instantiate sound clips dynamically in as3 - audio

How can i call and instantiate soundclips in my library dynamically
here is the code i have so far
function soundbutton_Handler (e:MouseEvent):void {
var mySound:Sound = new;;
and the error i get is :
Error #1007: Instantiation attempted on a non-constructor.
at quiz_fla::MainTimeline/soundbutton_Handler()

I got it, for future reference if any one needs help i 'm posting the solution here
var classRef:Class = getDefinitionByName( as Class;
var mysound:Sound = new classRef();;


Reference error! Not defined using node.js / Runkit

I'm trying to use this script but I can't figure what I'm doing wrong.
When I run the Runkit and add the first code to create a new Credit Card it throws error "ReferenceError: CreditCardData is not defined":
const card = new CreditCardData();
card.number = "4111111111111111";
card.expMonth = "12";
card.expYear = "2025";
card.cvn = "123";
How I can point CreditCardData to var globalpaymentsApi = require("globalpayments-api") which contains all this consts?
What I'm doing wrong?
Most likely in your code, function CreditCardData() doesn't exist - this means you didn't import it. Try adding this at the beginning of your .js file:
const { CreditCardData } = require('globalpayments-api');

Passing a parameter trough require-module to ES6 class in Nodejs

I am learning to use ECMAScript6 -styled classes in NodeJS (7.7.3). I have used this kind of programming style:
var forecastHandler = require('./forecastHandler.js');
class ForecastHandler {
constructor() {}
module.exports = new ForecastHandler()
It has worked well until now, because I have to pass parameters to module.
var forecastHandler = require('./forecastHandler.js')(3600);
class ForecastHandler {
constructor(cacheUpdateDelay) {}
module.exports = new ForecastHandler(cacheUpdateDelay)
I got this error: ReferenceError: cacheUpdateDelay is not defined.
Can I pass the parameter to ForecastHandler-module using ES6 styled classes and creating an object at module.exports? If I only export the class and create the object in app.js, code works, but it's syntax is ugly.
var forecastHandlerClass = require('./forecastHandler.js');
var forecastHandler = new forecastHandlerClass(3600);
module.exports = ForecastHandler
EDIT: better examples
module.exports = new ForecastHandler(cacheUpdateDelay)
The trouble with this code is that it initialises the object when the code is first run.
require('./forecastHandler.js') means "execute all the code in forecastHandler.js and give me the exports object. This means that the JS engine tries to run new ForecastHandler(cacheUpdateDelay) when there is no cacheUpdateDelay created.
The simple way to do this is the one you provide. Load the class, then try to make a new instance of it. If you really want to one-line it, you can do this in app.js:
var forecastHandler = new (require('./forecastHandler.js'))(3600);
There are various other ways you could do this. The simplest involve not exporting a class but a function.
For instance, you could do this in your module file:
module.exports = cacheUpdateDelay => new ForecastHandler(cacheUpdateDelay);
// OR
module.exports = function(cacheUpdateDelay) {
return new ForecastHandler(cacheUpdateDelay);

Using EasyRTC in dart: Class 'Proxy' has no instance getter 'iterator'

As an experiment, I'm trying some stuff out with dart and easyrtc. I started at porting this (it is normally served through a nodejs server, found here) to a dart version and this is what I made from it
EDIT: I found out which part of the code is causing the error. It is the data object proxy which the for loop is unable to run through. Normally, the setRoomOccupantListener function gives as parameters the name of the room and an object with all the peers connected to the room. I have made a screenshot of the object layout in normal javascript as how it looks when I debug in chrome, found here.
function connect() {
function convertListToButtons (roomName, data, isPrimary) {
var otherClientDiv = document.getElementById("otherClients");
for(var easyrtcid in data) {
var button = document.createElement("button");
button.onclick = function(easyrtcid) {
return function() {
var label = document.createTextNode(easyrtc.idToName(easyrtcid));
And here is the screenshot when i debug the dart code in chromium
void connect() {
void convertListToButtons(roomName, data, isPrimary) {
var otherClientDiv = querySelector("#otherClients");
for (var easyrtcid in data) {
var button = document.createElement("button");
button.onClick.listen((event) {
This is the error I get:
Class 'Proxy' has no instance getter 'iterator'.
NoSuchMethodError: method not found: 'iterator' Receiver: Instance of 'Proxy' Arguments: []
#0 Object.noSuchMethod (dart:core-patch/object_patch.dart:45)
#1 P...<omitted>...7)
Am I missing something simple here or is this some kind of incompatibility? Thank you.
I see you can use import package:js/js.dart'; too. I don't know how to use it
You could try
import 'dart:js' as js;
This looks weird too
easyrtc = js.context.easyrtc; // <== here you have context 'easyrtc'
easyrtc.easyApp('easyrtc.audioVideo', 'selfVideo', new js.JsObject.jsify(['callerVideo']), loginSuccess, loginFailure);
// and here again 'easyrtc.audioVideo', I guess this is one to much
easyrtc.easyApp.callMethod('audioVideo', ['selfVideo', js.JsObject.jsify(['callerVideo']), loginSuccess, loginFailure]);
where 'audioVideo' is the called method and the rest are arguments
easyrtc.callMethod('easyApp', ['audioVideo', 'selfVideo', js.JsObject.jsify(['callerVideo']), loginSuccess, loginFailure]);
where 'easyApp' is the called method and the rest are arguments.
If you can add how the code would look in JavaScript I could create better examples.
Like dart:js package:js doesn't handle directly Dart List. So the following line :
easyrtc.easyApp('easyrtc.audioVideo', 'selfVideo',
['callerVideo'], loginSuccess, loginFailure);
should be :
easyrtc.easyApp('easyrtc.audioVideo', 'selfVideo',
js.array(['callerVideo']), loginSuccess, loginFailure);
See also What is a difference between dart:js and js package?

Webstorm don't recognize node.js third party modules

I tried in both Webstorm 6 and 7 EAP,
Auto-completion works fine but something strange happened,
var SyParams = require('../params');
SyParams.kioskParams ( IDE gives warning, 'unresolved variable kioskParams' )
If I write 'require' like this;
var SyParams = new require('../params');
Everything looks good, is there a solution for that ?
It seems that the '..\params' module is exporting a constructor function that constructs an object which has kioskParams as an attribute. And the constructor itself doesn't have an attribute called kioskParams.
It can be easier understood if you write it like this:
var SyParams = require('../params'); // The module exports a constructor
var syParams = new SyParams(); // You construct the actual object
syParams.kioskParams; //Then you access its members

Derby.js: split client-side only code into several files

I'm trying to split some client-side-only code into several files in a Derby.js project. It has to be client-side only since it's interacting with the TinyMCE editor. So I tried:
app.ready(function(model) {
var tiny = derby.use(require('../../lib/app/TinyMCE'))
//other client-side code
and put the following into lib/app/TinyMCE.js:
var derby = require('derby')
module.exports.decorate = 'derby'; //because before I got an 'decorate' is undefined error...
module.exports.TinyMCE = function() {
But now I'm getting a object is not a function error.
Am I even on the right track? I also considered putting the code in the public directory, but the cache-expiration of one year makes this rather inconvenient.
Also, is there really no isServer or isClient method to query?
Okay, I don't know whether that's a good way, but I got it working:
module.exports = tiny
tiny.decorate = 'derby'
function tiny() {
