facebook caches og:title? - meta-tags

the problem is that facebook does read my url rightly like this
ok everything goes fine untill i scroll and check my like button on my page.
do facebook cache them ? or there is a better explanation.
thanks for the time looking in :D.

It's absolutely a matter of caching, just try to add a dummy parameter to your URL to fool facebook and you'll see. :-)
For you and #Michael Irigoyen, it's always a good practice to do this whenever you feel that FB is showing something you didn't expect OR if by mistake (or intentionally) you clicked on the share button and the page was not 100% ready to publish. And trust me this happens A LOT! ;-)

Actually facebook scrapes the pages and updates the cache every 24 hours https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/plugins/like/#scraperinfo.

In my experience, I've come to find that Facebook does indeed cache the all the <og:*> tags the first time it's shared on Facebook. I ran into a similar issue when creating a "Share to Facebook" link on our website. I was trying to tweak the title and the description to be exactly how I wanted and I'd always have to change the knowledge base article I was working with to one I hadn't shared previously to see the changes I had made.
That being said, I have no clue for how long Facebook keeps that stuff in cache. I didn't do any sort of testing on that.

I don't know if this is a cache related problem. But the reason could rely in the fact that you are limited to change the og:title, you can do it before you reach the 50 likes, so I think that facebook keeps a history in case you try to change the title after the limit becomes reached.
Of course, this is only a supposition.


Domain redirecting without my permission

A friend and I put that site together a few years ago, just to do some study on how to use google ranking. It was actually doing quite well. Recently, we haven't really messed with it, but I still check the analytics, and they have severely dropped.
I went to visit the site tonight, and it loads for a split second, and then redirects me to a completely different site.
Can anyone explain what is causing this? And also, explain how I can stop this?
Looks like your website hacked.
First of all, please change all passwords. Then remove twitter fan box plugin (because script of this plugin is causing redirect)
Then you can check this resource: https://codex.wordpress.org/FAQ_My_site_was_hacked

Retrieve History of a specific Tab in chrome [duplicate]

I am developing a little extensions called "Tab Bundler", which in short saves all the open tabs in a window into a bundle that can be opened with the click of a button. When a bundle is opened however, no history of how the user got to that url is saved, ie. the user can't click back to see how they got to that url. This is functionality I want to implement. I looked for a while, googling, looking thoroughly through the google chrome extension documentation: http://code.google.com/chrome/extensions/history.html. But I couldn't figure out how to get this information without tracking it myself. Is that the only option I have? Any thoughts would be really appreciated.
Look, many people tried this before. You are not alone in this quest!
At the moment the answer in Google Code was: anybody asked for it when they where developing the History API. Then there's no elegant way to access tabs' history.
Of course, you can hook chrome.tabs.onUpdated to record every page and make your own tab's history...
You could probably hook chrome.tab.onUpdate as well as some state or focus change hook to correlate.
I really want this, please make it!

Response Time on a web page like a stop watch

I have searched and found so many answers but nothing that fits my requirement. I will try to explain here and see if any of you guys have some tips.
I wish to click on a link manually and from there on; I wish that some kind of tool or service starts recording time from my click and stops when the desired page is loaded. This way, I am able to find out the exact user interface response time.
All the online web testing services ask for main URL. In my case the main URL has gazillion links and I wish to use only 1 link as standard sample which is a dynamic link
For example:
- I click on my friend's name on Facebook
- From my click to the time page is loaded, if there's a tool that does the stop watch thing?
End goal is:
I will be stress testing a server with extensive load and client wishes to see response time of simple random pages when load is at 500, 1000, 2000 and so on.
Please help!
Thank you.
You can use a simple load tester tool and the developer tools on the Chrome browser, you can get a clear picture of page load times under load. Also you can see which request completed in how much time and the time from start to finish.
Just start the load test and try from the chrome.
Also you can use a automated latency monitor like smokeping.
You may use httpwatch or YSlow to find the client side page load times.
http Watch and Fiddler helped. Didn't really go as I had thought but pretty Close and satsifactory. Thanks guys
You could try WPT this is a tool which has a private and a public instance for serving exactly what you want to do also supports scripted steps executed via the browsers JS the nicest thing i find in WPT is that you can use the public instance to measure the actual user experience from other than yours world locations or you can make a private one.

truly persistent localStorage or workaround for history clear

For my company I've created a RSS reader extension for our internal blog. The reason why I've build my own is irrelevant, I know there are many existings extensions. Suffice to say that the blog is completely sealed of from the outside. And let's not forget that it's simply fun to try new things like this :)
The extensions works almost perfectly. It shows a nice popup with the latest 10 posts and it shows a counter if new posts have been added to the blog.
However, since most of my collegaes are webdevelopers like myself, some of them use firefox ( the extension is being ported by an automated script for use in FF ) and have the "clear history on browser close" option enabled. This does however delete the localstorage as well. I know that this setting is the issue and not the porting because my collegae that do not have the option selected don't experience any of these problems.
I use localStorage to remember which posts have been read and which haven't. So for these people the result is that every browser restart the extensions says there are 10 new items regardless of any items they may or may not have read.
I've thought of a way to work around this issue by using a MySQL database through php and ajax. But I'd still need to reliably be able to store a userId or something to personalize the read/unread list.
There must be an easier and better way. I know many extensions with similar functionality that do not have this issue but I've got no idea how and can't find anything about it.
Do any of you have an idea ?
I just tried my own Chrome extension using chrome.storage.sync API.
The storage won't be deleted if you clear all the history and local cache.
I've only built Chrome extensions, not FF ones, but if you have access to the file system, you can store the data in a simple text file. To be honest, I'd blame the developers for clearing their history. ;)

Full ajax/pjax site

I´m planning to make a full dynamic site using pjax, with static menu (only the content will be updated with pjax). How bad is this?
The site that i have planned to implat this on have a lots of data on it, most images.
I have tested my solution on my local machine and it seems to work but in production it will probably be slow or what do you guys think? Are this bad practise?
Now on pjax start i slide out my container to the left, and slide in the new content from the right. I have noticed a small performance lost when i do this in Safari and FireFox. Should i skip my solution and just do regular updates of the page? I want to do something like Twitters iPhone app, but on the web.
The reason i want to do this are that i have a full size google maps with a lot of pins that take some time to load.
I have found Tubrolinks (http://www.github.com/rails/turbolinks) that would be included in Rails 4.0, its great adn i think a good answer to my question.
