Backspace on Cygwin Screen not working for Windows 2003 Server? - cygwin

I updated a working Cygwin/Screen setup on Windows 2k3 Server to Cygwin v1.7.2 and Screen 4.00.03. After updating, backspace no longer works. I haven't made any changes to my system or configuration. The Cygwin update went fine, and I don't have any custom changes in /etc.
Any ideas?

This has been confirmed as a bug and is scheduled to be fixed. See this thread on the Cygwin mailing list for details.

Try this at command prompt:
C:\cygwin\bin\bash --noediting


Disabling VSCode autoupdate on linux machines

Suggestions provided here to disable autoupdate of VSCode apply only to MacOS and Windows. I have a linux machine on which VSCode updated itself today to Version 1.60.0
Although it does not apply, I nonetheless had
"update.mode": "none"
in the user settings.json file.
This question has been asked before on SO. See How do I disable VS Code of updating itself?, but it does not appear to work on linux.
This documentation from VSCode specifically for linux states:
If the VS Code repository was installed correctly, then your system
package manager should handle auto-updating in the same way as other
packages on the system.
How exactly should one go about disabling auto updates for linux? Does the above quote mean that on linux either all packages are auto updated or none of them are? I am on Ubuntu 20.10
Okay Google suggests:
Open the Unity Dash (16.04) or App Launcher (18.04+)
Search for 'Software & Updates'
Select the 'Updates' tab.
Change 'Automatically check for updates' from 'Daily' to 'Never'.
I don't have ubuntu at my office or i would test. I'll make sure when I get home if you haven't tried by then.
The reason VS Code in Linux still updates despite the settings is because the app is not handling the updating. In Linux, the package manager handles it. In Linux Mint (and Debian, Ubuntu) at least, the update is being done with apt. Other Linux distros have different package mangers, like Yum for RedHat based systems.
The way to disable the updating of VS Code is to remove the repository check that's created when VS Code is installed. In Linux Mint the location is:
This file has one repo listed:
deb [arch=amd64,arm64,armhf] stable main
To stop updating, simply comment out the line by adding a hash (#) in front of 'deb'
The proper way to do this would [probably] be to remove the repo using apt, but I prefer to keep the list file and repo available to make it simple to replace should I wish to enable auto-updating in the future. To start updating again, simply remove the hash and save the file.
Updating can still be done from VS Code after it's disabled in the package manager. To update VS Code manually, from the About menu select "check for updates" and then download and install if updates are available.
If you have set updates to "none" in settings, Check for updates does not show in the menu. You can get this menu item back by changing the setting for updates to "Manual".

Squirrel-Setup can't extract installer in Windows 10

We have an app which uses for installation and updating. When executing Setup.exe it can't extract the installer and we get the following error message:
It tries to install to the ..user//AppData.. directory.
Setup.exe works perfectly for Windows7 and it used to work for Windows10 (we don't know exactly when it stopped working).
We tried to run Setup.exe as administrator and in compatibility mode, however it did not help. But running Setup.exe as Domain-administrator works, so we expect that something changed with the user-rights in Windows 10. We also updated to the latest version (1.9) and added SQUIRREL_TEMP to the environment variables, but nothing helped.
Any suggestions what could be wrong?
I don't know why, however, upgrading Squirrel.Windows to version 1.9.0 fixed the issue.
This is pretty late to post, But if someone stumbles here please read this,
Workaround -
Please try disabling Antivirus software if any. In my case, user had Kaspersky AV, so disabled it for an hour and tried installation it worked.
Solution -
The robust solution would be digitally signing setup.exe that is generated by Squirrel (using releasify). Please refer this for details

Why can't I start the Virtual Machine I just built using VitrualBox?

Everything used to work fine, but I haven't been using Virtual Box for several weeks. Now all of the sudden, I get the following exception when trying to start my Windows 10(32-Bit) VM. Note - Things were working fine several weeks ago. As far as I can tell, I haven't changed anything on my system that would cause this. The exception details are as follow:
VirtualBox - Error In supR3HardenedWinReSpawn (rc=-5640)
Please try reinstalling VirtualBox. where supR3HardenedWinReSpawn
what: 1 VERR_SUP_VP_THREAD_NOT_ALONE (-5640) - Process Verification
Failure: The process has more than one thread
I have been researching this for some time, to avail. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
There is a workaround:
Open VMbox manager
Run your VM with option "Detachable start"
Wait a while and then use "Show" to show the screen
Detachable start option
Show the screen
My setup:
Oracle VM Box 6.0 running on Win10,
VM is Ubuntu 18.04
If you are using vagrant to boot up your Virtual machine, then in most cases the error is due to improper shutdown of the VM. A fix that worked for me is to execute vagrant halt or similar commands multiple times until you have a clean boot.
In case anyone is in the same predicament, I will share what finally fixed my issue. I found a post during my hours and hours of searching that said you have to enable virtualization in BIOS settings. I checked my machine and virtualization was enabled, so I went on searching. At a loss for what to try next, I finally tried turning virtualization off, just to see. No change, but when I went to turn it back on, just as a flook I turned Turbo off, and what do you know - All of the suddent I can start my VM. So the solution, in case it saves someone time:
Uninstall Virtual Box (Latest Version)
Reboot your machine and enter BIOS
Make sure anything with the term 'Virtualization' is turned on
Make sure anything with the term 'Turbo' is turned off
Reboot your machine
Install Virtual Box
Hopefully this saves some poor soul what I had to go through to get this thing working.
If you are using WindHawk, exit it and re-try.
Method B
download previous version from
install & extensions
Try to re-run your guest OS.
Try to do these steps:
1. Uninstall the VirtualBox program.
2. In your C:\users\\ might have two folders called ".VirtualBox" and "VirtualBox VMs": Delete them
3. Restart your PC
4. Install VirtualBox again
5. Add again your VM
6. It must working fine!
These steps worked for me!
Workaround 1:
Just increase the RAM size from virtual box settings
Right Click on OS image .
Increase the base memory
Workaround 2:
Change the Paravirtualization Interface from default to none
Right Click on OS image .
Change acceleration from default to none.
The above one's was basically a workaround , which can work in some but not in all.
The best thing would be to reinstall virtual box with latest version which virtual box has tried to rectify the bug and use the same vdi files which was made by Virtual Box .
One of the most common causes that will cause this type of behaviour is a missing driver (VBoxDrv.inf). It’s possible that due to some permission issues, the installation of this crucial driver doesn’t complete during the initial installation. In this case, you can fix the problem by installing the VBoxDrv.inf manually.
1.Fix the directory problem Press Windows key + R to open up a Run dialog box. Inside the text box, type ‘regedit’ and press Enter to open up Registry Editor. When you’re prompted by the User Account Control (UAC), click Yes to grant admin access.
Once you’re inside the Registry Editor, use the left-hand section to navigate to the
following location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\currentcontrolset\services\vboxdrv
After you arrive at the correct location, move over to the right-hand section and
double-click on ImagePath the path associated should be \C:\Program
if not replace with the above path and click ok.
Install the VBoxDRV.inf OPen location C:\Program Files\Oracle\VirtualBox\drivers\vboxdrv right-click on VBoxDrv.inf and choose Install from the context menu.
Then in cmd run command "sc start vboxdrv"
Restart system. This should work.

Eclipse - Can't set preferences

I've installed eclipse Mars.1 Release (4.5.1), and than i've installed spring plugin as i always do with a new linux installation (by the way i am running Manjaro Linux 15.09 fully updated with KDE) but this time i am facing a problem i have never seen before!
Everytime i go to the preferences window, the right pane won't update according to the selected option.
Ex: when i open the preferences window, if i try to drill down the "General" option, the right pane won't update, no matter what i choose in the left pane!
Can anyone help?
I had the same problem. The reason was because Eclipse didn't set up completely - there was some background tasks running (freezing actually).
Try to run Eclipse with another JRE version. I have this problem with 8u60, but everything is fine (as fine as it can be with Eclipse) when I use 8u45.
Off topic - I strongly recommend everyone to stop using Eclipse and go to Intellij IDEA. Your life will become much more happy.
UPD I faced that problem again with the new workspace, so maybe this isn't about JRE version. Try to wait a few minutes, reopen workspace again, this worked out for me.

TortoiseSVN actions aren't appearing in the context menu after installing them

Using Windows 7 Ultimate on 64bits. Why isn't it showing? I can find tortoise svn in the start menu and when I launch it it says the application is a shell extension but it doesn't show.
I just installed this at work this morning and now I want to install it at home. Any help? Why won't it show? I have already rebooted my machine.
Did you install the 64-bit version?
You need 64 bit TortoiseSVN on 64 bit Windows because otherwise, its Explorer won't "see" Tortoise.
The best thing is actually to install both to make sure Tortoise works in the folder views of 32-Bit applications like IDE's, too.
Note that x64 users can install both the 32 and 64-bit versions side by side. This will enable the TortoiseSVN features also for 32-bit applications.
If you get the TortoiseSVN specific commands when right-clicking a file or folder in Explorer, it works.
Did you reboot? You need to restart explorer.exe
TortoiseSVN is a shell extension and not a regular desktop application like WinCVS. All commands are available from the Context menu. I suggest be first familiar with svn commands and how they work and then try to use the same commands through TortoiseSVN.
