TortoiseSVN actions aren't appearing in the context menu after installing them - tortoisesvn

Using Windows 7 Ultimate on 64bits. Why isn't it showing? I can find tortoise svn in the start menu and when I launch it it says the application is a shell extension but it doesn't show.
I just installed this at work this morning and now I want to install it at home. Any help? Why won't it show? I have already rebooted my machine.

Did you install the 64-bit version?
You need 64 bit TortoiseSVN on 64 bit Windows because otherwise, its Explorer won't "see" Tortoise.
The best thing is actually to install both to make sure Tortoise works in the folder views of 32-Bit applications like IDE's, too.
Note that x64 users can install both the 32 and 64-bit versions side by side. This will enable the TortoiseSVN features also for 32-bit applications.
If you get the TortoiseSVN specific commands when right-clicking a file or folder in Explorer, it works.

Did you reboot? You need to restart explorer.exe

TortoiseSVN is a shell extension and not a regular desktop application like WinCVS. All commands are available from the Context menu. I suggest be first familiar with svn commands and how they work and then try to use the same commands through TortoiseSVN.


5.2 and Windows 10 compatibility release

I know this isnt a dev question per se, but is there a timeline on a 5.2 build that can be installed on Win 10?
I think the issue i am seeing is just with the installer so an in place upgrade to Win 10 might work fine, but a clean install fails as it doesnt acknowledge IIS 10 or whatever version comes with Win 10.
Official answer - Windows 10 is not yet supported by the currently available Acumatica ERP installers, however the issue has already been fixed internally (AC-56069 - fixed in 4.20.2262, 5.10.0785, 5.20.1012 and newer). Following workaround can be used in the meantime:
Download the Orca tool to edit the MSI file:
Open the
MSI file using this tool (might be able to right click on MSI and
open with Orca)
Go to the LaunchCondition table
Drop/delete the IIS version condition (inside MSI, the LaunchCondition entry is IISVERSION >="#7"; system does a string comparison and "10" is
smaller than "7")
Save and close Orca
Run the setup
I can't give you an "official" answer but I can give you a work around.
If you download a utility called LessMSI you can extract the installation files. They will come out in a folder called "SourceDir". Simply take these and replace the files in your default installation folder or run them from another location.
Then you can proceed as normal.
The installer only checks if pre-reqs are installed and then copy's the files to the output location. If you have IIS already setup with dotnet support then the rest will be fine.
I do this frequently if I have to install a site with a specific version in order to upgrade or test a client's snapshot.
I have 4.1,4.2,5.1,5.2 running on my Windows 10 workstation as I type

Does external drag&drop or copy/paste work in IntelliJ IC Linux?

Information on IntelliJ's Blog says that drag&drop in Linux is supported as it uses the same JAVA API as Windows version. However, although I've enabled this feature in the app's properties, I cannon drag a file on Linux desktop (or from any Explorer window) and drop it in some /res folder. I cannon copy a file on desktop and paste it in any /res folder as well.
Anyone knows the way to enable this feature or make it work?
PS. The same version is installed on Windows 7 x64 and drag&drop (c/p as well) works flawlessly. I use Ubuntu 10.04 x64, but I think it's the same in all distros.
PPS. I've tested both IC and IU versions and neither supports drag&drop or c/p.
As stated in the blog, this feature is supported on Windows and on Mac, there is no word about Linux.
If you want it to work on Linux, vote for IDEA-42872.

What could be preventing context menus from showing up after installing TortoiseSVN?

I've installed the latest TortoiseSVN on my Windows 7 machine and the context sensitive menu doesn't show up even after a restart. How do I fix the problem?
If you are on 64bit windows you have to install 64bit version of TortoiseSVN, is this the case with you?
Update Several reports confirm that installing twice (without uninstalling) or uninstal/install twice do fix the menu problem. Seems to be a TortoiseSVN bug.

tortoise svn folder icons not coming

I have been experiencing a problem with tortoise .
when i checked out the code the tortoise icons usually green or red on the folders are not coming.Any solution???
Thanks in advance.
1 - Check If Your TortoiseSVN Settings are Correct
Right-Click in an SVN Folder >> TortoiseSVN >> Settings
Select Icon Overlays:
1. Status Cache to Default
2. Drive Types: (SELECT) Network Drive, Fixed Drive
2 - Find out if there are too many Icon Sets installed in Windows
Window allows up to 11 IconSets, if other programs like DropBox are installed they will hijack those spots
Since we are working in the registry, be careful not to edit things, unless you are sure!
Run regedit
If there are more than 11 Folders, then you have too many IconSets
:: In my case, it was because of DropBox - the folder names were ("DropboxExt1","DropboxExt2") and my Tortoise was named (1TortoiseNormal,2TortoiseModified)--The problem is that Windows reads this and enables them based on alpha numeric order ('"' comes before '1' in the alphanumeric stack)
SOLUTION : If you had the same problem as me, you can simply rename the Dropbox registry listings. I renamed my Dropbox listings from('"DropboxExt1"') to ('X"DropboxExt1"'), just adding an 'X' to the beginning of the registry. >>Restart your machine to see the registry listing take effect.
Try also to repair the installation, if you upgraded from 1.6.8 or 1.6.9. Just re-launch the TortoisSVN installer and choose "Repair". There are known problems with overlay icons and TortoiseSVN upgrades (see this blog post).
If you have checked out your code onto a network, or removable drive, you need to set some preferences to see the icons.
Please refer the following link I have also experienced simillar problem and the icon usually starts appearing after two or three reboots.
Also refer the following links
TortoiseSVN icons not showing up under Windows 7
You can go to TortoiseSVN>Settings>Icon Overlays>Status Cache.
If default is selected then change from default to shell. If shell is selected then change it from shell to default. it should fix it.
Maybe it depends on your platform? You need to install 64-bit TortoiseSVN if you want the TortoiseSVN Overlay icons in Windows Explorer, because Windows Explorer is 64-bit on Windows 64-bit.
Make sure you have installed the x64 version of TortoiseSVN if you're
using XP or Vista 64-bit. Since the explorer on those OS versions is a
64-bit application, it can not load the 32-bit version of TortoiseSVN.
You can still keep the 32-bit version of TortoiseSVN installed on
those OS versions though: it will show up in the 32-bit applications
file-open/save dialogs of those applications.
In the recent versions of the TortoiseSVN, old _svn folders are deprecated. it's better to rename them to .svn.
attrib -h _svn
rename _svn .svn
attrib +h .svn

Backspace on Cygwin Screen not working for Windows 2003 Server?

I updated a working Cygwin/Screen setup on Windows 2k3 Server to Cygwin v1.7.2 and Screen 4.00.03. After updating, backspace no longer works. I haven't made any changes to my system or configuration. The Cygwin update went fine, and I don't have any custom changes in /etc.
Any ideas?
This has been confirmed as a bug and is scheduled to be fixed. See this thread on the Cygwin mailing list for details.
Try this at command prompt:
C:\cygwin\bin\bash --noediting
