Are there any examples with libpcap and libnet? - linux

I want to capture ip packages on one server, and then forward the packages to another server by libnet, who has some examples ? thanks in advance.

Check out these tutorials:
Programming with pcap
Libnet 1.1 tutorial for beginners
If you have code fragments that are not working, please include.
The 2nd link no longer works. Below is a different link that might help. In general, links should not be listed since they expire or become obsolete. Searching for 'libnet tutorial for beginners' or 'pcap tutorial for beginners' would be a good start.
Libnet tutorial for beginners


How to turn my OLED display on my Raspberry Pi on?

I want to start making some Rapsberry Pi projects as a beginner and recently bought this display, but cannot seem to get it on. Could somebody provide me with some Python code to make it say Hello World! for example?
Or maybe better, direct me to some documentation which helps me? I cannot seem to find anything useful and I am still too noob to understand the documentation provided on the page I linked above.
My first try would be the adafruit library
You may find installing the dependencies a little trying the first time unless you already have that but there is enough documentation to be found to make it work - linked from the github page I've shared

Ant design 3.12.0 Sketch file

I need the Ant design UI Kit in English or Source sketch file. Where can I get that, please?
Searched google and visited Ant website but, could not find
I found this 2 articles online, maybe they might help you:
This is the design Kit page from the official documentation.
I also found this github link that shows how to get started, it might help you!
Hope I helped you

Node.js Twitter library that supports update_with_media

None of the libraries I have tried support update_with_media for posting images:
All of these libraries claim to implement this functionality, which is very worrying.
If anyone is currently running software that is doing this, please reply. I am not interested in URL's linking to software that claims to support this feature.
I was searching for same thing for a while with little success.
So I decided to make my own which turned out to be short and sweet:
All the instructions are in the gist :)
I modified #Val's gist to support files from remote url's (i.e. s3) rather than reading it from a file. Thought I'd share in case it's useful to others.

JavaScriptMVC (JMVC) Tutorials

I'm interested in learning JavaScriptMVC. I've gone through Getting Started and a bunch of the official docs, but I learn best by looking at other people's code. I'm not finding much else in the way of tutorials or sample/open source apps using it.
Anyone know of good tutorials or open source apps I can look at to see how it's used in a more complex app?
PS: I'm aware of the Srchr tutorial, but the proxy at work is blocking me from getting the code with getjs. Is there someplace to download it from the web? If not, I'll grab it at home this weekend.
There are some small examples in the end of each article in JMVC documentation (read core - Model, Controller, View). Also read this
Ask on JMVC forum. My advice - start building your own app - it will the best tutorial.
Good luck.

How to quickly learn Python and Ruby frameworks coming from a PHP background

I've been using CakaPHP and Kohanaphp but now I want to try out other frameworks from a more sophisticated OOP language for my next projects.
How can I learn the following frameworks quickly so I can immediately pick what to use:
Tutorials and examples from online resources would really be great.
For php developers who've already underwent this learning experience, please share yours.
Regarding Pylons. There is a good introductory book written by one of the creators of Pylons. It is freely available online at
For Ramaze, see:
the website
the wiki
the book
the mailing list
the IRC channel
You can also learn about setting up Sinatra with Google's App Engine (via jRuby) here:
Fairly quick and easy setup.
There's also this screencast at PeepCode
