How to use YUI 3 History standalone without the loader? - yui

Using YUI scripts on our SSL page turned out to break the SSL connection because they dynamically load scripts from yahoo (combo) over a http connection.
As we only use the history manager of YUI 3, I wanted to host the code on our server. If I copy the code from It does not work anymore ("Y.History.getBookmarkedState is not a function" says firebug).
Does anyone know how to do that correctly?

You're loading the modules correctly, but you're trying to use the deprecated History API (from YUI <=3.1.x). In YUI 3.2.0, the History Utility was rewritten, and the API is not backwards-compatible.
You can still use the old API in 3.2.0 by loading the history-deprecated module instead of history. Alternatively (and preferably) you can migrate to the new API, which is simpler and more flexible than the old one. You'll find a migration guide in the History Utility documentation.

I guess you should check the API. I've checked the code from this combo and it really loads History and submodules.
YUI({ bootstrap: false }).use('history', function(Y) {
It shows outputs G(); Also I found getBookmarkedState declaration inside history-deprecated submodule so it seems like something new is used instead of this.


How should I use Swagger with Hapi?

I have a working ordinary Hapi application that I'm planning to migrate to Swagger. I installed swagger-node using the official instructions, and chose Hapi when executing 'swagger project create'. However, I'm now confused because there seem to be several libraries for integrating swagger-node and hapi:
hapi-swagger: the most popular one
hapi-swaggered: somewhat popular
swagger-hapi: unpopular and not that active but used by the official Swagger Node.js library (i.e. swagger-node) as default for Hapi projects
I though swagger-hapi was the "official" approach, until I tried to find information on how do various configurations on Hapi routes (e.g. authorization, scoping, etc.). It seems also that the approaches are fundamentally different, swagger-hapi taking Swagger definition as input and generating the routes automatically, whereas hapi-swagger and hapi-swaggered seem to have similar approach with each other by only generating Swagger API documentation from plain old Hapi route definitions.
Considering the amount of contributors and the number of downloads, hapi-swagger seems to be the way to go, but I'm unsure on how to proceed. Is there an "official" Swagger way to set up Hapi, and if there is, how do I set up authentication (preferably by using hapi-auth-jwt2, or other similar JWT solution) and authorization?
EDIT: I also found swaggerize-hapi, which seems to be maintained by PayPal's open source kraken.js team, which indicates that it might have some kind of corporate backing (always a good thing). swaggerize-hapi seems to be very similar to hapi-swagger, although the latter seems to provide more out-of-the-box functionality (mainly Swagger Editor).
Edit: Point 3. from your question and understanding what swagger-hapi actually does is very important. It does not directly serves the swagger-ui html. It is not intended to, but it is enabling the whole swagger idea (which the other projects in points 1. and 2. are actually a bit reversing). Please see below.
It turns out that when you are using swagger-node and swagger-hapi you do not need all the rest of the packages you mentioned, except for using swagger-ui directly (which is used by all the others anyways - they are wrapping it in their dependencies)
I want to share my understanding so far in this hapi/swagger puzzle, hope that these 8 hours that I spent can help others as well.
Libraries like hapi-swaggered, hapi-swaggered-ui, also hapi-swagger - All of them follow the same approach - that might be described like that:
You document your API while you are defining your routes
They are somewhat sitting aside from the main idea of swagger-node and the boilerplate hello_world project created with swagger-cli, which you mentioned that you use.
While swagger-node and swagger-hapi (NOTE that its different from hapi-swagger) are saying:
You define all your API documentation and routes **in a single centralized place - swagger.yaml**
and then you just focus on writing controller logic. The boilerplate project provided with swagger-cli is already exposing this centralized place swagger.yaml as json thru the /swagger endpoint.
Now, because the swagger-ui project which all the above packages are making use of for showing the UI, is just a bunch of static html - in order to use it, you have two options:
1) to self host this static html from within your app
2) to host it on a separate web app or even load the index.html directly from file system.
In both cases you just need to feed the swagger-ui with your swagger json - which as said above is already exposed by the /swagger endpoint.
The only caveat if you chose option 2) is that you need to enable cors for that end point which happened to be very easy. Just change your default.yaml, to also make use of the cors bagpipe. Please see this thread for how to do this.
As #Kitanotori said above, I also don't see the point of documenting the code programmatically. The idea of just describing everything in one place and making both the code and the documentation engine to understand it, is great.
We have used Inert, Vision, hapi-swagger.
import * as Inert from '#hapi/inert';
import * as Vision from '#hapi/vision';
import Swagger from './plugins/swagger';
// hapi server setup
const plugins: any[] = [Inert, Vision, Swagger];
await server.register(plugins);
// other setup
import * as HapiSwagger from 'hapi-swagger';
import * as Package from '../../package.json';
const swaggerOptions: HapiSwagger.RegisterOptions = {
info: {
title: 'Some title',
version: Package.version
export default {
plugin: HapiSwagger,
options: swaggerOptions
We are using Inert, Vision and hapi-swagger to build and host swagger documentation.
We load those plugins in exactly this order, do not configure Inert or Vision and only set basic properties like title in the hapi-swagger config.

i18Next - NodeJS - How to change translations without reloading server

I am using i18next package for NodeJS to enable translation. I am using it as standard with a json file for each language-COUNTRY pair.
I'd like to build an admin page to edit translations without having to dig into the code; then, how can I "reload" the json files once edited by admin, without having to restart the server ?
Also, is it possible to use a DB (i am using mongodb) instead of JSON files ? Would it be more appropriate in this case?
I wish i knew the answer to how to reload the JSON files without completely re-initializing i18next-node.
In terms of storing your translations in a database, i18next-node can connect to MongoDB (as well as Redis and CouchDB):
You can set
i18next.sync.resStore = {}
and then call
to force a reload of your preloaded languages.
It is better to use an official API of i18n with reloadResources.
// reload all
// reload languages
i18next.reloadResources(['de', 'fr']);
// reload namespaces for all languages
i18next.reloadResources(null, ['ns1', 'ns2']);
// reload namespaces in languages
i18next.reloadResources(['de', 'fr'], ['ns1', 'ns2']);

Drag 'n' Drop files to a Chrome Package App?

Has anyone successfully implemented drag and drop with files from desktop to the app?
I've tried just putting this drag 'n' drop example into the index file but I just get this error:
Can't open same-window link to "file:///C:/Users....whatever"; try target="_blank".
Please share your stories, what you've tried and if you have succeed :)
Some resources to help you:
New Chrome Packaged Apps codelab that we've been working on covers drag-and-drop in both AngularJS and pure JavaScript.
AngularJS drag-and-drop:
JavaScript drag-and-drop:
There's an early version of docs too for AngularJS drag-and-drop for Chrome at
We're working on the docs to cover both samples though.
I have done this a while ago and it worked.
The problem you've got is that you are creating a file url, then trying to navigate to the url. The navigation is failing, not the read. It's failing due to CSP, and you probably won't be able to override that with a different CSP due to security restrictions we've placed on allowable CSPs.
But, you should be able to just read the file and use the content. You need to change that sample code to use ReadAsText or ReadAsArrayBuffer instead of readAsDataURL. Look here for more details.
Please let us know how you get on!
Just listening for drop won't work. You will have to prevent the default functionality of dragover.
document.body.addEventListener('dragover', function(e) {
document.body.addEventListener('drop', function(e) {
alert('it works!')

Can I monkey patch the phantomjs browser api with execute_script?

Im trying to test an application with some native JavaScript features disabled e.g. querySelector ...
So I thought this might work before the call to visit:
page.execute_script("document.querySelector = null")
but it doesn't work, any thoughts on how I could achieve this?
Have a look at the :extensions option. This allows you to define a JS file which gets preloaded into the browser.

Kohana Database Configuration System

I am trying to get the database configuration functionality working with kohana 3.2. I want to attach the Config_Database as source:
Kohana::$config->attach(new Config_Database, False);
Described here:
I attach the new source after loading the modules (so the database module is loaded before attaching the source). But when I have attached the new source it seems as if kohana does not want to load any controller using the Auth module with ORM driver. Then the browser loads and loads but only a white page appears. All other controller, not using the ORM or Auth module, function properly.
Can anyone give a short explanation how to use the Config_Database functionality, or give a alternative.
Update ORM module to 3.2/develop
