Does endwin() de-initialize ncurses? - ncurses

I am using the ncurses library to show some funny output on the screen, but in the middle of the program I need to temporarily exit ncurses mode. I call endwin(), after which my program should be able to use printf() to show a menu to the user. Unluckily, my program was unable to show the menu. I tried using fflush() after printf(), and only then is it able to show the menu on the screen.
Can anyone tell me why, after I call endwin(), the terminal can't return to normal and I'm unable to use printf()?

Use def_prog_mode prior to endwin to save state.
After returning, do: reset_prog_mode and then refresh.
Your original screen will be shown.
Yes, after using printf you have to do: fflush(stdout).


Using ncurses - trying to understand wgetch()

I created a single-window menu scheme using ncurses and got it working.
When I added a second window, I can no longer get my wgetch call to fire (or so it seems).
Somewhat confusing to me is the function prototype :
int wgetch(WINDOW *win);
which says wgetch somehow depends on the window but I don't get the relationship - how does "the window" matter? If it does, and I have more than one window, which one do I use? Also, says "There is just one input queue for all windows." which tells me "the window" is a "don't care".
Can someone explain?
The window matters because wgetch refreshes the window before reading characters. That's in the wgetch manual page:
If the window is not a pad, and it has been moved or modified since the
last call to wrefresh, wrefresh will be called before another character
is read.
Each window (including stdscr) may have been altered since the last call to wrefresh. If you make changes in one window without refreshing it, and then call wgetch in another window, the changes to the first window are not automatically displayed. You can use wnoutrefresh to combine refreshes, e.g., using that for the first window and then use the wrefresh done automatically for the second window to refresh both.

Any reason that zenity wouldn't bring a dialog into focus?

I am using Zenity 3.10.2 and any time I use Zenity, regardless of dialog type, the dialog it brings up has focus. i.e. I can straight away press "Enter" straight away and proceed. (I need this ability for automation)
However, there is one exception and it is very difficult to test. It occurs during the KIWI installation of a custom Linux distro and involved a question dialog being created with no focus. Neither enter nor tab have any effect.
There is a bash script which creates this dialog. When I run this in all other contexts, It has focus, but in this install it does not, the cursor appears in random places all around the place. However, from what I can see, the whole point of Zenity is on-top, already focused dialogs.
The actual call to create the dialog is the result of sourcing a file that has the bash script in it i.e. ". ~/.bashrc". Even this approach, always works when I test it manually.
Any ideas as to what could cause a Zenity dialog to be created without focus? Or any way using just Zenity to reclaim / change the focus?
I am aware you can use a window manager such as wmctrl to bring the Dialog to the focus. However this currently not a used package and shouldn't have to do anything else as this is just a simple dialog.
Any guidance would be much appreciated!

Disabling input to an existing x11 window

Is it possible to disable input to an already existing x11 window? In the following Stack Overflow question How to prevent an X Window from receiving user input? it is suggested that it might be possible to do this with xprop but I don't really understand what the xprop input is supposed to be.
Using xprop I also notice there is a window property called WM_TAKE_FOCUS that perhaps can be deleted somehow? Is there not a x11 api call to disable all input equivalent to the Windows api call EnableWindow which disables all input?
Tried deleting WM_TAKE_FOCUS, doesn't seem to change anything sadly..
You can open a window that doesn't hijack the keyboard. Let's simplify this using a command with options.
open my.pdf -no_input
A process that maintains control of the input device after opening a window, regardless of focus.

Show only 2 commands in the menu bar in Lwuit or Native J2ME

I added 2 commands to my form in lwuit.
I changed the command behavior to COMMAND_BEHAVIOR_NATIVE, so i can show the status, and my commands appear at the bottom too, but they appear exit at the right ..and test Command in the middle.
I want to show only 2 commands layout in the menu bar, Exit on the right and options list that contains test on the left.
How can i do that?
First get the back Command and remove it. After this, add the exit Command like a standard Commandwith addCommand. Try this, if this doesn´t work we can try something else.
I don't know about LWUIT since I've never used it, but with native JavaME you sadly have no control of this. It is the individual device that decides where to place the commands.
You can move them around by changing the priority parameter, and you may be able to achieve an acceptable result that way, but only on some devices. The same code will give a different result on other devices.

Ocaml Graphics.open_graph won't work in script mode

I'm trying to use the ocaml graphics module.
The line:
#Graphics.open_graph "";;
works fine in the interactive module, i.e. a small window pop up in X11 with white background.
However, when I try to use the script mode -- put this line in a file then compile it:
ocamlc -o a.out graphics.cma
only X11 starts but with no window popup.
Am using a mac. Anyone knows why? Thanks.
It seems under script mode the popup window will closeup immediately after code execution. Because if I compile using XTerminal, I can see a small window popup but then closes.
I managed to keep the window open by adding an infinit loop at the bottom:
while true do () done;;
But still don't understand how things really work. Please help. Thanks.
All ressources are freed when the script terminates: memory, file descriptors, including the X window.
If you add an infinite loop, the script does not terminates, and the windows stays open.
Likewise, under the toplevel, the window stays open as long as you don't close the toplevel.
I would suggest to add two lines add the end of your script:
print "press enter to exit"
read one line from keyboard input
This way the script will not terminate until the user presses enter.
Indeed, as jrouquie explains you need to delay the termination of your program. The way I personally do that is by waiting on user input. At the end of the interactive program (or function being studied that opens the graphic mode), I put:
ignore (Graphics.read_key ())
This will wait until a key has been hit on the keyboard, and ignore the key value before returning.
