SharePoint Pictures - sharepoint

Is There an easier way to have pictures on the sharepoint site? I only one way to do this but I want to find another way if its faster and easier for users to use.

I suggest looking into Telerik's FREE Radeditor for MOSS.
P.S. Belongs on superuser.

I would not use this in all cases as it depends on user permissions, how much you trust your users, and if your users are internal and have access to your network.
But, with that said...
The fastest, easiest way I know how to load pictures into a Picture Library is to go to the Library, select Actions > Open with Windows Explorer, and drag images into Windows Explorer, which populates the Library.

It depends on where you want to be fast.
If you want to be fast in uploading all the files, upload them using the explorer view into your picture library.
If you want to be fast in editing content, then there really is only one option : use SharePoint 2010 as adding pictures has become as easy as adding pictures in a Word document. Insert picture, specify which file of the filesystem you want and select a picture library in which the picture will be automatically uploaded.


Excel Mobile Data Entry Form

I am trying to create a data entry "app" to collect daily readings across our site. Here are the three biggest constraints:
Software - ideally, we would use some software within the Microsoft 365 Suite, mainly because those are the only approved apps on site. It may be possible to use open source software, but that might raise some flags in terms of security. So my thoughts are to use either Excel or Access.
Cost - ideally, we do not want purchase any additional software licenses. I would try and create something with Power Apps, but we do not have the licensing for an Azure or SQL server to store the data. I could be missing something here though.
Mobile-Friendly - finally, it needs to work on an Android tablet. Currently, we collect readings using pen and paper. The whole idea of this is to move towards using a tablet.
The easiest approach would be to create an Excel spreadsheet, save it on OneDrive, and edit the spreadsheet. I don't love this option because we are collecting 100's of data points each day. This would end up with a very wide spreadsheet that will be cumbersome to navigate.
The other option I looked into was creating an Access database and accompanying form and storing it on SharePoint. However, it seems Microsoft has stopped supporting Access databases on SharePoint.
I have created data entry forms using VBA, similar to this, but these do not work on mobile.
Is it possible to create a data entry form in Excel that also works on the Android version of Excel? Are there other alternatives I am not thinking of?
I am engaged in just this kind of project also. I have written an app in PowerApps, built an Excel spreadsheet and stored it in OneDrive, and am running it (the app) on an iPad. The design differs somewhat from your description of directly presenting a spreadsheet to the user (which I think PowerApps could do) because I don't want users having direct access to the data.
Edit: You do not need Azure or SQL, unless you are storing tons of data. Excel can be a satisfactory data storage location for modest uses.
I found the learning curve for PowerApps to be quite steep, as it's a different paradigm than line-by-line coding.
I think this is a more user friendly way to collect data than trying to run an Excel form, and once you get it made and polished, you'll look like a pro :)
I am by no means an expert but if you need some tips I'll do what I can to help. It sounds like we are at similar developmental stages.
Is it possible to create a data entry form in Excel that also works on the Android version of Excel? Are there other alternatives I am not thinking of?
Microsoft Forms does the job when created from OneDrive on mobile browser. Side note: the form I just created and the response I submitted have now disappeared from my OneDrive.
I also saw some people using Power Automate to save responses from a form into an Excel file (every reponse).

Sharepoint to replace a fileshare

Is Sharepoint my best option to replace an aging network of fileshares? There's approx 1TB of data residing among 3 fileshares (1 DFS, 2 NAS boxes). A document management system is in place for new things - the file shares are now just read-only archives/legacy. Our users would simply need to be able to search for and open the documents.
Users are finding it difficult to locate their documents in the file shares and windows search does not often help. Sharepoint was suggested as something which would play nicely with Office documents (99% of the content) and have a good search facility.
Not being a Sharepoint Developer or having had any training on it, I'm getting a little lost. I have set up a test server to try it out using SP2013. I have managed to index each of my file shares and have created a search page. However, results aren't consistent with the indexted items. I assume I need to somehow get the relevant metadata from the files but I have no idea how to go about this.
Could anyone suggest some resources for help on this subject (my searches have mainly turned up paid-for Sharepoint addons or outdated blogs) and any experience of doing something similar? Also happy for any suggestions on ways to achieve this using other software/platforms.
I went with Microsoft Search Server 2010 in the end.
Sharepoint is basically optimized to be a document manager. I think you don't need to buy or donwload addons.
For your problem, metadata are the key! You need to properly specify the metadata.
I give you the theory of a plan document management in SharePoint 2013 :
A nice introduction to metadata :
Be careful to use the Microsoft documentation for the beginning. From my experience, its difficult to start with this documentation because you have several things in it. There is also good books/ebooks that you can find easily to start well, and probably more simplified than MS documentation.

Scraping a website where all the data is locked in an XML database?

I am trying to download the full archive files of this website (
I tried using DeepVacuum ( but the site is dynamic (I think that's the right word).
So you submit a form that gives the article archive, but it only spits out 5 at a time (i.e. per page) and then you have to click through. I want to download all the individual articles for the full data set, but don't want to manually click through.
I know there's some easy way to do this, but not entirely sure how.
Any suggestions for a novice at doing data scraping etc?
The most straightforward solution would be to contact the owner of the website and request their permission to republish their articles, and ask for a digital copy.
You can certainly automate pulling down content that is paged, but it requires some programming effort. The best tool for that imho is HTML Agility Pack.
Please be sure and comply with copyright and licensing terms of the content you are downloading.

How can I remove a large document library from SharePoint but save it on my computer first?

Our company has a very large document library that is taking up an enormous amount of our allocated space. I want to delete the library but not before backing it up onto my harddrive, first. Can you help? I found directions that instruct to use Outlook, but I don't want put this library in Outlook. Is there another way?
You could open up the library in Explorer View, then simply select all files and copy to a local folder.
Do you want to be able to search for those files in SharePoint after you remove them from it? If yes, then you will need to move the files to a network share and configure the crawler to scan the files there. Alternatively, you could create a records center site collection in SharePoint and move the files that you don't need any more from your working site to the record's center. That way they will stay in SharePoint, but would not occupy quota in your production sites (but would still occupy SharePoint space somewhere, so this might not be an option if you absolutely need to trim down the SharePoint space).

Drag and Drop files into a SharePoint webpart to upload into DocLibrary

Is it possible to create a SharePoint (wss3 or MOSS 2007) webpart, to allow files to be dragged and dropped onto it, which would then upload the files into a predefined document library ?
I imagine that this would require some form of client side scripting (Ajax ?), but my knowledge in ajax is a bit sketchy.
From my exploration so far, I'm thinking:
User drags file onto 'drop zone' Webpart.
This action triggers some code
This code Loads the file into a SharePoint library (like this : Uploading a File to SharePoint)
Any pointers would be gratefully recieved
Many thanks.
What I'd do is, like you said, a web part with javascript that allow the user to drag and drop some files into a zone inside the webpart. Once the user has finished I'll upload those files after click on a Button of the webpart. I think is better to work with SharePoint in an unique transaction and not upload and delete files using AJAX. So, the drag and drop functionality can be done using some kind of javascript like Scriptaculous and the other one like a classic postback.
You might also want to look at another way to perform this. If you do it in a webpart, you will need to add that webpart in every sites where you want this fonctionnality to work. You might want to try Sharegate ( It's a end user tool that allows you to drag and drop file from your computer (or any SharePoint list / library) to any SharePoint library. By dropping the document inside the library, you will be ask to select a property template where you can define all the properties attach to your document. Not only you will drag and drop documents, but you will structure the information at the same time. Hope this was helpful!
Perhaps my reply is little bit irrelevant to your post!
I think upload files to SharePoint is not a painstaking job, the build-in feature is enough for us to upload files.
The trouble, I think, lies in the check in process, may be that is what you should do!
Altought maybe not that important now, but there is a SharePoint addon on CodePlex now
that allows files to be uploaded by Drag & Drop into SharePoint document libraries.
Available here:
Works in Firefox & Chrome, uses FileApi from HTML5, supports both SharePoint 2007 & 2010.
