Creeping line in Linux - linux

I have computer with Linux (Gentoo), which play movies (via mplayer) and display HTML pages (via Firefox) in the hall of our building ( some kind of information and advertisement display ) . Now I need to add such feature as creeping lines. They should be displayed on top of mplayer and Firefox and I need to have possibility to change text, background, size and font of text. Before I will start to develop such application from the beginning, may be somebody know such already existing tool?

You could search for OSD (on screen displays) for linux and try to abuse these. ) A quick search returns osd-lyrics and xosd. The latter looks much like what you look for.

I think you mean the crawling text we see at the bottom of some TV news broadcasts.
This was asked about in a previous SO question in relation to the iphone. I found it by Googling "crawling text display" but I've lost the link now.
Maybe you can find it and adapt it.


Developing a TV application

I have been trying to build a TV application, using an SD.
I have got features like image gallery, video player running,
However, I also wanted to add a virtual on-screen keyboard that works with up-down left-right arrow keys. Can somebody help me with how to get started?
When I wanted to do this with my Vestel (Polaroid Branded) smart TV, which uses "Opera for TV devices" as it's HbbTV browser, I found that I didn't need to.
I simply just used HTML text fields and input types where needed, and as soon as I clicked into them, the browser/OS kernel popped up an onscreen keyboard that was built in for me.
However, I did do some research to see if I needed it, and on some devices you do, whilst I never actually implemented it (My app was just for my own use) the "BBC Television Application Layer" (TAL for short) : had pretty good keyboard support.
Another one that might be worth looking at is "Mautilus SDK" :
Be aware though, both are horribly convoluted and use quite complex code where it's really not needed.

Entering text in Windows 8 in C#/MonoGame app

I'm writing a WinRT game for Windows 8, in C#, using the excellent MonoGame. I've reached the part where the user has achieved a high score and needs to enter their name. This is causing me more pain than I'd anticipated so I thought I'd ask for help.
First of all, is there a simple "enter some text" function that I can call, similar to Guide.BeginShowKeyboardInput in Windows Phone 7, or the ancient InputBox command in VB? I'm using Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog for displaying simple dialog messages, but can't find any similar thing for requesting text from the user.
Failing that, is there a way I can easily use a little piece of XAML to present a textbox for the user to use?
If neither of these are possible, I guess I'll have to wire this all up myself... I then would plan to intercept keystrokes and display the required text on screen myself. As I don't have a physical tablet (just the simulator) I'm struggling to start with this. How can I:
Detect whether the device has a physical keyboard, so I know whether or not to display the on screen keyboard?
If there is no physical keyboard, how can I show and hide the on screen keyboard?
Some of these sound like they should be easy to answer, but I've yet to track down answers to any of them.
Many thanks!
Hey there is such a way to do this in monogame. There is a new template that allows you to create a XAML + Game game which allows you to use the game class you a used to with the xaml bits as well. These links should get you started. The monogame team rocks.
There are the three game types listed there. You want XAML + Game there is a template for it now if you get the proper version of monogame.
let me know if you need more help
This is not a cross platform solution but you could use a FlyOut and place the controls for data entry on the window. FlyOut guidelines are here and UI Controls for text input guidelines are here. I have also used MessageDialog in a MonoGame for asking the user simple questions (up to 3 options) or to get a Yes|No response. You can get details of that class here.

What's going on with this google search result..?

Once upon a time, i came across a weird entry in google search result.
The entry would sit there strangely, with artefacts of text standing tall & vertical.
At once I fired up my trusty firebug to analyse the problem. It appeared immediate that the origin was purely in the text content, nothing could explain why it stood so tall.
I thought it puzzling that the text would suddenly change direction. I found it even more interesting that the browser would not reflow its content to adjust for it. The text just sat there, ignoring the laws of internet. Was the world falling appart? It is 2012 after all.
If seeing it in a pictogram is what you wish then to gaze at the following screenshot:
(This be Chrome (16.0.912.75 mac). This thus happens on Firefox 9 too)
If seeing it in action is what you wish then to click on the following search result link: Search link
What form of sorcery is causing that?
Stackoverflow worthy questions:
Why is the text direction changing without any html markup to trigger it?
Why is the text not forcing the browser to reflow the content and accomodate for it?
I don't think it's related to google, its, looks like one of those languages where you need to read from top to botton instead of left to right.
I was a bit sketchy to click that link...

Creat a website counter on dreamweaver cs5

Hello I use dreamweaver cs5 on my website designer it is very good.
But one thing I wanted to kow was how do i create a counter that counts all the different computer id that look at the page.
I have seen loads of ones you can embed but all of them have links to other sites.
If anyone could help it would be ver appreiated
A quick google search shows that there is many different options out there. Try searching for "hitcounters". The one that stands out to me is: That one shows a visible image showing the number of hits. If you want to have that is not visable or shows more info try You will just need to fill out some information and then embed the code into the page (at the location you want). They are simple to setup

Where can I get graphics for startup screens?

I really like to have some graphic on my startup/login screen when starting my applications.
In one of my past employments, we had this on startup/login screen:
Image missing: Head bangs on computer
Where do you get your graphics for this purpose, and what are your favorites.
For some reason, I recently found this and am finding it very uplifting...
I'm a big fan of using For a couple of dollars you get licensed, professional quality images and graphics.
Another good source for icons such as above is There's tons of free for-business icons there.
You should get a graphic designer to create a splash screen for your product. You should be careful not to use others' copyrighted imagery in your software, unless you know it is licensed under a non-restrictive license like one of the Creative Commons licenses. Make sure you understand and comply with whatever license your imagery has.
We have an official logo for our core products, and in release, that's what we use for the splash screen.
During development, we put funny pictures that we find from around the internet into a folder on a shared network drive. The debug build will randomly pick a picture from that folder, if it can access it, and use that as the splash screen.
Some favs:
Seriously though, whatever you end up going with for your official splash screen, make sure you don't violate copyright, etc, etc...
Legally you can use a
