Why does Crystal Reports throw a LoadSaveReportException in IIS7 but works in Cassini / desktop application? - iis

I have a method that loads a Crystal Reports file, sets the appropriate login information, and then generates a PDF.
ReportDocument rep = new ReportDocument();
// Set table LogOnInfo
// Save the PDF to disk or return it as web request
This exact code works in both
A stand-alone WPF desktop application
An ASP.NET MVC website running through Cassini launched from VS
but does not work when the same website is deployed to IIS7. It gives a rather unhelpful message and stacktrace.
An error has occurred while attempting to load the Crystal Reports runtime.
Either the Crystal Reports registry
key permissions are insufficient or
the Crystal Reports runtime is not
installed correctly.
Please install the appropriate Crystal
Reports redistributable
(CRRedist*.msi) that contains the
version of the Crystal Reports runtime
(x86, x64, or Itanium) that is
required. Please go to
for more information.
Exception Details: CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.LoadSaveReportException: An error has occurred while attempting to load the Crystal Reports runtime.
Note that I am using CR 2008 SP2 and the files haven't been named CRRedist... since 10.5 so someone has been forgetting to update the messages somewhere :) Here is a list of all the CR runtimes.
So why would running the same code referencing the same assemblies work in the two situations listed above but not in a deployed website?
I found this suggestion to give the IIS user write access to the temp folder, and it does appear that the Crystal runtime does some work there but I still get the same error even after giving IIS_IUSR or IIS AppPool\DefaultAppPool full access to %TEMP%.
I have also tried changing the app pool to use my account as the identity and still receive the same error message so I'm not convinced it's a permissions issue.

It turns out that for any newer versions of Crystal Reports after 10.5 (the one that is bundled with VS2008) there are no 64-bit runtimes.
The "simple" solution is to make the app pool 32-bit and then everything works ok.
There are more explanations found here (along with the expected angry responses)

You have to install CR version 13, download the msm and build an installer with VSS. Finalley execute the installer (you build) on your server.
Good luck!


Finding DLL Dependencies for Classic ASP Web application

I am a system admin tasked with migrating Classic ASP based web application from Windows Server 2003 (IIS 6) to Windows Server 2008 r2 (IIS 7.5)
The application is very old written in around 2002-03 and the concerned developer people are not around anymore to let me know anything related to this Web Application.
After lot of trial and error, I have been able to get the Web Application running on 2008 r2.
While navigating through application, I am getting various errors which on further investigation I understood are related to DLLs which the Web Application is invoking.
My issue is, I don't know what all DLLs are used/invoked on the source server, which I need to copy & register on the new server.
I tried to use DependancyWalker but I am not able to find a way to use this tool for Web Application.
I would really appreciate this community's help in this regard.
I found out a simple way of finding the DLLs which are specific to my Web Application.
I got a small freeware utility called as RegDLLView from Nirsoft.net which lists all the DLLs which are registered with the Server with File Paths, Description, Company name, etc details.
I found out all the DLLs which my Web Application is invoking by checking the company name and paths of all the DLLs which were listed.
Now I just have to copy these DLLs to my new server and register these on the new system.
It's not rocket science.
When you find a COM component dependancy you can use the ProgId to identify and locate the DLL which is registered in the Windows Registry.
The only DLL dependancies come from COM component DLLs and these can only be invoke in Classic ASP / VBScipt with the
Wrote about this extensively here
Error ASP 0177: 8007007e Server.CreateObject fails for COM DLL

Error running app on Windows Phone 8.1 emulator - A dependent dll was not found

I have universal project targeting Windows Store 8.1 and Windows Phone 8.1 platform.
The windows one works fine but I having trouble running the WP one on an emulator. I get the error message saying:
Microsoft Visual Studio Unable to activate Windows Store app
'numbers-here!App'. The Kiss.WindowsPhone.exe process started, but the
activation request failed with error 'Msg in polish that the app did
not start'.
If this was Windows I would check System Event Log and see the logs just before the error what DLL the system was trying to load and that helped a lot when I was debugging similar problem with Windows Store project, here I have no clue on how to check what exactly was being loaded.
The worst part is that I created package (appx) and checked the dll's being packed with exe, it seems that it includes dependencies that the app explicility uses yet something is still missing and this might be some 'hidden' dependency of one of the other dlls.
Any ideas how to debug such issues with emulator?
For me it was due to having WIC code in my App and/or calling CoCreateInstance in a windows phone environment ( on PC it works flawlessly though )
I ran into the same problem on Windows 10. Turns out, that there is no Kernel32.dll on Windows 10 phone!
Instead you need to link against OneCore.lib which provides the entire Win32 API subset that is supported in UWP. This "umbrella library" will load the correct dlls at runtime.
See also:

WIX and IIS7: Cannot connect to Internet Information Server. (-2147221164)

I have seen
WiX and iis (cannot connect to internet information server)
This question is different.
I have Windows7, IIS is installed. I'm trying to run an MSI installer built with WIX v3.0 to install an ISAPI filter.
When I run the MSI I get
Cannot connect to Internet Information Server. (-2147221164 )
...in the msi log file, and an accompanying error message like Error 26001.
In his response to the other WIX/IIS7 question, Yan Sklyarenko
the WiX IIsExtension (the one which defines WebSite element) uses the API of IIS component to actually do its job. For WiX v3.0 it even requires IIS 6 compatibility to be turned ON in IIS 7 in order to work correctly.
I suppose the reason that I saw the error message is that the IIS6 compat stuff is not installed.
Is this pre-requisite still present in Wix v3.5? In other words, using Wix3.5, must I still have the IIS6 compatibility stuff installed, to use IisExtension ?
No, WiX v3.5 supports IIS7 directly.
-2147221164 decimal converts to 0x80040154 hex. A google search for "wix 0x80040154 brings up the following thread:
Error 0x80040154: failed to get IID_IIMSAdminBase object with IIS 7
So yes, this error code is a COM registration error associated with the management objects not being present. The solution is either to gate the installer to not run if they aren't present or upgrade to an installation tool that supports native interaction.

Runtime Error! - Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library

I've developed an application in VS 2003 (C++). But while running in a fresh windows xp machine, getting error:
Microsoft Visual C++ Runtime Library
Runtime Error!
This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way....
What will be the reason for getting this error and how can I solve it? Please help.
This is a very generic error so it is not easy to solve from this information but I can give you a few things to try.
First check that the program runs fine on your developer machine - if not run under the debugger and trap the specific error.
If this problem only occurs on the clean machine it probably does not have the correct runtimes installed.
Your application will depend on a number of dlls that ship with visual studio, you will need to install these on the clean machine.
Your can run depends.exe from http://www.dependencywalker.com/ this will tell you what dlls cannot be found.
These dlls will be on your developer machine, you can either package the yourself in an installer or find the correct redistributable from microsoft.
Another thing to check - have you hardcoded any file locations? e.g. your application could try and open a file, resource, registry key - something that does not exist in your clean machine - if the code does not check for failure you would then probably crash at some point after the read failed to happen.

Debugging a Domino/Notes DSAPI filter

I've built a DLL for Domino Server 8.5 for Windows and installed it as a DSAPI filter, but every time I restart Domino I get "HTTP Server: Failed to load DSAPI module C:\path_to_filter\filter.dll"
Is there any way to determine why this is failing to load?
I built the DLL from a C++ project in Visual Studio 2008 and used the libraries and includes from the Lotus C API for Notes/Domino 8.5. I copied most of the code from the sample DSAPI filter, but stripped out most of the actual functionality so that I can fill it in with my own. It doesn't seem to be an error with the code, as I've been unable to find an actual exception at this point.
Get depends.exe, and run it on your DLL. It will show you what other DLLs it loads, and the errors when it cannot find one of them.
Try setting debug_dsapi=10 in your server ini and analyze it's output for what errors might be thrown
