Mapping domain name to linux server - linux

I bought a domain name with I have a Ubuntu linux server running with Rackspace Cloud. On this server, I have Apache up and running.
My question is this: How can I set up my domain to point to my server with Rackspace Cloud. More specifically, I want to map to my Apache server.
I am assuming that I need to establish something with DNS.
Thank you for your help.

Make a new A record and point www to your ip address, eg Also make another A record and point # to the same IP.
Then make corresponding virtualhosts in Apache with ServerName

Create the record as meder said, then in the GoDaddy interface you will need to point the name server to the name servers at Rackspace.


Mapping Domain Name to Tomcat application

I am having stand alone Linux Centos server with Static IP. I am running two tomcat application http://IP:8080/sampleapp, http://IP:8090/myapp. i can access that both application from internet.
i bought domain from now i wanted to map to http://IP:8080/sampleapp and to http://IP:8090/myapp.
I don't want to add another apache layer to forward port.
How can i map..? please help me
You can give a redirection in your DNS setting which redirects your domain to your static IP.
But I would like to suggest you can run on port 80 to just make your link prettier.
Your requirement is not very clear. However you can deploy both apps to the same port, like 80, and then use Tomcat virtual host to achieve what you need:

How to host for different company departments/clients on different IIS servers while sharing same ip address?

I want to know whether I can accomplish this. If I can, then how?
I have a domain The different clients have their own virtual directory on IIS server. Eg:
They all are hosted on the same box. Is it possible for me to seperate them out to different boxes and still be able to acheive the above?
That is, if I have 3 server boxes with ip address 123.456.789.10,123.456.789.11 and 123.456.789.12, can I have them all share the same website address? In the above scenario, client1 will be hosted on 123.456.789.10, client 2 will be hosted on 123.456.789.11 and client3 will be on 123.456.789.12.
Please let me know.
Yes you can. You can look into the web servers like Apache and nginx. They have modules mod_proxy which allows you to add Proxypass and ReverseProxypass rules.
Proxypass /client1 http://123.456.789.10/client1
ReverseProxypass /client1 http://123.456.789.10/client1
Proxypass /client2 http://123.456.789.11/client2
ReverseProxypass /client2 http://123.456.789.11/client2
and so on.
What you can also do is host this apache on server in DMZ zone and then proxypass to intranet servers hosting IIS sites.

DNS Changes: Pointing one subdirectory to another host

Short Question:
Is it possible that points to an IP address, but points to another IP?
More Details: was previously hosted with my client's host company. I have designed a new website for them and now host it myself (by pointing their IP to mine). They are now letting me know that there used to be a sub-directory where another application was hosted under. It would take me a while to re-install that application in the new host, I was just wondering if it'd be possible to serve any request to that sub-directory through the old host/IP.
That's not possible. Resolving the host ( is a separate task (DNS query) from connecting to the http server (HTTP connection) that the host points to. None of the URL, except for the hostname, is queried via DNS so there is no way that DNS can be made to behave differently based on other parts of the URL as it doesn't see it.
A subdomain is part of the hostname and that's why and can point to different addresses. If you need to have go elsewhere, you'll need to use HTTP redirects.

Domain transfered to OVH but DNS Host is still on 1and1

I've transfered a domain from to OVH, now I need to manage my DNS to point them to a new server, but running this command from here
command line> nslookup
> set querytype=soa
I found out that DNS are still managed from 1and1.
Reading the OVH guide about DNS i found out that i need to activate DNS zone from my manager. But... won't this conflict with the DNS declared on 1and1?
I'm not sure about how is this working, so does someone knows the right workflow to do this?
Thanks in advance
after a call with OVH Support the correct workflow is:
Create or configure the DNS zone
Change the DNS Server to the OVH server
in 24 hours all should work fine, I'll let you know...

dns to directadmin ip-address:port

Right now I have a VPS with DirectAdmin installed on it, on default DirectAdmin is reachted by going to (example ip).
I am trying to set up a dns server that will forward to
Sitting this up at the hosting company didn't give any errors, but when I try add this line to my DirectAdmin DNS settings it gives the following error:
Cannot Add Record - The value must be an IP address
Doing this would give my customers a better quality of usage and they feel like I provide all the services.
Any ideas?
A DNS server just resolves your hostname ( to an IP ( It knows nothing about your port number.
To achieve what you describe, you have to set up some sort of a proxy... Read up on mod_proxy in Apache if you are using it and use a RewriteRule to achieve a redirection from to, for instance.
