Linux Makefile structure and documentation [closed] - linux

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I'm having difficulties understanding the structure of a Makefile. Can you point me to a good resource to look at?

The best tutorial that I have found for makefiles so far has been this one. One of your other options is to learn autotools and let them produce your makefiles for you, though a little outdated this is the tutorial that I found best to learn from.

You could also use this tutorial by example. It provides very easy examples that will work for simple projects.

This is all you need: make

While it is well and good that you learn how to read and write a Makefile, I strongly recommend that you use CMake for your C/C++ builds instead of writing your own Makefile. It is very difficult to craft a portable Makefile, which is why the C++ community shifted from hand-crafted makefiles to using the GNU Autotools (Automake, Autoconf, Autoheader, Autoreconf, Libtool, etc.).However, the extreme complexity of the GNU Autotools left much to be desired, resulting in the creation of CMake, which is quickly becoming the build tool of choice for the C/C++ community. It has already been adopted by a growing list of projects, including KDE.


Suggent me vimL tutorial or documentation [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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Where to find good tutorial or documentation of vimL . any one has experience making plugin for vim or neovim ?
Official documentation is pretty good for Vimscript itself and also for some aspects of plugin writing see :help usr_41.txt (or
Learning Vimscript The Hard Way is good too. It does not cover everything in detail, just goes through concepts and expects you to self-study on topics as you go through it - so you will still need to refer to usr_41.txt. From Chapter 41 it is about creating complete new plugin.
For plugins, there are many techniques to grasp in. I think best way how to learn is to take some recent and maintained plugin in area you are interested in (syntax, code completion, integration with other software, interface enhancement, etc.) and read and play with its code, hack it to understand how it works. My favorite one for this is vim-go as it covers a lot of areas and while it is pretty big it is fairly easy to understand, well commented and generally readable.
The best one I know of is And reading vim helppages is always helpful

Build system on Linux that doesn't rely on make [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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In GNU/Linux the use of GNU make and Makefiles is very common but not entirely satisfying. I am aware of tools like autotools and CMake but ultimately they still generates a Makefile, (in the case of CMake)at least on Linux. It is just automating the process of generating the Makefile.
I am wondering what build systems there are on Linux that do not require one to execute GNU make or even have GNU make installed and what advandages/disadvantages they have compared to GNU make.
Similar information related to POSIX make or non-GNU Linux or Unix in general are also welcome. It would also be nice to include historical perspectives.
I don't get your point about cmake. There is ninja, it is commonly used with cmake. CMake has multiple generators, make just being the most commonly used. More about it maybe in cmake-generators.
There is even wiki List_of_build_automation_software with list of Make-incompatible build systems, most of them work under Linux. I've seen projects with:
QT Build System

How can I start programming for Elementary OS? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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The Elementary OS is really powerful and beauty operation system, based on Ubuntu, and I want build programs for the OS.
How can I start it? Any books, courses, step-by-step instructions etc? What do you can give advice to me for starting? I know the OS use Vala programming language, but I can't find any books for the one.
upd: Now I know on middle level CSS, HTML and PHP.
Thx for any answer,
Vala is some kind of modern language frontend for C programming, primarily for the GObject world (but not exclusively). That means for programing in the GNOME ecosystem.
Not sure what you want to do - develop command line applications or graphical ones. For graphical ones you will want to learn the Gtk+ framework. It is based upon the GLib framework, which you would use if you want to create command line applications.
I would recommend start reading on the Gtk+ documentation:
This is all in the C world because the framework itself in C. So when using Vala things will be a bit different (but not too much). It can be challenging doing both at the same time - but it should be a good read and excercise to get a basic understanding on how things work.
Start at the offical elementary website:
As stated by Florian Zwoch, the language of choice is Vala in combination with the GTK+ ("GUI-Framework").
Read for a introduction to the Vala language itself.
Then go to Valadoc for a comprehesive documentation as well as some introduction turorials on the topic Vala in combination with GTK+ / Application development.
(Besides Vala, GTK+ has bindings for almost any language, with C/C++ and Python being the more popular)
Then you can look at the official Github repository and study the sources of the elementaryos apps:
You find a few more helpful code examples on

How are command-line GUIs made? [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I've always wanted to know how CL GUIs like top or nano or vi are constructed? I have a need to actually make one and am looking for a guide or tutorial on the general idea behind them.
Here is a bunch of them.
Also there is a list.
Newt, a widget-based toolkit
Turbo Vision
You could start by reading about ncurses, it’s a very well-known library to draw on the terminal
Check out TWIN (apparently, inspired by Turbo Vision) by Massimiliano Ghilardi. More screenshots are available here. Be sure to use the GitHub version, as SourceForge repository has been unmaintained since 2002.
If you don't mind your GUI running in a JVM, take a look at Lanterna (Java and Clojure bindings).
I've also seen a post about Turbo Vision "ported" to (or rather rewritten using) C# and XAML, but haven't had a chance to examine it.

Use case diagrams [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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What are the free options for creating use case diagrams under Windows? I need some simple use case diagrams for a school project.
Why install anything when you can use free online tools such as
There are multiple options, but not yet mentioned are:
Cacoo - web tool for creating various diagrams,
Dia - standalone toolf for creating diagrams, with Win32 version also available in downloads,
When I remember right, there is a community edition of Magic Draw (the leading app?):
I already used Poseidon (Community) and ArgoUML, both not really convenient.
Recently I found a great tool called yEd: This can be run via web start. Not really UML but use cases are perfect with yEd.
Apparently there is already something in Eclipse: I did use it to test. Not yet convincing usability.
Wikipedia says:
Don't miss the stackoverflow search top right of this page.
There's a pretty nice tool called UML Pad.
