What could be preventing context menus from showing up after installing TortoiseSVN? - tortoisesvn

I've installed the latest TortoiseSVN on my Windows 7 machine and the context sensitive menu doesn't show up even after a restart. How do I fix the problem?

If you are on 64bit windows you have to install 64bit version of TortoiseSVN, is this the case with you?
Update Several reports confirm that installing twice (without uninstalling) or uninstal/install twice do fix the menu problem. Seems to be a TortoiseSVN bug.


Disabling VSCode autoupdate on linux machines

Suggestions provided here to disable autoupdate of VSCode apply only to MacOS and Windows. I have a linux machine on which VSCode updated itself today to Version 1.60.0
Although it does not apply, I nonetheless had
"update.mode": "none"
in the user settings.json file.
This question has been asked before on SO. See How do I disable VS Code of updating itself?, but it does not appear to work on linux.
This documentation from VSCode specifically for linux states:
If the VS Code repository was installed correctly, then your system
package manager should handle auto-updating in the same way as other
packages on the system.
How exactly should one go about disabling auto updates for linux? Does the above quote mean that on linux either all packages are auto updated or none of them are? I am on Ubuntu 20.10
Okay Google suggests:
Open the Unity Dash (16.04) or App Launcher (18.04+)
Search for 'Software & Updates'
Select the 'Updates' tab.
Change 'Automatically check for updates' from 'Daily' to 'Never'.
I don't have ubuntu at my office or i would test. I'll make sure when I get home if you haven't tried by then.
The reason VS Code in Linux still updates despite the settings is because the app is not handling the updating. In Linux, the package manager handles it. In Linux Mint (and Debian, Ubuntu) at least, the update is being done with apt. Other Linux distros have different package mangers, like Yum for RedHat based systems.
The way to disable the updating of VS Code is to remove the repository check that's created when VS Code is installed. In Linux Mint the location is:
This file has one repo listed:
deb [arch=amd64,arm64,armhf] http://packages.microsoft.com/repos/code stable main
To stop updating, simply comment out the line by adding a hash (#) in front of 'deb'
The proper way to do this would [probably] be to remove the repo using apt, but I prefer to keep the list file and repo available to make it simple to replace should I wish to enable auto-updating in the future. To start updating again, simply remove the hash and save the file.
Updating can still be done from VS Code after it's disabled in the package manager. To update VS Code manually, from the About menu select "check for updates" and then download and install if updates are available.
If you have set updates to "none" in settings, Check for updates does not show in the menu. You can get this menu item back by changing the setting for updates to "Manual".

MongoDB error as setup Wizard ended prematurely, while installing it on windows 10

I have downloaded MongoDB from the official site as an .msi file and during installation it stops and freezes and after half an hour, and gives an error as the setup wizard ended prematurely.
I have a fresh installation of Windows 10 Pro (64-bit) installed just today, and there are no other applications which should be interfering with MongoDB.
I have NodeJS (v8.10.0), npm(5.6.0) installed properly
Windows firewall is turned off and there is no antivirus running.
Is this problem of any missing drivers or any change in BIOS settings?
For me unchecking Install Compass helped ...
I disabled installing the router (mongos) and bundeled software client (MongoDB Compass) and installer ran fine after that. Hope this helps.
I had this problem too and solve it in this way:
Remove the older version of MongoDB if you have installed it before.
Disable your antivirus if you have any of them
Go to C:>users>"UserName">AppData>Local>Temp
Right Click on Temp and go to Properties
Select Security Tab
Select the User and check the permission and controll give the user full control by Checking Full Control on permission
Go Ahead and Install MongoDB.
Note that if you want to install MongoDB compass too, you should have internet connection.
I hope this will work for you.

Eclipse - Can't set preferences

I've installed eclipse Mars.1 Release (4.5.1), and than i've installed spring plugin as i always do with a new linux installation (by the way i am running Manjaro Linux 15.09 fully updated with KDE) but this time i am facing a problem i have never seen before!
Everytime i go to the preferences window, the right pane won't update according to the selected option.
Ex: when i open the preferences window, if i try to drill down the "General" option, the right pane won't update, no matter what i choose in the left pane!
Can anyone help?
I had the same problem. The reason was because Eclipse didn't set up completely - there was some background tasks running (freezing actually).
Try to run Eclipse with another JRE version. I have this problem with 8u60, but everything is fine (as fine as it can be with Eclipse) when I use 8u45.
Off topic - I strongly recommend everyone to stop using Eclipse and go to Intellij IDEA. Your life will become much more happy.
UPD I faced that problem again with the new workspace, so maybe this isn't about JRE version. Try to wait a few minutes, reopen workspace again, this worked out for me.

Failed to create imageSource from the text '..\Images\Medium.png

I recently migrated windows 8.1. But unable to open vs2013/vs2012 new Project template.
IT was working fine in windows 8.
ERROR: Failed to create imageSource from the text '..\Images\Medium.png'
Tried all options but did not succeed.
Please HELP
This is because you migrated from windows 8 to windows 8.1
First Go to Control Panel --> Check Updates for Windows 8.1
Install All Important Updates
Restart Your Pc
All things will properly work..
I tried almost every solution I found.
I would like to share, what I have tried and did not work and what did work and solved the problem.
Here are the "solutions" which did not work for me but claimed that they worked for some people.
1) Removing FastPictureViewer Codec Pack (which was already not installed)
2) Having a modify permission to everyone for
3) Using Procmon to see broken registries
4) Uninstalling/reinstalling VS13 and all shared packages
5) Renaming the machine.config.default to machine.config
6) Running Visual Studio as an administrator
And this what it solved it:
Simply installed all the updates for windows 8.1 (not only the important ones, also optional updates as well) and restart. It sounds crazy after spending hours and hours but that solved my problem.
Good luck!
I tried all the steps mentioned above and it did not work. Even I was not able to uninstall VS.
I reapaired .NET framework through Contrl Panel->Programs and Features-> Microsoft .Net Framework-> right click Chane/Uninstall Repair .Net Framework.
This solved the problem.
I got same error after Oracle Data Provider for VS 2013 installation. I installed all Windows 8.1 Important Updates but it didn't work. I read somewhere that it can be happened because of lastly installed VS Add-On etc. then uninstalled Oracle Data Provider for VS 2013 and problem solved.
I am using Visual Studio 2012. This problem occurred to me after I upgraded from Windows 8 to Windows 8.1, so it is definitely related to the OS upgrade.
As some answers say, installing updates for Windows 8.1 will resolve the issue. But you don't need to install everything. I installed only the .NET related updates. Specifically, I installed "Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 for Windows 8.1" (KB2934520), and a few others "Security and Quality Rollup" updates as well.
After a reboot, the "Loading Components" dialog shows up briefly upon launching Visual Studio, indicating that the cache of some components are invalidated and they are compiled again. After that, the "Add Reference" dialog works again.

TortoiseSVN actions aren't appearing in the context menu after installing them

Using Windows 7 Ultimate on 64bits. Why isn't it showing? I can find tortoise svn in the start menu and when I launch it it says the application is a shell extension but it doesn't show.
I just installed this at work this morning and now I want to install it at home. Any help? Why won't it show? I have already rebooted my machine.
Did you install the 64-bit version?
You need 64 bit TortoiseSVN on 64 bit Windows because otherwise, its Explorer won't "see" Tortoise.
The best thing is actually to install both to make sure Tortoise works in the folder views of 32-Bit applications like IDE's, too.
Note that x64 users can install both the 32 and 64-bit versions side by side. This will enable the TortoiseSVN features also for 32-bit applications.
If you get the TortoiseSVN specific commands when right-clicking a file or folder in Explorer, it works.
Did you reboot? You need to restart explorer.exe
TortoiseSVN is a shell extension and not a regular desktop application like WinCVS. All commands are available from the Context menu. I suggest be first familiar with svn commands and how they work and then try to use the same commands through TortoiseSVN.
