how do I implement a kohana pagination in MVC? - pagination

that's it. How do I implement the Kohana pagination library in MVC way? which code should go to the model? to the controller? to the view? I have seen tons of examples but none of them are implemented in MVC.

Pagination has two parts: the records filter part which should go in the controller and the display part which goes into the view. The example in the pagination library help is correct.
If you want to implement your own pagination library take a look here.

To fulfill the MVC philosophy, you could:
1) have 2 methods in a model which make the same query but one returns only the row count and the other returns the actual result, being able to apply a LIMIT and an OFFSET.
Let's say, Some_Model::get_results() and Some_Model::get_result_count()
2) In your controller, when pagination is needed, you call Some_Model::get_result_count() to know the total quantity of rows, and pass that value to Kohana's pagination initialization, to get the pages links, which you put into a variable to pass to the view.
3) In the view, you echo the variable that has the pages links, and voila!
Of course this assumes you read the Kohana documentation for pagination and its examples.
Hope it helps.


Customize search results and facets in Liferay 7.1

this is my first question, thanks in advance.
I am trying to customize the liferay results portlet and facets, with custom results. I need to filter the results once the search is launched, and remove the results that do not have layoutId :
layoutIds = journalContentSearchLocalService.getLayoutIds(groupId,false,articleIdResult);
I´m doing this in a jsp fragment, but i think that it´s not correct.
I have been searching and i think the correct way is to modify the java class with the action, for example with acction coomand hook, is this correct?
Please, can you explain me the correct way to modify this functionalities?
ok. it looks you want result of journalarticle having display page is set. in that case, you need to look for JournalarticleModelPreFiltercontributor component extension or journalarticlepostprocessor if you are using legacy search api. when article gets indexed layoutuuid field is also indexed for each article. that field will have value if display page is set for specific web content or article.
So, you can use any of the above mentioned way to add check that this field should not be empty as search term. which will filter your result in request itself. instead adding overhead on result as later filtering in jsp.

filtering/searching on a repeat control

In my application, i would like to replace a viewpanel with a repeat control.
However, part of the functionality is there is a UI aspect that allows users to select certain fields (that correspond to the view), and only display the documents that match. The view is doing a filter that allows users to select aspects of the view to create a search (the code is under search of the view) that allows the view panel to be updated with the results of the search.
one of the things that is curious is that the viewpanel has a value of "#{javascript:view2}" vice an actual view name.
The viewpanel defines the search view and the ...
I'd like to be able to apply that same functionality to the repeat control. I don't see those attributes on the repeat control... Any pointers? Its been a while since i've worked with xpages... long enough that I've forgotten a lot already....
Read this blog post I did a while back, it should explain what you need.
The view panel doesn't filter anything, it just displays rows from a datasource, same as a repeat control. Indeed you can add components to a ViewPanel's column, pulling from the current row by adding a var property to the dominoView datasource.
The view is bound to #{javascript:view2} (which would be better done by binding to #{view2} - there's no need to call SSJS here). view2 is a dominoView datasource somewhere on your page. The datasource is a wrapper that has properties to capture the settings for filtering and searching that you want to do. At runtime, they are calculated and changes the ViewEntries in the datasource.
Finally there's is the underlying Domino View object available also to LotusScript. This holds and will always hold all entries. The dominoView datasource queries that using the filtering and searching properties and retrieves a ViewEntryCollection or a ViewNavigator.
So whether you use a View Panel, Repeat Control, Data View or whatever else, those are just components to visually represent a collection of ViewEntries or Documents. All can be bound to a dominoView datasource. Where repeat controls and Data Views give you extra power is you can bind them to any kind of collection, not just a dominoView datasource (e.g. DocumentCollection, ViewEntryCollection, multi-value field, Java collection, etc).
I often find that doing the searches in Java and then passing the results to the repeat as a List work better and allow more options. I can get all the information I need in Java and load that into a Map or Tree. This gives me the ability to do custom sorting in the Java class and also to combine data from other views/databases easily. Since the data is now in memory it gets reloaded fast. The only thing you have to watch for is the size of the data. If you have a view with many entries (10K?) you might not want to load everything into memory...
I'm not sure if you've found a solution yet, but consider using jQuery dataTables. Oliver Busse wrote a very detailed blog post about integrating dataTables into XPages.
To get the specific formatting, I used a repeat control to include the "td", "tr" and "thead" attributes Oliver listed in his blog post. Html.Action perfomance

i'm developing an mvc 5 web application using a page that is compose by around 10 module.
I'm implementing each module using a partialview with Html.action, that calling an action that get data from a web api
My doubt is about performance. Can Html.action destroy performance ?
Thank you
I think it depends upon the data and its dependency over the populated view
Action method is useful when the displaying data in the partial view
is independent from corresponding view model.For example : In a blog
to show category list on each and every page, we would like to use
Action method since the list of category is populated by the different
Partial method is useful used when the displaying data in the partial
view is already in the corresponding view model.For example : In a
blog to show comments of an article, we would like to use
RenderPartial method since an article information with comments are
already populated in the view model.

Zend Framework 2 Paginating Search Results

I'm making a complex search form with a lot of inputs to query and I want to paginate the search results using Zend Framework 2.
I've found a few people who are trying to do something similar but I have yet to find a good solution.
Some people suggested switching to $_GET method instead of $_POST but i would prefer to avoid this because of the number of form elements.
The results are coming up fine, but as soon as i try to navigate to the second page, the query is lost and it is essentially paginating all records on the table.
What is the best way to store the original search query so that the paginated results are the actual results?
I can't imagine ZF2 doesn't have an easy way to paginate $_POST results but I haven't been able to figure it out yet
well you either need to repost the search parameters on every page request or keep the search parameters in a session and on the second request check if the request is get or post and use the session if it is get

Liferay 6.1 pagination

I'm trying to add pagination in a custom Liferay portlet (6.1). I list the results afer another portlet makes a search, so the content depend on the terms of the search. I tried to use the liferay-ui:search-container tag, but I found a problem:
Let's suppose I make a search and it returns 13 results, delta is set to 5, so the results have to be shown in 3 different pages.
If I make another search and it returns me less than 10 results (I need less than 3 pages to show them), the portlet with the search container tells me that there aren't any results to show (because I am in the 3rd page).
I observed that the problem is the field "cur", which is not resetted after a new search. I tried to do it on myself, but the SearchContainer type does not provide the setCur() method.
How can I set that field?
How are you creating searchContainer object in jsp? You can create a searchcontainer object which takes defaultcur as one of its constructor arguments. That should solve your problem.
