Is there a tristate GUI element in YUI? - yui

I'm not seeing anything in YUI that could be used for a tristate GUI element. Is there one?

Well, there are radio buttons and menu buttons. Won't they do? What sort of presentation are you looking for?


Vertical Radio Buttons

So what is the best method to get vertical radio buttons to display in situations with limited screen space. I started with the standard xp:radioGroup, but I can't control the format to be vertical.
I have tried the multicolumnradiobutton on OpenNTF, but I was having problems getting an eventHandler to fire to force a partial refresh (tried using onclick). Would love to see a sample of that since that would solve the issue of formatting.
What I am seeing at this point is if you use a radiobutton group you are stuck with a horizontal layout of buttons. I haven't looked Dojo Radio Button to see if it was the answer.
Basically best option for vertical list of radio buttons that will allow partialRefresh of document.
You get vertical radio buttons with xp:radioGroup when you set layout="pageDirection":
You can use a radio button (not a group) and tie them together with the name. Then you can format them any way you want. This is useful when using Bootstrap since the radio button group puts everything in a table.

Using MenuBar and Ribbon Simultaneously in MFC

I want to achieve something like this
Is it possible in MFC? If yes, what is the ideal way?
Yes, it is. I was demanded to do it and now have an application displaying a menu and a ribbon. In my case my main window class is derived from CFrameWndEx and it has a CMFCMenuBar member and a CMFCRibbonBar.
But I agree with #Michael Walz it is a strange interface.
The rest of the work, is your job to investigate...
BTW, the ribbon on your picture does not seem to be really a ribbon as it has no tabs on its top. Is really a ribbon you want, or are you speaking about a toolbar?

Menu Button that does not dismiss options onclick in JavaFX 2

I am quite new in JavaFX and I have a question about the design. I am creating my main menu in FXML using Scene Builder. I have various menu buttons and each of these have a sub-menu. These sub-menu options will open new windows. Is it possible to declare these submenu choices so they do not dissapear after I click on them? If so, can I declare it in my fxml or I have to do it programatically?
Also, is it possible to detach it from the menu button? I would like to have my menu choices around 1 cm away from the menu button itself.
Thank you
Suggested Alternate Solution
If you want more flexibility in positioning a popup menu after a button click as well as fine control over when the menu shows and hides, try using a Button + a ContextMenu rather than a MenuButton.
The relevant methods are:, side, dx, dy)
There is sample code for triggering a context menu on a button press button in the ContextMenu javadoc.
You might also need to monitor the context menu's showingProperty and in a listener show the menu again if the JavaFX system has decided to try and hide it after some user action and you still want the menu visible.
Answers to additional unrelated comments
OK It sounds logical, yet since Im not really good in JavaFX yet, your Idea is quite challenging.
It's not that hard to implement, but from your subsequent comments it sounds like it's probably not the user interface you want for your users anyway (which makes sense to me because the interface you describe in your question seems a little strange).
I thought If it would be easier to have a static xml that have various menu choices, lets say aligned to the right and then whenever I click one of the choices, a new FXML would be loaded in the middle of the screen holding buttons for a submenu?
That seems logical. Sounds like a JavaFX version of a traditional web page layout with a navigation menu on the side controlling a content pane in the center.
A Java only version of that is: How to have menus in java desktop application. You could adapt that to a FXML based version without too much difficulty.
You might also be interested in Managing Multiple Screens in JavaFX.
Also, any tutorial for beginners would be greatly appreciated. These Oracle ones dont make too much sense for me
If you are beginning JavaFX, I recommend using just the Java API portions of JavaFX until you become familiar with them, and then use FXML only after you are comfortable with the Java API.
Personally, I think the Oracle JavaFX Tutorials are excellent. The difficulty for beginners is that the tutorials are also part reference material, which complicates portions of them (especially the deployment related pieces).
If you prefer a different tutorial style see:
Makery JavaFX tutorial (good for beginners)
zenjava tutorials (more advanced)

No default radio button selected (J2ME, Java)

Currently working on a mobile app in J2ME and have questions with ChoiceGroup radio button answer options. Any suggestion on how to make it so that no default answer is selected? We've tried:
cg8.setSelectedIndex( -1, true ); But get an out of bounds exception error
cg8.setSelectedFlags( boolean[] ) with all false, but also get another error.
To get around this, we've also tried creating an invisible radio button and have that set as selected, but couldn't find a way to make an invisible radio button either.
Any thoughts or suggestions would be great appreciated!!
It sounds to me like the platform is enforcing an appropriate convention, although I must apologise for taking a purist standpoint here; this won't really answer your question.
Radio buttons are used when there are multiple exclusive choices, of which one must be made; it makes a certain amount of sense, therefore, for the user interface to ensure that something is always selected. Ideally, the initial selection in a radio group should always be a safe and sensible default.
As far as I know, the only way to not have any radio button pre-selected is to draw the control yourself. Re-implement a radio button list using a Canvas or a CustomItem.
It's a lot of work, unfortunately.
You should look into LWUIT as it may have an intermediary solution.

YUI modal panel with non-standard background mask value

I am trying to setup a modal YUI panel above a YUI Tabview. For CSS purposes [1] the tabs have a z-index that goes up to about 20 (depending on how many tabs there are).
The problem I am facing is that the mask that YUI draws for the modality of the panel is behind whatever nonzero mask the tabs have, and so the tabs peek through.
So far I have only found YUI API methods to change the mask of the dialog or panel.
Does anyone know how I can do this for the mask? Has anyone had an issue like this before?
I will shortly be posting the code I used.
[1] (CSS designer did this, so I can't change the markup)
The solution is
- after show/render of top modal dialog, call hideMask() for underlying modal dialog
- before canceling top modal dialog, call showMask() for underlying modal dialog
Tip: If calling hide/show mask too early and/or too late, mask "flashing" may be experienced visually.
Looks like configuration value zIndex (for the Panel) combined with the stackMask should do it.
Nothing in the docs about whether stackMask should be called before or after rendering, before or after show etc. There is also an event (configzIndex) which fires when the zIndex property is changed.
