I Need Help Modifying CKEditor's Default Image Property Paths - drupal-6

I am using CKEditor with Drupal 6.19. I have tried my installation with both CKFinder and IMCE. When an image is inserted from the image browser into the Image Properties window, CKEditor gets a url similar to:
I want CKEditor to simply have:
file structure of my site is this:
Is this url passed from the file browser, or a default in CKEditor?
If it is CKEditor, where do I find the code to change this, or is it even possible?

The URL suggested /sites/example.com/files/images/my_image.jpg is the correct path. Thats because all files are uploaded to the /sites/example.com/files/ folder. The behavior is correct and should not be modified. (Unless I've not understood your problem correctly or there is a very good reason why you want to store your images under DRUPAL_ROOT/files/images)


trigger and fill image upload from url via chrome extension

I'm currently working on a chrome extension that injects a content script into a webpage that allows the user to autofill a form, and everything seems to be working correctly, with the text inputs. But I have not been able to figure out how to upload an image programmatically (simulating user input).
I need help creating a function that takes in a parameter of image url or data uri, and automatically triggers the file upload as if the user uploaded the image manually, to an input selector of my choice. End result should still keep the thumbnail and similar resolution intact.
triggers file(image specifically) input automatically. Must include thumbnail and similar resolution intact
must include a parameter for image url/ or data uri
must include a parameter for input selector I target
must work from a chrome extension content script
must work on any file/image input on any page would be ideal
can be written in javascript or jquery, whichever you prefer
An extension that solves this problem perfectly can be found here, so I know this is possible, I just have not been able to replicate it: https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/upload-image-from-url/eiglgndkjiabiepkliiemoabepkkhacb. (the code is obfuscated, so I can't figure out how to replicate.

Why URL's "path" such as index.html was hidden?

In modern Website usually hidden path.
use this
instance of this
but I want to ask why they chose to hidden the file path.
I know that Initial web was use this file path.
But if they chose to cover up it, I think there was some reason.
Because of they just think it doesn't look good?
Or is there a security issue when using a file root?
in tranditional website.all content on the page is static and write in html file.so we can fetch and show the page directly by browser.
in modern internet,the content we browse is dynamic,for example we browse a news page,the content changed every second,so the server handle our request by some function not handle by a static html file,the function always print out latest news,so it is dynamic,not a unchanged static html file.

Send path of SDWebImage stored image to a UIWebView

I need to be able to get a path to images that cached.
While I am wondering if there is a way to do this using SDWebImage, I could probably get away with just having the knowledge to return a path to an image stored in the cache so I can display it within a uiwebview inside an image tag.
According to this https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage/issues/25 it would seem you can simply refer to the image by it's original url and it will be correctly picked up from cache.

How to display an pdf once uploaded with jsf

I have created a file upload function which saves all the uploads to a certain place:
private String destination = "D:/Documents/NetBeansProjects/FileUpload/uploadedDocuments/";
Is this a good place to store it? Should I store it some where else?
Is it possible that once the upload is complete for a page to be displayed showing the user what they have just uploaded, like a box below showing a preview? And how would I go about doing this? I am new.
I have figured it out how to display a plain txt file and an image, however it is the pdf that is confusing me.
As to the upload location, which seems to be the IDE project folder, that's absolutely not right. You should choose a configureable and fixed location somewhere outside the IDE project folder. You should not rely on using getRealPath() or relative paths in java.io.File. It would make your webapp unportable. See also this related question: Uploaded image only available after refreshing the page.
Whatever way you choose based on the information provided in the answer of the aforementioned question (and all links therein), you should ultimately end up having a valid URL pointing to the PDF file in question such as http://example.com/files/some.pdf.
Then, you can serve the PDF file on a webpage using either an <iframe>:
<iframe src="/files/some.pdf" width="600" height="400"></iframe>
Or an <object>:
<object data="/files/some.pdf" type="application/pdf" width="600" height="400">
some.pdf <!-- This link will only show up when the browser doesn't support showing PDF. -->
Keep in mind that showing PDFs in a browser is only supported in browsers having Adobe Reader plugin. Note that the <object> approach will gracefully degrade to a link when the browser doesn't support displaying application/pdf content.

Problem with routes and mod-rewrite (if not absolute i don't get CSS, JS or images)

i updated the code from my website to a 'better' veersion i think,
it works fine but when i try to implement the friendly URL and load it, works, but with no CSS, Javascript or images,
but if i corret the routes for the css to http://website/css/style.css (instead of ./css/style.css) it i do see the CSS properly loaded,
any idea why?
Example: http://keepyourlinks.com/link1.php?id=25 VS http://keepyourlinks.com/keep/25/series-yonkis
(i updated the route of the CSS, but the Javascript is missing an the images asweell)
I really would like not to have to correct al routes :(
./ means the current directory, which isn't where the file is, so it doesn't work.
Your best bet is to start using paths relative to the root of your site from now on, every time you write a link to a stylesheet or javascript or image, on every site. It always works and saves you from problems like this.
/css/style.css points to the same URL no matter what directory the current page is in.
