Trouble with Gitolite installation on CentOS 5.6 - linux

I followed the official documentation guide on how to install Gitolite to create my own repository on a brand new CentOS server.
When I get to the part where I must put the following command:
I get a command not found warning on terminal.
Somehow I need to put an alias or symbolic link to the $HOME/bin/gl-setup, but I don't know how to do that.
Does anybody know how to help me?

You can probably just add "$HOME/bin" to your PATH.
Edit your $HOME/.bash_profile and append the line:
PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin ; export PATH
to the end of it (I'm guessing that you're using the default bash shell). Source the file (or logout-login) and you should be good to go.

Use the gl-easy-setup from the client side.


how to modify or check my $CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH?

I'm trying to install some development platform on Ubuntu 20.04. Here is what was said on the install-manual:
check the screenshot here :D
I'm not sure what to do now. It seems that I should modify the $CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH by creating a "nrp_variable" in the .bashrc file. But I don't know the syntax, which could achieve it correctly.
CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH is environment variable and you can just run printenv CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH to see content.
Also to solve issue try running command in green box.

How to use cassandra-loader on ubuntu

I want to use cassandra-loader on ubuntu 14.04.
I have cassandra installed on my machine along with other prerequisites require for loader.
I am following this link for the same;
I downloaded the cassandra-loader tool but when trying to run any cassandra-loader command it prompts cassandra-loader command not found.
Kindly guide if I am missing anything or need to install other prerequisite as well.
in the README it says:
To run cassandra-loader, simply run the cassandra-loader executable (e.g., located at build/cassandra-loader)
so everywhere where you see the cassandra-loader alone, or just copy build/cassandra-loader somewhere in your PATH and use it.
Done. Just needed to run chmod command on utility to work properly.

-System-Product-Name:~$ In Ubundu

I Installed Ubuntu 14-04 LTS. I tried to install software's using Terminal.Each time Software Installation successful but after installation it always diSlays one command which is '-System-Product-Name:~$ '.I applied many this like my computer name etc.But not yet success.
I am new in Linux platform.Anyone aware solution for the same please help me.Thanks In advance
Add the following line to .bashrc file in your /home/your-username folder
export PS1="\[\e[0;32m\]\u#\h:\e[m\] \[\e[1;34m\]\w$\e[0m "
execute the command
source .bashrc
Then read
System-Product-Name is the default hostname.
To change it, you can run sudo nano /etc/hostname, modify it with something like yourname-desktop

module: command not found

I'm attempting to load several modules for building a library on Linux but am told that the command 'module' doesn't exist. I've Googled around and discovered that the solution was to source a directory called "module" which I am unable to locate despite extensive searching.
I'm not quite sure what I should and any help would be appreciated (it might help to know that the makefile I'm working with uses csh while my default shell is bash). Thanks!
I tried to reproduce it and it turns out that for me sourcing
source /etc/profile.d/
in th .sh script helps for bash and similar. For csh and tcsh, you have to add
source /etc/profile.d/modules.csh
to the script. Note, that this line must come first and then the
module load foo
I got here as I was searching for ways to install multiple php versions in CentOS7 and was one of the articles I tried to follow and encountered the same "module: command not found" issue.
Sourcing /etc/profile via command:
. /etc/profile
seems to make the "module load" work.
Credits to fadishei in
To make the version of php (e.g. php7.4) persist, append the following to file /etc/profile.d/
source /etc/profile.d/
module load php74
Reboot and run the php --version to cross-check that php 7.4 is the current version installed.
I think that you have to put this in your script to define the module command:
module () {
eval `/usr/bin/modulecmd bash $*`
This was working for me
#!/bin/bash -i // it will make this interactive

Cygwin and PHPUnit: Could not open input file: /cygdrive/c/xampp/php/phpunit

Is there a way to run PHPUnit from Cygwin? Everytime I run PHPUnit I get this error:
Could not open input file: /cygdrive/c/xampp/php/phpunit
I am trying to run my unit tests in my Zend Framework App. I am trying to use Cygwin because I am more familiar with *Nix commands (I'm no expert though) rather than Windows.
same problem here, solved it by an alias added to ~/.bash_profile
alias phpunit="/cygdrive/c/xampp/php/php C:/xampp/php/phpunit"
I am having the same problem, I can't get "phpunit" to work by itself, I am using Wamp.
However, I was able to run "phpunit.bat" and it worked for me.
Still can't get the ANSI colors to show up though :(
Does /cygdrive/c/xampp/php/phpunit exist? If so what are the permissions on the file?
ls -l /cygdrive/c/xampp/php/phpunit
Let's use phpunit as dependency and in folder above vendor try:
ln -s vendor/phpunit/phpunit/composer/bin/phpunit phpunit
It will create for you a symbolic link to real path of phpunit
You could just directly call it by using Windows path in Cygwin:
C:/xampp/php/phpunit --version
So you could set an alias for ~/.bash_profile:
alias phpunit="C:/xampp/php/phpunit"
