Will MonoTouch install on Apple iPad 2? - xamarin.ios

Will MonoTouch install on Apple iPad 2?

MonoTouch doesn't get installed anywhere, it's a development environment.
Apps created with MonoTouch, on the other hand, can run in any iOS device, including the iPad 2.


Can we deploy Xamarin.iOS app into simulator using windows Machine without connecting to Mac agent

Any one suggest me using visual studio can we deploy any of the iOS application in Simulator not connecting to Mac Agent??? Through Windows Machine.
Thanks In Advance!!
No it is an apple licensing requirement. There is the xamarin live player in preview which will let you test apps on an iphone without an mac
Simulator for iOS always runs on Mac, there is no simulator for iOS for Windows. You can only cast the screen to Windows so that you don't have to look on the Mac screen, but that's all, you need a mac for that (and this requires Visual Studio Enterprise which you probably don't have - assuming from your other statements).
If you want to develop without Mac you can try to install Xamarin Live Player on your iOS device. And also you can't build the final package without a Mac (and it also required for uploading it to the store), just in this case you can possibly get some Mac in the cloud and pay per hour.
If you don't have even the iOS device then you need to buy it as this can't be resolved in any way.

Can't Reference Portable Class Library Project Xamarin.iOS

When I try to add a portable class library in Visual Studio, it only gives me an option for "Xamarin.iOS (Classic)" and not "Xamarin.iOS". So when I try to add the project as a reference to my ios project, I'm unable to add a reference from a none classic ios app to a portable library.
PCLs are supported for both iOS Classic and iOS Unified.
On the Mac the PCL profiles are installed with Mono 3.10.
On Windows the PCL profiles for iOS Unified are not installed by default since they require a new version of NuGet 2.8.3 which is currently available as an alpha release. To get the PCL profiles for iOS Unified there is a separate installer which will install NuGet 2.8.3 into Visual Studio and install the PCL profiles.
There is a blog post about what iOS Unified is compared with iOS Classic.
Found the answer here Thanks Matt Ward

How to Compile the Xamarin.iOS app using Visual Studio only?

Recently i came to know that Xamarin 3 got released and there a is beautiful GUI designer for iOS. But am not sure still for compilation do we need to use the Mac? With out Mac is it possible to compile iOS app?
With invention of GUI designer for iOS in Xamarin, makes it easy for the developer to switching between xCode to windows. For compiling there is no need of Mac. But to run and see the output, you still require Mac - iOS build host. Also, Mac would be required to host iOS app on App store.

Monotouch Error: The apple Iphone SDK s not installed

I am finding this error after i installed Xcode 4.6.2. I used to work with Monotouch and Xcode 4.3 and i was able to build monotouch applications.
When i upgraded Xcode to version 4.6.2 I am unable to build the application in Monotouch. I am getting the error Apple Iphone SDK is not installed. Also when i check the version information in Monodevelop i am getting Apple Developer Tools:(Not Found).
In preferences when i check the SDK locations it is displaying SDK is found in default location. I dont know what the issue is.
You can change the iPhone sdk location to your new xcode location in the options of your monotouch project.
What is the version from MonoTouch / Xamarin.iOS? Are the Xcode command line tools installed?

how to run iOS 4 application on iOS 3.1.3

I have an iPhone with iOS 3.1.3. I have developed an application with ios 4.2. Application runs well expect autoscrolling. when i click textview it scolls automatically to see text contents. when i install in my iphone it terminates when i click on text view. What can I do to fix this problem?
If you don't use api's that are only in 4.2 you can set you project iOS Deployment Target to 3.1 in the build settings of your project.
