Fast automated spellchecking [closed] - search

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a really big (~50MB) file of Spanish sentences. I want to check which of these don't contain foreign words. To achieve that, I am planning to filter out sentences that contain words that don't exist in the spellchecker dictionary. Does such a tool exist? Is it worth to play around with search trees and hash tables to create an efficient spellchecker myself?

You ca try the spell checker in Whoosh, via a short python script as described here:
or use Pyenchant:

You could use Hunspell, the spell checker of OpenOffice, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome. It is an open source C++ library with bindings for Java, Perl, Python, .NET and Ruby.


NLP tools for right-to-left languages? [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm trying to use NLP within a web application. What I wanna do is a little information extraction on Persian sentences. So I need some RTL-friendly NLP tools. I've tried python's nltk before but I don't know if it does support RTL languages as well. It's very good if it does because I have a good relationship with Django as well. Any information on this topic is appreciated.
I have never tried using it for RTL, but I think it is perfectly capable of serving your needs, as it is a toolkit, not a system per se.
I could not find any restrictions regarding this. In fact, I have found some other references on people using it for Arabic:
Tokenization of Arabic words using NLTK
Python Arabic NLP
Now, you do need to find some Persian corpora. I could not find any during my brief research, but you can always hit the NLTK Users Mailing List.

EAGLE 6.3 library with basic parts [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Hello i haven't been using EAGLE for a while now and had mostly forgot where to get any good and complete library of basic parts like resistors, LEDs, transistors... I have tried to find a library i need on EAGLE web page, but i haven't found any, that would offer quite large amount of basic parts.
If anyone could point me to a library with a good and large set of basic parts he would really save my day.
The Sparkfun Eagle libraries are quite good. Download at
dear you can use "ORCAD" software rather than using EAGLE as it is easy in use and easy availability of its libraries on net.

Which tool for generating UML Entity-Relationship Diagrams using text? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Which tool [for any OS... or even web] can I use to generate UML Entity-Relationship diagrams from text?
Thinking something along the lines of, really quick to write up.
Thanks for all suggestions.
The list of all textual UML tools (AFAIK) can be found here
I liked these two
It's easy and you have option to save diagrams to google drive and dropbox

Is there any library in Linux which allow document conversion? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have a large amount of document in different format, e.g. doc, xls, ppt, docx, odf, etc. I am looking for a Linux library, which allow me to convert different kinds of document to PDF with a command.
Is this library exist? Do you have any suggestion?
Thanks everyone. :)
A good place to start would probably be the source code of LibreOffice.
It's not a "library" as such, but you can use OpenOffice conversions from the command line:

Automated transcription software [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've noticed that the wiki transcriptions for some of the recent Stack Overflow Podcasts are kind of weak. Clearly, this task calls for a computer program. Is transcribing audio to text (ideally with speaker labels so we know who said what) something that could feasibly be accomplished in software? Are there any active open-source software projects attempting to implement such functionality?
Believe me, I have searched for this before. There are slim to none text to speech that are open source or free to use. From my search there weren't any free speech to text synthesizers. These things are so hard to code and expensive that they can't really be made with an open source approach. If you really need this you would have to purchase it from a company. (although I don't know any off the top of my head).
I've looked into this a little. I tried the Microsoft Speech API but got very poor results. I've been wanting to look into the CMU Sphinx project, especially the Transcriber demo.
