Looking for a fast polygon rendering algorithm - graphics

I am working with a Microchip dsPIC33FJ128GP802. It's a small DSP-based microcontroller, and it doesn't have much power (40 million instructions per second). I'm looking for a way to render a convex (i.e. simple) polygon. I am only dealing with 2D shapes, integer math, and set or clear pixels (i.e. 1 bit per pixel.) I already have routines for drawing fast horizontal and vertical lines (writing up to 16 pixels in 88 cycles), so I would like to use a scanline algorithm.
However, all the algorithms I have found seem to depend on division (which takes 18 cycles on this processor) and floating point math (which is emulated in software and so is very slow; it also takes up a lot of ROM), or assume that I have a large amount of memory. I only have 2K left, ~14K is used for graphics RAM of my 16K. So does anyone know of any good, embedded machine algorithms they can point me to with a simple C or pseudocode implementation which I can implement in assembly? Preferably on the 'net, I don't live near any good bookstores with many programming books.
Thanks. :)
EDIT: Clarification, this is a polygon filling algorithm I'm looking for. I can implement a polygon outline algorithm using Bresenham's line drawing algorithm (as Marc B suggests.)
EDIT #2: I wanted to let everyone know I got a basic algorithm up in Python. Here's a link to the code. Public domain code.

How about Bresenham's Line algorithm? After some setup, it's pure integer math, and can be adapted to draw a polygon by simple iteration of starting points along the polygon edges.
comments followup:
I'll try to draw this in ASCII, but it'll probably look like crud. Bresenham's can be used to draw a filled polygon by picking a starting edge, and iteratively moving a bresenham line across the canvas parallel to that point.
Let's say you've got some points like this:
These are numbered in left-right sort priority, so you pick the left-most starting point (1) and decide if you want to go vertically (start 1,2) or horizontally (1,3). That'd probably depend on how your DSP does its display, but let's go with vertical.
So... You use the 1-2 line as your starting bresenham line. You calculate the starting points of your fill lines by using lines 1-3 and 2-4 as your start/end points. Start a bresenham calculation for each, and draw another Bresenham between those two points. Kinda like:
1.1 -> 2.1, then 1.2 -> 2.2, then 1.3 -> 2.3
etc... until you reach the end of either of those lines. In this case, that'd be when the lower starting point reaches (4). At that point, you start iterating up the 4,3 line, until you reach point 3 with both starting points, and you're done.
\\\\\\\\ *
------- *
Where the dashes are the starting points you calculated along 1-3 and 2-4, and the slashes are the fill lines.
Of course, this only works if the points are properly sorted, and you've got a convex polygon. If it's concave, you'll have to be very careful to not let your fill lines cross over the border, or do some pre-processing and subdivide the original poly into two or more convex ones.

You may want to look at Michael Abrash's articles on Dr Dobbs about polygon fill/raster/etc. It uses fixed-point math

Thomas, if you have a Bresenham line drawing algorithm available, then use it as a basis for further enhancement: divide your polygon to sub-polygons with an horizontal cutting line through every vertex. Then, start tracing the 2 left and right sides of each of these sub-polys, using Bresenham. This way you have the 2 end-points of each scan line in your polygon.

I would start by converting the polygon to a collection of triangles and render those, because triangles are easy to render by scanlines. Although even so there are some details.
Essentially, the draw-triangle sub-procedure will be given a raw triangle and proceed:
Reject degenerate triangles (where two of the three vertices overlap).
Sort the vertices in Y (since there are only three you can hardcode the sorting logic).
Now, at this point you should know that there will be three kinds of triangles: ones with a flat top, ones with a flat bottom, and "general" triangles. You want to handle a general triangle by essentially splitting it into one each of the flat types. This is because you don't want to have an if test every scanline to detect if the slope changed.
To render a flat triangle, you would run two Bresenham algorithms in parallel to iterate the pixels comprising the edges, and use the points they give you as the endpoints of each horizontal scanline.

It may be easier to break the problem into two parts. First, locate/write an algorithm that draws and fills a triangle. Second, write an algorithm that breaks up an arbitrary polygon into triangles (using different combinations of the vertices).
To draw/fill a triangle, use Bresenham's Line Algorithm to simultaneously draw a line between points 0 and 1, and between 1 and 2. For each input point x, draw the pixel if it is equal to or in between the y points generated by the two lines. When you reach one endpoint, continue by using the unfinished side and the side that has not yet been used.
To break your convex polygon into triangles, arrange the points in order and call them P1, P2, ... PN. Let P1 be your "root" point, and build triangles using that point and combinations of adjacent points. For example, a pentagon would yield the three triangles P1-P2-P3, P1-P3-P4, and P1-P4-P5. In general, a convex polygon with N sides will decompose into N-2 triangles.


How to test if a line intersects a convex polygon?

Assume you are given the equation of a line (in 2d), and the equations of lines that form a convex polygon (the polygon could be unbounded). How do I determine if the line intersects the polygon?
Furthermore, are there computational geometry libraries where such tasks are pre-defined? I ask because I'm interested not just in the 2D version but n-dimensional geometry.
For the 2D case, I think the problem simplifies a bit.
The line partitions the space into two regions.
If the polygon is present in only one of those regions, then the line does not intersect it.
If the polygon is present in both regions, then the line does intersect it.
Take any perpendicular to the line, making the intersection with the
line the origin.
Project each vertex of the polytope onto the perpendicular.
If those projections occur with both signs, then the polygon
intersects the line.
[Update following elexhobby's comment.]
Forgot to include the handling of the unbounded case.
I meant to add that one could create a "virtual vertex" to represent the open area. What we really need is the "direction" of the open area. We can take this as the mean of the vectors for the bounding edges of the open area.
We then treat the dot product of that direction with the normal and add that to the set of vertex projections.
In geometry, typically see wikipedia a polygon is bounded.
What you are describing is usually called a polytope or a polyhedron see wikipedia
There are a few geometry libraries available, two that come to mind are boost (polygon) and CGAL. Generally, there is a distinct split between computational methods that deal with 2d,3d, and N-d - for obvious reasons.
For your problem, I would use a somewhat Binary Space Partitioning Tree approach. I would take the first line of your "poly" and trim the query line against it, creating a ray. The ray would start at the intersection of the two lines, and proceed in direction of the interior of the half-space generated by the first line of the "poly". Now I would repeat the procedure with the ray and the second line of the "poly". (this could generate a segment instead of ray) If at some point the ray (or now segment) origin lies on the outer side of a poly line currently considered and does not intersect it, then the answer is no - the line does not intersect your "poly". Otherwise it intersects. Take special care with various parallel edge cases. Fairly straight forward and works for multi-dimensional cases.
I am not fully sure, but I guess you can address this by use of duality. First normalize your line equations as a.x+b.y=1, and consider the set of points (a,b).
These must form a convex polygon, and my guess is that the new line may not correspond to a point inside the polygon. This is readily checked by verifying that the new point is on the same side of all the edges. (If you don't know the order of the lines, first construct the convex hull.)
Let's start from finite polygons.
To intersect polygon a line must intersect one of its edges. Intersection between line and an edge is possible only if two points lie on different sides from the line.
That can be easily checked with sign(cross_product(Ep-Lp,Ld)) for two points of the edge. Ep - edge point, Lp - some point on the line, Ld - direction vector of the line, cross_product(A,B)=Ax*By-Ay*Bx.
To deal with infinite polygons we may introduce "infinite points". If we have a half infinite edge with point E1 and direction Ed, its "second point" is something like E1+infinity*Ed, where infinity is "big enough number".
For "infinite points" the check will be slightly different:
If cross_product(Ed,Ld) is zero (the line is parallel to the edge), the sign will be determined by the first component. Otherwise the second component will dominate and determine the sign.

An algorithm to skip 3D curve points

Currently I am drawing a 3D curve consisting of 1200...1500 straight micro-lines directed by an array of 3D points (x,y,z), but rendering is a bit slow regardless of used technology (Adobe Flash, Three.js).
The curve is a kind of 3D arc with a 180 degree loop at the end, so I thought that skipping some points in places where the curve is more smooth and predictable will speed up rendering.
Could you suggest some algorithm which can determine how close to a straight line the specific piece of 3D curve is?
I tried to make Three.js to render these points as a single curve and it works really fast. But the different pieces of this curve should be differently colored, so I have to draw it as a bunch of separate lines and the only thing I can do to speed it up is to skip every second point in a region where line is close to a straight line.
I can not use OpenGL (WebGL) because not all browsers support it.
The difference between three points and a straight line can be quantified from the distance of the middle one from the line on which the other two rest. Probably getting the two lengths along the line from either end point to the middle one, dividing the distance by both and summing the two results is the easiest way to turn it into a single number.
as the middle point gets closer to the line, the number goes down;
as the line segment grows longer, variations by the mid point need to be proportionally more extreme; and
greater local slope (as if the middle point were very close to either end) produces a greater error.
You can get the distance from a position to a line by obtaining the vector from any point on the line to the position, using the dot product to work out how much of that is movement along the line and then subtracting that from the total. If you don't normalise your vector along the line first you end up having multiplied by the square of it, so no need for a square root operation on that account. Then for the implied length calculation you can just keep and compare all of those as squared.

triangle points around a point

I have given the coordinates of 1000 triangles on a plane (triangle number (T0001-T1000) and its coordinates (x1,y1) (x2,y2),(x3,y3)). Now, for a given point P(x,y), I need to find a triangle which contains the point P.
One option might be to check all the triangles and find the triangle that contain P. But, I am looking for efficient solution for this problem.
You are going to have to check every triangle at some point during the execution of your program. That's obvious right? If you want to maximize the efficiency of this calculation then you are going to create some kind of cache data structure. The details of the data structure depend on your application. For example: How often do the triangles change? How often do you need to calculate where a point is?
One way to make the cache would be this: Divide your plane in to a finite grid of boxes. For each box in the grid, store a list of the triangles that might intersect with the box.
Then when you need to find out which triangles your point is inside of, you would first figure out which box it is in (this would be O(1) time because you just look at the coordinates) and then look at the triangles in the triangle list for that box.
Several different ways you could search through your triangles. I would start by eliminating impossibilities.
Find a lowest left corner for each triangle and eliminate any that lie above and/or to the right of your point. continue search with the other triangles and you should eliminate the vast majority of the original triangles.
Take what you have left and use the polar coordinate system to gather the rest of the needed information based on angles between the corners and the point (java does have some tools for this, I do not know about other languages).
Some things to look at would be convex hull (different but somewhat helpful), Bernoullies triangles, and some methods for sorting would probably be helpful.

Smooth transitions between two intersecting polygons (interesting problem)

I have an interesting problem that I've been trying to solve for a while. There is no "right" solution to this, as there is no strict criteria for success. What I want to accomplish is a smooth transition between two simple polygons, from polygon A to polygon B. Polygon A is completely contained within polygon B.
My criteria for this transition are:
The transition is continuous in time and space
The area that is being "filled" from polygon A into polygon B should be filled in as if there was a liquid in A that was pouring out into the shape of B
It is important that this animation can be calculated either on the fly, or be defined by a set of parameters that require little space, say less than a few Kb.
Cheating is perfectly fine, any way to solve this so that it looks good is a possible solution.
Solutions I've considered, and mostly ruled out:
Pairing up vertices in A and B and simply interpolate. Will not look good and does not work in the case of concave polygons.
Dividing the area B-A into convex polygons, perhaps a Voronoi diagram, and calculate the discrete states of the polygon by doing a BFS on the smaller convex polygons. Then I interpolate between the discrete states. Note: If polygon B-A is convex, the transition is fairly trivial. I didn't go with this solution because dividing B-A into equally sized small convex polygons was surprisingly difficult
Simulation: Subdivide polygon A. Move each vertex along the polygon line normal (outwards) in discrete but small steps. For each step, check if vertex is still inside B. If not, then move back to previous position. Repeat until A equals B. I don't like this solution because the check to see whether a vertex is inside a polygon is slow.
Does anybody have any different ideas?
If you want to keep this simple and somewhat fast, you could go ahead with your last idea where you consider scaling polygon A so that it gradually fills polygon B. You don't necessarily have to check if the scaled-outward vertices are still inside polygon B. Depending on what your code environment and API is like, you could mask the pixels of the expanding polygon A with the outline of polygon B.
In modern OpenGL, you could do this inside a fragment shader. You would have to render polygon B to a texture, send that texture to the shader, and then use that texture to look up if the current fragment being rendered maps to a texture value that has been set by polygon B. If it is not, the fragment gets discarded. You would need to have the texture be as large as the screen. If not, you would need to include some camera calculations in your shaders so you can "render" the fragment-to-test into the texture in the same way you rendered polygon B into that texture.

Decomposition to Convex Polygons

This question is a little involved. I wrote an algorithm for breaking up a simple polygon into convex subpolygons, but now I'm having trouble proving that it's not optimal (i.e. minimal number of convex polygons using Steiner points (added vertices)). My prof is adamant that it can't be done with a greedy algorithm such as this one, but I can't think of a counterexample.
So, if anyone can prove my algorithm is suboptimal (or optimal), I would appreciate it.
The easiest way to explain my algorithm with pictures (these are from an older suboptimal version)
What my algorithm does, is extends the line segments around the point i across until it hits a point on the opposite edge.
If there is no vertex within this range, it creates a new one (the red point) and connects to that:
If there is one or more vertices in the range, it connects to the closest one. This usually produces a decomposition with the fewest number of convex polygons:
However, in some cases it can fail -- in the following figure, if it happens to connect the middle green line first, this will create an extra unneeded polygon. To this I propose double checking all the edges (diagonals) we've added, and check that they are all still necessary. If not, remove it:
In some cases, however, this is not enough. See this figure:
Replacing a-b and c-d with a-c would yield a better solution. In this scenario though, there's no edges to remove so this poses a problem. In this case I suggest an order of preference: when deciding which vertex to connect a reflex vertex to, it should choose the vertex with the highest priority:
lowest) closest vertex
med) closest reflex vertex
highest) closest reflex that is also in range when working backwards (hard to explain) --
In this figure, we can see that the reflex vertex 9 chose to connect to 12 (because it was closest), when it would have been better to connect to 5. Both vertices 5 and 12 are in the range as defined by the extended line segments 10-9 and 8-9, but vertex 5 should be given preference because 9 is within the range given by 4-5 and 6-5, but NOT in the range given by 13-12 and 11-12. i.e., the edge 9-12 elimates the reflex vertex at 9, but does NOT eliminate the reflex vertex at 12, but it CAN eliminate the reflex vertex at 5, so 5 should be given preference.
It is possible that the edge 5-12 will still exist with this modified version, but it can be removed during post-processing.
Are there any cases I've missed?
Pseudo-code (requested by John Feminella) -- this is missing the bits under Figures 3 and 5
assume vertices in `poly` are given in CCW order
let 'good reflex' (better term??) mean that if poly[i] is being compared with poly[j], then poly[i] is in the range given by the rays poly[j-1], poly[j] and poly[j+1], poly[j]
for each vertex poly[i]
if poly[i] is reflex
find the closest point of intersection given by the ray starting at poly[i-1] and extending in the direction of poly[i] (call this lower bound)
repeat for the ray given by poly[i+1], poly[i] (call this upper bound)
if there are no vertices along boundary of the polygon in the range given by the upper and lower bounds
create a new vertex exactly half way between the lower and upper bound points (lower and upper will lie on the same edge)
connect poly[i] to this new point
iterate along the vertices in the range given by the lower and upper bounds, for each vertex poly[j]
if poly[j] is a 'good reflex'
if no other good reflexes have been found
save it (overwrite any other vertex found)
if it is closer then the other good reflexes vertices, save it
if no good reflexes have been found and it is closer than the other vertices found, save it
connect poly[i] to the best candidate
repeat entire algorithm for both halves of the polygon that was just split
// no reflex vertices found, then `poly` is convex
save poly
Turns out there is one more case I didn't anticipate: [Figure 5]
My algorithm will attempt to connect vertex 1 to 4, unless I add another check to make sure it can. So I propose stuffing everything "in the range" onto a priority queue using the priority scheme I mentioned above, then take the highest priority one, check if it can connect, if not, pop it off and use the next. I think this makes my algorithm O(r n log n) if I optimize it right.
I've put together a website that loosely describes my findings. I tend to move stuff around, so get it while it's hot.
I believe the regular five pointed star (e.g. with alternating points having collinear segments) is the counterexample you seek.
Edit in response to comments
In light of my revised understanding, a revised answer: try an acute five pointed star (e.g. one with arms sufficiently narrow that only the three points comprising the arm opposite the reflex point you are working on are within the range considered "good reflex points"). At least working through it on paper it appears to give more than the optimal. However, a final reading of your code has me wondering: what do you mean by "closest" (i.e. closest to what)?
Even though my answer was accepted, it isn't the counter example we initially thought. As #Mark points out in the comments, it goes from four to five at exactly the same time as the optimal does.
Flip-flop, flip flop
On further reflection, I think I was right after all. The optimal bound of four can be retained in a acute star by simply assuring that one pair of arms have collinear edges. But the algorithm finds five, even with the patch up.
I get this:
removing dead ImageShack link
When the optimal is this:
removing dead ImageShack link
I think your algorithm cannot be optimal because it makes no use of any measure of optimality. You use other metrics like 'closest' vertices, and checking for 'necessary' diagonals.
To drive a wedge between yours and an optimal algorithm, we need to exploit that gap by looking for shapes with close vertices which would decompose badly. For example (ignore the lines, I found this on the intertubenet):
concave polygon which forms a G or U shape http://avocado-cad.wiki.sourceforge.net/space/showimage/2007-03-19_-_convexize.png
You have no protection against the centre-most point being connected across the concave 'gap', which is external to the polygon.
Your algorithm is also quite complex, and may be overdoing it - just like complex code, you may find bugs in it because complex code makes complex assumptions.
Consider a more extensive initial stage to break the shape into more, simpler shapes - like triangles - and then an iterative or genetic algorithm to recombine them. You will need a stage like this to combine any unnecessary divisions between your convex polys anyway, and by then you may have limited your possible decompositions to only sub-optimal solutions.
At a guess something like:
decompose into triangles
non-deterministically generate a number of recombinations
calculate a quality metric (number of polys)
select the best x% of the recombinations
partially decompose each using triangles, and generate a new set of recombinations
repeat from 4 until some measure of convergence is reached
but vertex 5 should be given preference because 9 is within the range given by 4-5 and 6-5
What would you do if 4-5 and 6-5 were even more convex so that 9 didn't lie within their range? Then by your rules the proper thing to do would be to connect 9 to 12 because 12 is the closest reflex vertex, which would be suboptimal.
Found it :( They're actually quite obvious.
*dead imageshack img*
A four leaf clover will not be optimal if Steiner points are allowed... the red vertices could have been connected.
*dead imageshack img*
It won't even be optimal without Steiner points... 5 could be connected to 14, removing the need for 3-14, 3-12 AND 5-12. This could have been two polygons better! Ouch!
