPP. Once I even thought it could be a great idea to make an open source porting project for WPP. I am not sure it would be much requested though. I said it is a great engineering solution. But who wants to do dirty engineering work? Open source community prefer abstract object-oriented and generic solutions, streaming and less necessity in corresponding tools (WPP requires special management tools and OS support).Ease of code writing is the today's choice.
There could be Microsoft fault (or unwillingness) in the lack of WPP popularity too. They kept it as an internal framework that came out just by a case with Windows DDK because they have to offer some logging/tracing solution for driver developers. Nobody even noticed much that WPP is well suitable for the user-space code too. And WPP pre-processor for C#, for example, has never been exposed to public at all.
Nevertheless, I still think that WPP porting to Unix/Linux work can be a challenging, interesting and maybe even useful attempt. If someone decides to lead it. :)

Creating a Windows Script Host Language

Ok, I know I've asked this in the past (and can no longer find that question), and I know I personally have seen many useful articles, documentation and tutorials on how to do this - yet I can no longer find a single one of them on Google. So, please refrain from marking as a duplicate, unless it really does answer my question.
How can I create my own Windows Scripting Host Language? (I believe they're called "Engines"), and what tools and resources are available to aid in this journey? And is there more than one way to go about it, or are there different approaches that we can take to accomplish this?
Starters for theory:
Windows Script Interfaces Reference
Starters for implementation:
How to add support for hosing VBScript to your MFC application (dated/stale)
Where to steal from:
Sources of ActiveState's Perl/Python script engines
Ruby A B


I'm going to be writing my own STUN implementation in JavaScript (server-side with NodeJS), and I'm looking for a library to base my code on.
I have found both JSTUN and PJNATH, and both seem to be supported by members of stackoverflow. I downloaded the source for both, and PJNATH was about 15,000 lines of code whereas JSTUN was less than 3000.
Is one library more complete than the other?
I need both server and client components, and I would like to be as feature-complete as possible because I do NOT want to implement TURN (too hardware intensive).
Is there a better library that I should be looking at? Ultimately I want to make a completely ICE complient solution, but STUN is enough for now.
as far as I know, JSTUN is not a complete solution. This is what they have mentioned in their site.They want to add support for RFC 5389.Please check their web site(http://jstun.javawi.de/).

Good resources for building web-app in Tapestry

I'm currently researching into Tapestry for my company and trying to decide if I think we can port our pre-existing proprietary web applications to something better. Currently we are running Tomcat and using JSP for our front end backed by our own framework that eventually uses JDBC to connect to an Oracle database.
I've gone through the Tapestry tutorial, which was really neat and got me interested, but now I'm faced with what seems to be a common issue of documentation. There are a lot of things I'd need to be sure that I could accomplish with Tapestry before I'd be ready to commit fully to it. Does anyone have any good resources, be it a book or web article or anything else, that go into more detail beyond what the Tapestry tutorial explains?
I am also considering integrating with Hibernate, and have read a little bit about Spring too. I'm still having a hard time understanding how Spring would be more useful than cumbersome in tandem with Tapestry,as they seem to have a lot of overlapping features. An example I read seemed to use Spring to interface with Hibernate, and then Tapestry to Spring, but I was under the impression Tapestry integrates to the same degree with Hibernate. The resource I'm speaking of is
http://wiki.apache.org/tapestry/Tapstry5First_project_with_Tapestry5,_Spring_and_Hibernate . I was interested because I hadn't found information anywhere else on how to maintain user levels and sessions through a Tapestry application before, but wasn't exactly impressed by the need to use Spring in the example.
The sources I use are:
the documentation itself particularly the component reference
Howard's blog
the wiki, particularly the howtos
the mailing list archives (the convention is to put 'T5' in the subject for Tapestry 5 issues)
the Jumpstart project pages
the Chenille Kit demo for additional components
Personally, I've found that Tapestry 5 does everything a basic web app needs without Spring. There might be some specific Spring utilities you would want to pull in, but the Tapestry/Hibernate integration is very solid and easy to use. Still, the wiki has some examples of integrating the two.
I'm not sure of what you're referring to regarding sessions. It's extremely simple with T5. See this.
Don't forget to check the new, improved documentation at http://tapestry.apache.org.

Are there any WCF Configuration Tools out there that will make the job easier

Are there any tools that go beyond requiring deep and intimate knowledge of every configuration option and nuance and will just setup an application with a minimum of inputs. Something like a wizard that produces the XML configuration based on those simple inputs. I don't care about security I just need the service to work. Ideally the tool would be able to setup IIS6 as well or at least with a given set of options it would produce a list of steps I needed to complete in IIS.
The Microsoft Service Configuration Editor is no better than direct editing of the XMl. I did find a web site that has the right idea but it wasn't able to solve my simple installation. (http://www.noemax.com/support/wcf_binding_configuration_wizard.html).
Is there anything out there that puts some convention into play over this mountain of configuration?
WCF configuration can look very daunting at first, indeed! I like that configuration wizard you linked to - why wasn't it good enough for you?
I don't know of any tool right now, that would solve your problem and help you figure out the proper configuration - it really boils down to learning the ropes and getting to know the ins and outs of it, I'm afraid.
Basically, what I've learned is : don't even start to imagine all the things you could do - try to focus on what you should do (and what you need).
Really, it boils down to about five scenarios as outlined in the excellent book "Programming WCF" by Juval Lowy:
intranet apps (use the NetTcp binding, Windows security)
internet apps (use the wsHttp binding if ever possible, username/pwd or certificates for security)
business-to-business apps (use whatever binding makes sense, secure by certificates)
queue message delivery (MSMQ)
no-security apps (legacy ASMX support, interop with "dumb" webservice clients)
Basically, pick the one you need, and from there, you're pretty much set as to what to do and how to do it. I would definitely recommend checking out Juval's book - excellent excellent resource!
So the question is: which category does your app fit in? Based on that, you can pretty much determine all that's needed from there.
Also, I watched two screencasts that really helped me get over the heaps of configuration options in WCF, and focus on what's really important:
Extreme WCF with Miguel Castro
Demystifying WCF with Keith Elder
Both gave me a good feel for what configuration is really needed - and what is just fluff.
Hope that helps some!
