Resources for Griffon? - griffon

I want to start learning Griffon for desktop applications, but i found there are not enough resources for Griffon framework. Apart from its homepage.
Can anyone say me the blogs, tutorials, etc. where I can find enough information!

What about these resources?
Griffon Guide
Griffon Refcard
Griffon posts #
Sample apps # github

Manning will publish "Griffon in Action"... January 2012.


forum in rails 4.2.3

Can someone please tell me best way for developing forum, so that I can integrate it in my rails project.
Note:- For rails- 4.2.3
I have already tried forem and thredded, but they seem outdated or not well maintained(developed).
Yes people these days are developing forum using other tools. If you still want to built forum in rails you can refer
Hope this will work for you
forem ( ) does not work after rails 4.2. You can use if you want to make it from scratch.
Thredded is a great forum engine, is actively developed, and is easy to integrate into any Rails app:

How do you make a Hapi.JS plugin/module?

I'm new to both Node and Hapi.js, but not to programming.
I've made a few simple Hapi.js servers, just for testing out Joi and other plugins.
I'm now trying to understand how best to package up chunks of functionality in a Hapi way, so we can re-use them in future projects and potentially share them with the world!
Are there any good resources for learning this available?
I've found a few good resources, but non which go into deep details about the plugin system. - Getting Started Tutorial Contest - Entry in above contest, with a section on plugins
I've made a sample project which groups functionality into plugins which might be what you're looking for:
If you're looking at sharing functionality between plugins, look at the usage of plugin.expose, plugin.depend.
If you have any questions on it, you can raise an issue on the github project.
The latest website has a good intro as well:
For some additional detail about hapi plugins (and hapi in general), see the following:
Developing a hapi Edge: A Rich Node.JS Framework for Apps and Services - This book is available now (also from Amazon), and has a chapter on how to create a plugin in hapi.
Matt Harrison's upcoming hapi.js in Action - This book is available currently in "MEAP" (Manning Early Access Program), and will soon (?) have a chapter available on plugins ("Building modular applications with Plugins").
hapi plugin search engine
Getting Started with hapi.js by John Brett also has a chapter on creating and using plugins.
Edit 2015-10-04: The chapter "Building modular applications with Plugins" in Matt Harrison's above mentioned book is now available in the MEAP edition.

Where to find references for Sencha Touch

I wanted to learn Sencha touch. the problem is i don't know Ext JS programming. I have intermediate background with jquery, html, php ad sql. I also have started using jquery mobile and phonegap, but I found that jquery mobile has loads of bugs so I decided to give sencha touch a try. I have checked their well documented API docs but I find it difficult to understand the flow and the syntax.
I also found the book Sencha In Action by manning publications but it looks like this is not out for public use yet.
Can anyone with good knowledge about sencha direct me the better way to start? Do I have to learn Ext JS first? I found loads of books about Ext JS in amazon. A beginner's approach would be helpful.
Many thanks all.
I personally recommend you to follow this tutorial step by step. It helped me a lot. Thanks to Jorge for his wonderful example.Here is the link.
Some people will say you should check out the Ext JS books to establish a foundation with the framework first as the two are very similar. However, I would recommend that while that may be fine for most folk, you would now be learning two frameworks. They are siblings, not twins.
Have a look at the Sencha Touch Cookbook that was just published, follow the tutorials and cruise the threads, both here and the Sencha Forum.
Also note that Sencha Touch 2 Beta 1 was just released yesterday and it is way closer to Ext JS4 than ST1 and if you start with ST2, you might be better off going this route.

Does anyone know of a feature filled forum package for Umbraco 4.03?

I was wondering if anyone has built or know of a decent forum package for Umbraco 4.03??
I've had a little play with this but its a bit basic
I've found this article on how to integrate YAF forum but would rather have one which fits a bit better..
Of course I know one answer, write or extend one of the above :) Any help would be gratefully received.
uForum is used to power the Our Umbraco community - so that's the current recommended forum package.
YAF is a fully-featured forum/bulletin-board web-application, which can be integrated with Umbraco (using an ASP.NET Membership Provider). Aside from that YAF is standalone.
Update: There is a new package called nForum.
I guess it depends on your requirements.
What features are lacking, clearly you know what you want so any guidance on what the forum should include will help.
Pretty much any based forum software would work with Umbraco. I guess the main thing would be the integration with the Membership provider in Umbraco. In this case Any forum software that could use a custom ASP.NET membership provider would integrate pretty much seamlessly.
There are plenty of opensource and commercial forum packages available for ASP.NET, just find one that matches your requirements and look at integrating it or running it alongside Umbraco.

How to quickly learn Python and Ruby frameworks coming from a PHP background

I've been using CakaPHP and Kohanaphp but now I want to try out other frameworks from a more sophisticated OOP language for my next projects.
How can I learn the following frameworks quickly so I can immediately pick what to use:
Tutorials and examples from online resources would really be great.
For php developers who've already underwent this learning experience, please share yours.
Regarding Pylons. There is a good introductory book written by one of the creators of Pylons. It is freely available online at
For Ramaze, see:
the website
the wiki
the book
the mailing list
the IRC channel
You can also learn about setting up Sinatra with Google's App Engine (via jRuby) here:
Fairly quick and easy setup.
There's also this screencast at PeepCode
