UISegmentedControl background - uisegmentedcontrol

Any idea whether it is possible to add a background image to indvidual segments of a segmented control??

Try UISegmentControl's member function:


Resizable MKOverlay using MKOverlayRenderer

I want to have a custom MKOverlay that's a circle anchored to the user location annotation that the user can resize by pinching. I was able to successfully achieve this using MKOverlayPathRenderer and a custom MKOverlay object by overriding the createPath method and making an arc. The resizing and moving of the overlay was handled by using KVO on the radius and coordinate properties of my overlay. However the resizing was incredibly choppy and the boundingMapRect wasn't correctly calculated.
I've also tried using an image and instead of subclassing MKOverlayPathRenderer just MKOverlayRenderer, overriding - (void)drawMapRect:(MKMapRect)mapRect zoomScale:(MKZoomScale)zoomScale inContext:(CGContextRef)context but when I resize my CPU percentage jumps to 160% usage (not great yeah?) and the boundingRect is again being drawn incorrectly.
I really think the way to do it is with MKOverlayPathRenderer and maybe having an atomic counter of some kind so that a redraw only gets called say every 5 or 10 times the pinch gesture is triggered.
Does anyone have any suggestions? I've also considered but haven't tried making a UIView and adding it as a subview to the map view and putting the pinch gesture on that but that seems hacky and dirty.
When you computed new boundingMapRect on the Overlay, you must invoke invalidatePath on your Renderer. After that, system will invoke createPath for you when appropriate.

ToolbarLayout for a PolylineConnection's children?

Is there a way to specify a layout for children of a PolylineConnection?
I want to add several Labels to a PolylineConnection at ConnectionLocator.MIDDLE without the use of a container figure for the labels.
Both PolylineConnection and Label have EditParts, and the label's model objects are children of the polyline connection's model objects.
Ideally I want to add all label children of a polyline to ConnectionLocator.MIDDLE in a ToolbarLayout...
What you are trying to do is mix two layouts: on the first hand you want to use a ConnectionLocator.MIDDLE to locate the figures, but on the other hand you want to have the figures at this location to have their own layout.
The only solution you have is to create a figure that uses a ToolbarLayout and locate it in the Polyline using the ConnectionLocator
I've found a way to achieve what I wanted:
Very generally, the first child must be added at ConnectionLocator.MIDDLE, and the rest of the children relative to the child before them with the help of RelativeLocator like this (line would be in a loop over all figure children in connection's edit part):
new RelativeLocator((IFigure) figureChildren.get(currentIndex - 1),
I've written a blog post with more details.

how to set lwuit textarea scrolling false

I want to add large string content to a container dynamically.
There are 60 different contents(strings) to be displayed in this container.
To add the string to container, I am adding a TextArea(empty border with 100% transparency).
The problem is that TextArea offers scroll and I do not want it to scroll. Instead I want to grow(increase height) according to content. I am unable to achieve this.
Can you help me out with this?
Or can I use any other component for the purpose?
I am using LWUIT with J2ME.
You can derive text area and return false for isScrollableY() although it should generally work seamlessly even if you don't do that (since your parent layout is scrollable). Is it possible you changed the text area and don't revalidate the parent form on the EDT?
There are problems with text area layout when it is modified by a separate thread (race condition with the layout code).
First put the TextArea.setSingleLineTextArea(false) , and grow by content true.

Using GDI+ to draw tooltip

I'm new to GDI+ programming and am looking for some advice.
I am loading an image from a file and displaying it using the following functions (some pseudo code included):
Gdiplus::Image *i = new Gdiplus::Image(file, other parameters ... );
Gdiplus::DrawImage(i, other parameters ... );
I would like to associate a tooltip with the image. Is there any way that I can automatically set/attach a tooltip to the Gdiplus::Image objact (or any other Gdiplus control that I wish to draw for that matter)?
If not, how can such functionality be achieved? I have looked at CToolTipCtrl in WTL but don't know how to attach it to the Gdiplus::Image.
Thanks in advance.
After investigating this more, I've realised that this is not possible, so to speak. You must use GDI+ to draw your own tool tip my monitoring mouse events to see when it is hovering over something, then using the device context to do the drawing withing the mouse hover event handler.

How to hide the circle in radiobutton?

I want to create a ChoiceGroup of type EXCLUSIVE. The elements of this group are Images , and I want only the Image displayed. So how to hide the circle of the radiobutton ?
I haven't actually tried to do so, but i could give a good guess that this isn't possible
because there is no paint() or other method that you cant override to do so, and the class
it self doesn't provide for this behavior.
