how to display facebook url's in touch site format in iphone - ios4

i want to display a facebook profile of another friend without asking him to show login dialog. i am using fbconnect api. if i give http://www format it is showing page in standard format if i use http://m it doesn't showing full content in mobile view.
i want to use touch site on iphone app to show another user profile
how can i do that in touch site?
Pls help me
thanks in advance

Add ?display=touch to the end of the url, so the full url would be


How do I add an Instagram feed to my Big Cartel home page

I am trying to add a feed of my Instagram/ a hashtag to my Big Cartel homepage.
I have tried several widgets but pasting the code they generate, no feed shows up on my page.
I know I will need my Client ID and/or Access Token.
I am using the Luna Template.
I would really appreciate any help.

Get the most popular pages of user in Chrome extension

How can I get a list of the most visited current user's sites via chrome api?
I try to make custom speed dial page.
RTFM See the API list at
Use the chrome.topSites API to access the top sites that are displayed on the new tab page.
Do note that Chrome will not provide thumbnails for the sites.

how to open a itunes link in uiwebview

Is it possible to load a app store link in uiwebview. I have tried to open it in uiwebview but it doesnt load in there. I dont want users to leave my app when they click on the url from my app. Is it possible?
iTunes content does not have an "iTunes Preview" page on mobile - iOS automatically recognizes links and opens the store.
If you want to keep the user within your app, use SKStoreProductViewController to open the store to a specific piece of content. After the user dismisses the sheet, they are still within your app.

Facebook iframe application issue

I have developed a face book iframe application in .net c#.First time when user access iframe application
it shows this window but it should ask for permission & allow user to access my app.
When i click go to face it shows permission window.after that when i choose allow its redirecting me to my canvas URL out side the face book.when i try to access 2nd time its working fine.The issue is that for every first time user who want to access the app ist shows the existing window.Please help me to solve this issue.
I figure it out.#pastylegs said right.Thanks for your answers.Let me elaborate it.Most of developer just redirecting to specific url so you have to redirect on top window.
1)if you are using a tag so use target=_blank.
2)If your are using any other thing to redirect in any technology so just use
top.location.href='" + codedataurl + "'
where codedataurl is your facebook authentication url which contains client id,redirect url & all.
I hope it will help you guys.
If you are using iframes, you need to make sure that when you redirect the user to the authorization dialog, you do so on the top window of the users browser. You can do this using javascript (instead of just a redirect URL).
Maybe this is the problem?

how to know if user is seeing home page or not?

today i was doing some java script coding,
in that i need some images only appear on my home page.
so how can know that if user is seeing the home page or not?
or i do this with url check up?
is their in built function check in drupal 6?
In a page.tpl.php or similar you can use $is_front.
$is_front: TRUE if the current page is
the front page. Used to toggle the
mission statement.
