run cron on xampp - cron

I know how to run a php script via cron of a cpanel of a live website, but I also want to learn how to do this cron thing via xampp on my localhost ?, anyone who can actually tell me the exact steps how to do it ? OS is win 7

There is no cron in xampp. Apache is a webserver. Scripts are called only uppon a reuest by some browser.
So if you like to call a PHP script via web at a special time, you will need a browser accessing this website at that time.


Execute a shell (script) from Chromium?

Is there a way to launch a bash/ksh shell, or execute a shell script from Chromium? Is there a setting to tweak, a plungin to add, a workaround besides php and a local server?
Sorry if this is a duplicate. I assumed I would find an answer here, but only see answers about launching Chromium using a script or complete workarounds avoiding my question, with a local server and JavaScript/PHP. I have an Apache server available and can do the coding, but rather not.
I could do this in Internet Explorer on Windows (or used to be able to launch a .bat script there. I haven't used IE in a long time), why not in Chromium on Linux?
I understand the security concerns and sandbox in the browser, but in this case the browser never goes outside a firewall and I just want to launch a script from Chromium.
Thank you for your thoughtful replies.

Linux Local Server for offline 1 application

I have an idea to build a web-app. I would like to run this web-app offline on 1 PC. But I would like a DB with it to store data.
So, I would like to make it so, you just boot up the PC (running on Linux), and it just boots the webapp and the server (maybe make it so you can't get out of the browser if that's possible).
So, I was thinking about taking an old PC, install Ubuntu server on it, and then modify it, so it directly boots the browser (going to the web-app) and the server on booting up the PC.
Can this work? Do I need ubuntu Server? Or can I just run a normal Linux Destro with a LAMP on it and let that boot when booting up.
Thanks for the insight!
No need for some special OS. Choose any distro you like, install XAMMP on it and put all the files your web page has inside htdocs folder. XAMPP is all ready to manage databases and FTP. Once set up, go to your browser at Hope that works for you!

Reset CRON Job - Template + WAMP

I've downloaded a template of an ADs site and I'm testing it on localhost with WAMP Server.
The problem is that the listings are not expiring after the end of their lifetime days.
I contacted the owner of the template and he said to reset the CRON job of my environment.
But I don't know how to do it.
Can anyone help me?
If you are using WAMP you are running on Windows.
If you are running on Windows you dont have access to cron as there is no cron on Windows.
So the reason you are not getting listings expired is that the jobs designed to do the expiration are not running.
You will either have to run it on a UNIX system or work out what jobs should be run and set them uninmf PHP CLI and then create tasks to run them using Windows Task Sceduler.

Configuring Request Tracker 4.0 with Apache2 on Linux Mint 14 Nadia

My coworker installed Linux Mint 14 Nadia onto a VM (using VirtualBox) and followed the following tutorial to install Apache, MySQL and PHP: He then used the readme from to install Request Tracker 4.0. Both of those went pretty well with very few hiccups along the way from what he told me. Now he's forwarded over the task to me and I'm attempting to get Request Tracker 4.0 configured correctly with the Apache server. Currently I can visit localhost and get the following message:
It works! This is the default web page for this server. The web server
software is running but no content has been added, yet.
I also configured it so when you visit localhost/rt you SHOULD see the Request Tracker interface, but I'm instead receiving the following page, and this is where I've spent most of my time stumped:
You're almost there! You haven't yet configured your webserver to run
RT. You appear to have installed RT's web interface correctly, but
haven't yet configured your web server to "run" the RT server which
powers the web interface. The next step is to edit your webserver's
configuration file to instruct it to use RT's mod_perl or FastCGI
handler. If you need commercial support, please contact us at
After a few moments it redirects me to (only allowed 2 links apparently?)
I assume I have something misconfigured but am unsure what. I've been googling and fiddling around with this most of yesterday and today with no luck. It doesn't help that I'm fairly inexperienced with the linux environment, I'm sure.
If I understand how he installed it, he wants to set it up using FastCGI so I visited this site and followed the guides there, but the documentation is quite awful and doesn't always line up with my environment, so I've had to put in a lot of guess and check work. I'll provide the code I've added to my config files so you see where I'm at for now
000-default in /etc/apache2/sites-enabled:
Alias /rt /opt/rt4/share/html
Alias /NoAuth/images /var/www/rt/share/html/NoAuth/images/
AddHandler fastcgi-script fcgi
ScriptAlias / /var/www/rt/sbin/rt-server.fcgi/
<Directory /opt/rt4/share/html/>
Order allow,deny
Allow from all
</Directory> in /opt/rt4/etc:
Set($WebPath, '/rt');
Set($WebBaseURL, 'http://localhost');
If anymore information is needed, please let me know. Thanks in advance for any help!
The RT docs for web deployment give more detailed info for setting up Apache with fastcgi and for running at '/rt'. I think you'll want to initially try using the suggested Apache configurations and see if that gets you past the setup page.
(Note that those docs are available in the RT install as well in the docs directory.)

PHP5, SQL database and web host server

what configurations can make differ between a local host server like phpMyadmin and a web hosting server
is it possible or convenient if a laptop [instead a desktop computer] is converted into a serverHost
is there a php script provided for an automatic backup or sync of files
in a web-based application, which is better? running the codes first in the localhost or directly upload the codes in the webhost ??
waaa .. .i need some response to this
Default configurations on localhost servers are almost the same as the configurations hosting-companies offer.
Just google, back-up is always possible.. hosting-companies gives 90% of the time a tool in the controlpanel to backup your website.
Always test on localhost then apply on the webserver and watch the results.
