how to draw route in MapView - iphone-sdk-4.1

Is it possible to draw route in MKMapView.
I want to draw route from current location to specified place.
If you have sample app please give me a link or please give me some hint about it.

You'll want add MKPolyline to the map using MKMapView's addOverlay: function. Then in your MKMapView's delegate you'll want to override the mapView:viewForOverlay: and return MKPolylineViews with the settings like color and width of the line to draw.

Take a look at Apple CrumbPath.


Questions about Citymaps

1、I want to create a circle and set an image that customized to fill the circle,use this as a marker on the map, not only could change the image but also the color of circle anytime,what can I do to implements this function? Please look at the picture below!
2、Like your CityMaps app show,when I enlarge the map, some business icon that hide are show on the map,which are hide again while shrink the map, How to achieve this effect?
3、After I initialization the Object Marker and called the method marker.setFadeTime(3000),the software give my tips the method is no exist and I see the class but really not find the method,Why is it so?
4、I want to add some stars beside the marker like this:
What can I do to add the stars?the label only can set the text beside the marker.
5、I want to load your maps at the fragment,not the activity that extends FragmentActivity,I found the SupportCitymapsMapFragment is no use,What I can do to complete this requirement?
6、In your apps,it is locate that place after input New York in the search box,What can i do to complete this function whatever i input?
7、During I develop the apps about the Citymaps,I found a serious problem so that your apps had happend too. When I run the apps, the program force flash back all of a sudden and I run your apps Citymaps at this time,the problems are same of the front,I found some error in logical view that is follows:15327-15374/ A/libc﹕ Fatal signal 11 (SIGSEGV) at 0xdeadbaad (code=1), thread 15374 (Thread-1819).
To solve the problem,I must restart my device. Why is it so?
I am a developer on the Citymaps SDK, I will do my best to answer your questions.
1) I recommend using the Android Canvas API to construct the images, and then use a Marker to display it on the map. See the documentation for details:
2) This is built into the Citymaps BusinessLayer. This functionality is not exposed through an API. If you wish to use the Citymaps BusinessLayer, you should create a CitymapsMapView or CitymapsMapFragment/SupportCitymapsMapFragment and it will automatically be added to your map.
3) At this time, there appears to be a known issue with the fadeTime API. Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will fix it in an upcoming release. For now, you can animate the alpha property of the Marker.
4) Once again, the functionality of the BusinessLayer is not directly exposed. If you wish to create similar markers, I recommend you construct the image using Android's Canvas and then adding it as a Marker to the map.
5) If you wish to load the map inside of a fragment, you can accomplish this using child fragments (check Android documentation for more details). You can also accomplish this by instantiating CitymapsMapView or MapView directly and adding it to your view hierarchy either in XML or in code. However if you do this, remember to call the lifecycle methods on your map instance, or else the map will not behave properly.
6) If you wish to have a search in your app, it is up to you to implement this feature. We do not currently provide a search API out of the box.
7) Thank you for the bug report. We will investigate this issue and fix it in a future release.
If you have any more questions, feel free to ask, and thank you for using the Citymaps SDK.

ToolbarLayout for a PolylineConnection's children?

Is there a way to specify a layout for children of a PolylineConnection?
I want to add several Labels to a PolylineConnection at ConnectionLocator.MIDDLE without the use of a container figure for the labels.
Both PolylineConnection and Label have EditParts, and the label's model objects are children of the polyline connection's model objects.
Ideally I want to add all label children of a polyline to ConnectionLocator.MIDDLE in a ToolbarLayout...
What you are trying to do is mix two layouts: on the first hand you want to use a ConnectionLocator.MIDDLE to locate the figures, but on the other hand you want to have the figures at this location to have their own layout.
The only solution you have is to create a figure that uses a ToolbarLayout and locate it in the Polyline using the ConnectionLocator
I've found a way to achieve what I wanted:
Very generally, the first child must be added at ConnectionLocator.MIDDLE, and the rest of the children relative to the child before them with the help of RelativeLocator like this (line would be in a loop over all figure children in connection's edit part):
new RelativeLocator((IFigure) figureChildren.get(currentIndex - 1),
I've written a blog post with more details.

fabric.js make active object on top of others when dragging

my question is, fabric.js makes active object on top of others when dragging.
I know a property can do this, can't remind.
You can do it like this:
canvas.add(red, blue); // add youre objects..
function myDrag(e) { // funciton on drag (moving);
'object:moving': myDrag,
Want to add more events? Use the Event inspector # fabricjs
I made a working Fiddle. Hopes it helps...
I know it's been a long time since you asked this but I want to answer it if anyone would stuck for that.
This behavior is default in fabric js right know but if you want to change it just set preserveObjectStacking to false when initializing the canvas. See more in documentation.

Rotating MKMapKit

I am attempting to rotate an MKMapView using MapKit.
I can display a map and rotate it, however not very efficiently. I create an MKMapView larger than the view and rotate it using CGAffineTransformMakeRotation, so the the grey areas behind the view are not visible. Although I have clip subviews checked in Interface Builder, I still have the feeling this is not the correct implementation.
This method does allow me to rotate any annotations displayed as MKPinAnnotationView conforms to the CGAffineTransformMakeRotation function, but I come into problems when trying to add an overlay to the map.
I can place an overlay on using the boundingMapRect property in the class declaration but the image remains unrotated on the display. Is there a way to achieve this? Or alternatively should I be rotating the MKMapView and annotations in a different method?
Thanks in advance for any advice or information.
Are you rotating the map so that it is facing the same way the user is? (i.e. not just North = Up). If so you don't need to do any transformation stuff at all, just set the MKUserTrackingMode to MKUserTrackingModeFollowWithHeading

How to hide the circle in radiobutton?

I want to create a ChoiceGroup of type EXCLUSIVE. The elements of this group are Images , and I want only the Image displayed. So how to hide the circle of the radiobutton ?
I haven't actually tried to do so, but i could give a good guess that this isn't possible
because there is no paint() or other method that you cant override to do so, and the class
it self doesn't provide for this behavior.
