Is it possible to install the Haskell Platform on CentOS? - haskell

I'm running CentOS 5.5 and I want to install the Haskell Platform there. According to CentOS is not supported at all ( Does anyone know if it is possible to setup Haskell on CentOS 5.5? I searched the web but could not find any relevant information myself.

Try compiling from source. This is the recommended way to install the Haskell platform when there is no binary package for your OS. This guy was able to build it for CentOS 5.2.
Haskell Platform from source on Unix-like


creating appimage using source code and linuxdeployqt

i trying to create a appimage for my Linux system. Using qt-creator i have completed the programing and ran the app successfully . but when i am trying to make it appimage using linuxdeployQt i am facing some errors
linuxdeployqt 5 (commit 37631e5), build 631 built on 2019-01-25 22:47:58 UTC ERROR:
The host system is too new.
Please run on a system with a glibc version no newer than what comes with the oldest still-
supported mainstream distribution, which currently is glibc 2.20.
This is so that the resulting bundle will work on most still-supported Linux distributions.
For more information, please see
i don't know what this issue is. when i visit the website, it is not clear also. So anyone familiar with this kind please put your help here.
It means that your glibc is too new.
That's correct, to work around this issue while using linuxdeployqt you have to choose as build environment an older system such as Centos 6 or Ubuntu 14.04.
As an alternative, you can use appimage-builder which allows producing AppImages on newer systems.
It means that your glibc is too new. I think it is supported glibc version comes with Ubuntu 14.04 as it is mentioned in herr I have faced the same problem and still struggling to solve this issue.

How to install ghc and base with profiling support, in Haskell Platform

This answer to the problem I'm having suggests running e.g. sudo apt-get install ghc-prof on Debian systems to install base libraries with profiling support. However I've installed Haskell Platform (through the 'Generic' option). How do I (re)install ghc/base with profiling support?
The Haskell Platform comes with profiling libraries for base. If you've installed the platform, and are using the platform-installed libraries, then you should "just" have it already. The only possibility is if you've still got your distro-installed GHC in your path, and are using that instead...

Install MonoDevelop IDE for Redhat Linux

I am trying to install and configure MonoDevelop on my Oracle VM Virtual Box. The Operating System that running on the VM is RedHat Linux.
With the help of the below link, I have installed the mono-2.10.8 and also I was able to compile and run the sample c# source code on Linux through the shell.
Now, I am trying to install or configure the IDE, please advise me for the good IDEs.
Thanks for your help
Installed Monodeveloper from the below link. I chose the Operating System as CentOS
This will also install mono-opt from the home:tpokorra repo
mono-opt is the latest stable version (3.6) on mono available from Mono Project
I found this way much easier for installing mono on redhat / centos 6

Port a debian package to YUM for CentOS

I have a project that runs on Debian and uses many packages provided from the Debian repositories.
Because of demand, I've looked into porting the project to CentOS, but found that many of the packages I require are completely missing - at least 10 dependencies would have to be compiled manually at install time on the users machine.
My question is, what is the best way to create an installer for the user's machine? Should I use automake tools (with the standard ./configure, make, make install), to compile the required libraries, or is this a non-standard approach. Note that my app doesn't actually need to be compiled since it is written in Python, so is it weird to do a "make", when you're not compiling your own app?
Should the configure script just warn the user that package X is missing, and let them handle the rest?
Should I roll my own dependency checker by runng pkg-config manually a few times for each library required, and exit if something is missing?
I'm quite new to this, so any tips to get me moving in the right direction are appreciated.
Edit: I am familiar with RPM and yum for red hat base distros, but CentOS is missing many multimedia packages that I require. An example of one of my package dependencies is "liquidsoap" which is a programmable audio engine:
This is available on Debian, but not Redhat/Centos
See this link on CentOS package management.
CentOS is redhat based and does not use .deb packages by default. However apt package management has been ported to tons of platforms, you may be able to use a port for centOS
If you use YUM whatever packages you need will be there for your application as redhat distros need all the same things that any other distro does.
EDIT: To get the details out of comments
Packages not available on the target platform either have to be built (possibly as a port) on the target platform and then shipped in the ported package (in this case YUM), or code needs to be modified and forked to use packages which already are available on the target platform. The choice depends on which is worse, or which is even possible given your constraints.

mod_jk modules for apache on Linux

Why does Apache website lists only two OS for mod_jk binaries?
I am confused about which version to download to install on Linux2.6.9 OS. From their website all I understand is that I have to download source and compile to create binaries for my OS? Am I correct?
I looked up tutorials on the net and they all seem to reference some old binaries for linux versions. If Apache did provide pre-compiled mod_jk modules why did they discontinue them?
I would go for mod_proxy_ajp. It's supposed to be a newer replacement for mod_jk.
As fas as i know you should always download latest one from compile it in your local system.
Under Debian install it with apt-get:
apt-get install libapache2-mod-jk
