Spreadsheets: how do I SUM values in a column, only if the text column has a 1? - excel

Let's say I have this data
4 1
4 0
4 1
3 0
5 1
How do I write a function (using SUM or something like that) to add all the values on the left, if the values on the right are 1, or true
The total should be 13

Assuming columns A and B are used...
Check just for 1:
If you want to check for TRUE also:
=SUMIF(B1:B5,"=1",A1:A5) + SUMIF(B1:B5,"=TRUE",A1:A5)

sort by column b, then auto-sum the values you want in column a. cheap & lazy solution.


EXCEL Sum up points based on placements (combine VLOOKUP and SUM)

e.g. I have a list of race results:
A B C D E F...
abc =? 1 3 3
bcd 3 2 4
cde 4 4 2
def 2 1 1
and another sheet with points for each result:
1 10
2 5
3 2
4 1
Is it possible to get the total points in sheet1 column B based on the race results in column C-E..?
Is it a connection from VLOOKUP and SUM?
Yes, that's possible. You can use a SUMPRODUCT formula for that. You may use this one in column B:
Your result will look like this:
This is an array function. The term C2:E2=$A$13:$A$16 will check for race 1 to 3 if it was 1st, 2nd, 3rd or 4th place. This will result in an "imaginary" array of TRUE and FALSE. For name "abc", it will look like that.
Those results are then multiplied with the points from B13:B16 and the sum is formed.
In Excel O365, one could use:
Formula in B2:

how to reference a specific cell in a formula if other cells match a specific value

Thanks so much for looking at my question! I am trying to create a formula that subtracts a specific value from another formula. However, that specific value may change.
1 1 100 =(2000 - ( if A = 1, i want to subtract the C value where B =1))
1 2 250
1 3 310
1 4 .
2 1
2 2 =((2000 - ( if A = 2, i want to subtract the C value where B =1))
2 3
2 4
3 1
3 2
3 3
3 4
(A,B,C,D are the columns)
Hopefully this makes sense! I am trying to subtract the C value that goes along with the B1 value for each different A.
I was thinking an index match of some sort but wasnt exactly sure how to do that when the A's change. Thanks so much in advance for help!
INDIRECT or INDEX functions can help you. See this answer.
Would something like a nested if function work for you here? For example:
=IF(A2=1,IF(B2=1,2000-C2,"Enter calculation if B2<>1"),"Enter calculation if A2"<>1)
If this works, then you can simply copy/paste the function down the rows in column D.

Retrieve column 4 from Column 2 and 3 which contains minimum and maximum conditions along with Column 1 which is a separate value?

Hello I have a table shown below where I have letters in column 1, and min and max ranges for column 2 and 3. I am trying to retrieve the final number in column 4.
I know I can use a VLOOKUP and set the range as TRUE to get the last column. However, how would I factor in multiple columns/criteria to find match the correct range with the correct letter.
For example, I can would like to get value 4 from the last column. I would have to match with "B" and it would be between 0 and $50,000.
A 0 $50,000 1
A $50,001 $100,000 2
A $100,001 $250,000 3
B 0 $50,000 4
B $50,001 $100,000 5
B $100,001 $250,000 6
C 0 $50,000 7
C $50,001 $100,000 8
C $100,001 $250,000 9
Thank you!
Two ways:
If the pattern is the same as to the breaks of the dollar amounts then use this:
Where MATCH(G1,A:A,0) returns the first row where the ID is located and MATCH(H1,$B$1:$B$3) finds the relative location of the price in the first pattern. Change $B$1:$B$3 to encompass the whole pattern.
If the patterns are different then you can use this:
=SUMIFS(D:D,A:A,G1,B:B,"<=" & H1,C:C,">=" & H1)
One more for the future when Microsoft releases FILTER():
This is entered normally and does not matter the pattern.

CountifS + multiple criteria + distinct count

I'm looking for a formula calculating : distinct Count + multiple criteria
Countifs() does it but do not includes distinct count...
Here is an example.
I have a table on which I want to count the number of distinct items (column item) satisfying multiple conditions one column A and B : A>2 and B<5.
Image description here
Line Item ColA ColB
1 QQQ 3 4
2 QQQ 3 3
3 QQQ 5 4
4 TTT 4 4
5 TTT 2 3
6 TTT 0 1
7 XXX 1 2
8 XXX 5 3
9 zzz 1 9
Countifs works this way : COUNTIFS([ColumnA], criteria A, [ColumnB], criteria B)
COUNTIFS([ColumnA], > 2 , [ColumnB], < 5)
Returns : lines 1,2,4,5,8 => Count = 5
How can I add a distinct count function based on the Item Column ? :
lines 1,2 are on a unique item QQQ
lines 4,5 are on a unique item TTT
Line 8 is on a unique item XXX
Returns Count = 3
How can I count 3 ?!
You can download the excel file # Excel file
Newer versions of Excel allow for this problem to be solved in a (relatively) more simple way. It certainly is easier to follow and understand, conceptually.
First, filter the table based on multiple criteria (join multiple with the *):
=FILTER(Table,(Table[Column A]>2)*(Table[Column B]<5))
Then, grab the "Item" column with INDEX:
=INDEX(FILTER(Table,(Table[Column A]>2)*(Table[Column B]<5)),,2)
Next, filter for unique entries:
=UNIQUE(INDEX(FILTER(Table,(Table[Column A]>2)*(Table[Column B]<5)),,2))
Finally, perform a count:
=COUNTA(UNIQUE(INDEX(FILTER(Table,(Table[Column A]>2)*(Table[Column B]<5)),,2)))
Ugly formula, but it works.
I'll start with the criteria IFS:
Gives an array of 1s and 0s for the rows that satisfy both criteria. ARRAY = {1;1;1;1;0;0;0;1;0} for your example.
Where B2:B10 is the Item column, the countif formula:
returns {6;6;6;3;3;3;1;1;0} where the number equals the number of item values in B2:B10 alphabetically less than the tested item value.
QQQ goes to 6 [3"TTT", 2"XXX", 1"zzz"]
TTT goes to 3 [2"XXX", 1"zzz"]
XXX goes to 1 [1"zzz"]
zzz goes to 0 [0 less than "zzz"]
Need to add 1 to this array to make sure there are no 0 values:
So when multiplying the criteria, and the countif statement:
You get ARRAY = {7;7;7;4;0;0;0;2;0}.
ROW(B2:B10)-ROW(B2) sets the frequency bins to {0;1;2;3;4;5;6;7;8}. So the output of the frequency formula is {4;0;1;0;1;0;0;3;0;0} where the last 0 is for all values greater than 8.
((ROW(B2:B11)-ROW(B2)>0)*1) equals {0;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1;1}. Multiplying ARRAY by this removes the 0 count at the start: ARRAY = {0;0;1;0;1;0;0;3;0;0}. [NOTE: B11 is lowest item column cell+1 because of the added array value from the frequency formula for values over 8]
(ARRAY)>0)*1 = {0;0;1;0;1;0;0;1;0;0}
SUM this = 3.
ctrl + shift + enter, because it's an array formula.
cmd + shift + enter for mac.
You could try this:
Credit where credit due, however ... I found it over here:

how to count number between certain range of rows?

i would like to count number for every 7 rows, data are in one column. i use this formula, but it is not working.
from B8 to B14329, for every 7 rows, count number if it is equal to 3. so i know how many 3 in every 7 rows.
=COUNTIFS(B8:B14329, OFFSET($B$7,(ROW()-12)*7,0,7,1),B8:B14329,=3)
Thanks a lot!
i want something like this:
data count
1 4
1 2
Simple and easy:
Just change the =1 to your needs. To start with row 1 =1, 2 =2 ... 6 =6, 7 =0. This way, to start count at row 8 it is =1
EDIT: having your exaple now, you want something completely different... lol.
Put this in row 14 and then drag down... change the =0 as you need it.
Here's what I would do
Add a new column with the row index (8 to 14239) in your case
Add Yet another column, with a formula to tell whether the column you just added is a multiple of 7. Put it's value like "TRUE" or "FALSE"
You can use the MOD function to check the remainder of the division.
= MOD ( Number , Divisor )
By now, you should have, aside from the columns you already have, something like:
Once you have that, just apply a filter on the "TRUE/FALSE" column, select the "TRUE" values and you will be able to count the number of "3"s on the actual value column, by also using a filter on it.
I hope it helps, and it's easier than a really messy formula.
