Looking for a nice linux program debugger [closed] - linux

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have been compiling my programs using GCC via the terminal, and im looking for a debugger with more detail

Have you tried gdb?

Here's some other popular discussions of this question:
Best C++ Debugger For Linux
Linux C++ Debugger
Which is the best Linux C/C++ debugger (or front-end to gdb) to help teaching programming?
What is a good unix alternative to DDD (Data Display Debugger)?
You can find more by putting "linux debugger" in the search box in the upper right.

gdb is pretty much the debugger on linux. Other things you will meet are all, or nearly all, wrappers on gdb (emacs, eclipse, various other guis).

I highly recommend cgdb. It's like gdb's TUI but much better, with syntax highlighting of the code.
Really useful to see the code while you debug, but not getting into a graphical debugger either.

gdb is the console debugger.
if work with console base debugger hard for you , you can use Data Display Debugger (DDD) that base on gdb or KGDB that use in KDE environment.
other solution is used IDE like Netbeans , Eclipse , Anjuta , Kdevelop , ... also core for debugging is gdb .

You might want to look at insight and ddd, both wrappers around gdb. You could also use Eclipse.

why don't use an IDE like CodeLite

The KDE IDE KDevelop has an experience similar to Visual Studio if that's what you're looking for. Don't let the name fool you, it's a general-purpose IDE - not just limited to Qt/KDE programs.

I've used Zero bugs a few times. It seemed pretty powerful. However I usually end up using gdb cli or curses as thats what I know best.

I used gdb, gdbtui and Nemiver. They are all not as good as Visual C++, which is the Gold Standard of C++ Debugging, but of course only available for Windows.
There are are also KDevelop and Slickedit's debugging function. The latter did not work for me out of the box.


Simple IDE for Pascal for Linux [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am looking for a IDE for Pascal. Something that runs under Linux, is simple and easy to run. My goal is to setup something for a kid to learn, something that wouldn't require to derive from 10 classes to make a text visible on screen.
I remember DOS-based TurboPascal being very easy to use. Now I tried Lazarus, but its interface is very complex.
I don't need IDE that works with multiple languages, and I won't change Pascal into another language--there's lots of good textbooks in my native language for Pascal, and very little for other.
What about using FreePascal with its included editor or a basic text editor, like nano or gedit? You could also use one of the old "Borland-ish" IDEs like PENG or RHIDE.
Look here:
More specific:
You can try Eclipse plugin, which might work better for you:
Also, try this one:
This is not strictly Pascal, but Delphi was spun off from Pascal.
Geany is also good. It supports
syntax highlighting
symbol-name auto-completion (which is akin to intellisense)
specifying compiler options
integration with build tools
Among several other features one would expect in a modern integrated development environment.
Plus it's open source and runs across *nix, MacOSX and Windows.
You can always run the original Turbo Pascal 7 inside Dos-Box.
Dos-Box is available for Linux and comes with Free-Dos installed.
Very good alternative.
wrong on all counts. Embercardero has a community dev version for Sindows- ports to OSX, needs (an emu) some add-ons for linux. FP is the ported version of the old DOS app- with inheritance and classes--there really isnt something you seek. Its wither fp/rhide or Lazarus. You might want to brush up on UI programming or SDL. Im sorry but after ten + years of developing, Ive not seen anything "easier"- unless you write the code to make it easier. Pascal is far from dead. Further- you might try python. Four lines of code to a UI application(tkinter lib). TP7 is not a solution, fp ide is the same.

distro for linux kernel development [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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Which is the best light weight distro for learning linux kernel development. It should have lot of debugging and profiling tools available along with it :)
LFS. Then install every debugger and profiler you can find.
I've heard Linus himself uses Fedora. I'd recommend Gentoo which lets (intends) for you to hand customize your kernel, it's the perfect setting for it (and I've spent many hours squeezing out every last bit of performance for the fun of it).
Naturally Ubuntu is my preferred distro, but you may have trouble if you start hijacking and removing expected kernel features. Gentoo won't complain, and doesn't expected them around to begin with.
I've enjoyed using Gentoo for fiddling around with the kernel.
The distro does not really matter. It is what you want to do with the kernel and do development/testing its feature.
Here are few things to do.
a. Turn on the kernel debugging and the logging options. Those would definitely help you in debugging.
see useful linux kernel debug options to turn on
b. Getdebuggers tool like Valgrind that checks for memory leak. See doc like https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/kmemleak.txt
c. Found a good editor for editing. I don't want to start a vim vs emacs war. It is really a personal preference, just make sure you follow the linux kernel coding style guidelines. https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/CodingStyle‎
d. Get familiar with the log systems and proc system, as they provide valuable information.
e. Read the documentation in the directory /usr/src/linux/Documentation Very good starting point to understand the kernel
The distro probably doesn't make much difference since you'll be working on your own kernel and not the "kitchen sink" kernel the distros tend to provide with a bunch of patches in most cases.
If you're doing kernel development work then I suppose you want a distro that boots quickly, something like puppy might be ideal here and do your actual coding from something like Ubuntu.
Buildroot is a set of scripts that generates tiny distros with rootfs images smaller than 10MiB.
It downloads everything from source and compiles it, so it is trivial to patch packages up.
The generated images are so tiny, that it becomes possible to understand the entire userland setup, which will make it easier to focus on the kernel.
Advantage over LFS: everything is fully automated. Because of this, Buildroot is used professionally in large organizations.
I have created this setup to automate things as much as possible: https://github.com/cirosantilli/linux-kernel-module-cheat

Good Non-Commerical (free) Refactoring Tool for Visual Studio 2005/Visual C++ 8.0? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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We have a rather large codebase in C++ here that needs some refactoring; since it's generally bad to start from scratch, I was wondering if there were any good free code refactoring tools for Visual Studio 2005/Visual C++ 8.0?
I know I'm not exactly answering your question, but I recommend Visual Assist X. Download a trial and checks if it attends to your needs, because I think it's worth every dollar. It has been some time since I last used the software (mostly because now I use C# rather than C++ in my projects), but it was a vital tool for me when I was working for a company that developed games (which are quite complex in nature).
I don't know how good it is since I don't use it (I use the non-free Visual Assist), but DevExpress has Refactor! for C++, which is free as in gratis. It's specified to work with VS2005 and VS2008. It's the only free one I'm aware of (outside of whatever refactorings are built in to Visual Studio).
Note, however, that I don't think it'll work in the free Visual Studio Express.
Other than DevExpress's Refactor! for C++ (which I'd forgotten about, thanks Michael), the only free solution I'm aware of is to install Eclipse CDT, use its refactoring support when you need to refactor, and use Visual C++ for everything else. A bit ugly, but it works.
Refactor was incorporated into CodeRush, and was no longer a free tool. Now it no longer supports C++ at all:
C++ language support in CodeRush is deprecated as of 31 May 2013.
Severe Issue Support ends 1-Feb-2014
Last Date of Support is 1-Jun-2014

GUI Development in Linux [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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Wondering what are tools out there and which is better to use in GUI development that supports ARM and X86 arch applications.
thanks in advance,
The Qt framework should work well for this.
Take a look on the Qt Creator IDE. It's has free(LGPL) version.
OpenMoko Freerunner¹ is ARM-based and it runs Qtopia/QtE, GTK and E17 UI stacks. All of them are also supported on x86. GTK is Cairo-based and I heard (not sure) that it uses lots of floating-point calculations though, so ARM with GTK might not be very fast.
you can use olso GTK with ruby or C.
much easier than swing
Maemo drives Nokia's internet tablets, which are ARM based.
Depending on the power of your device...
The biggest now could be:
GNOME Mobile
Qt Embedded
or if you have devices with much less capabilities, you can try simpler things like
Microwindows / NanoX
Of course, if your device is a mobile-like, you can also consider using Android ... who knows...
For a really RAD solution you can use

Know of an OCaml IDE? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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Know of an OCAML/CAML IDE? Especially one that runs on Linux?
Emacs in Caml mode, or Tuareg mode, or TypeRex mode. TypeRex adds auto-completion to Taureg in emacs - a really nice feature for people who prefer the more graphical IDE's.
There is Camelia. You can also integrate OCaml into Eclipse. Also in Emacs you can use ocaml-mode and tuareg-mode.
I vote OcaIDE. Now it has upgraded to v1.2.5. it become an up-to-date IDE (supporting ocaml 3.10-3.11, especially ocamlbuild, which is a great time-saver) and armed with rich, stable features.
I've installed OcaIDE on an eclipse 3.5(Galileo) and it works well.
There are 2 modes for Emacs for working with OCaml: ocaml-mode and tuareg-mode. Both are available via apt, or on the web.
They provide syntax-highlighting and tuareg-mode includes interfacing to the OCaml top-level and debugger.
There are also a few vim files you can load up... Take a look at the list of tools on the hump and godi, for extra tools. And be sure to compile with -dtypes on so you can take advantage of the annotation files to determine the types with a keystroke.
You can also use netbeans as an ide with an ocaml plugin.
It's actually possible to use OCaml via DrScheme if that's your thing.
Just run '(require (planet abromfie/drocaml:2:0/tool))' in DrScheme and you'll then be able to select the OCaml language.
You can try NetBeans based OcamlIDE.
I just found an eclipse plugin for it which may be promising. Doesn't look too active. I'll try it and report back on results.
ewwwe....emacs? anything in vi? ;)
See my post here for TypeRex, a development environment for OCaml.
Check out eclipse plugin for OCaml if you prefer to work on eclipse platform.
For example, like this one: http://ocamldt.free.fr/
Other than that, starting directly from plain editors like emacs or vim is good enough for programming. Besides, it can help you to learn better about the syntax of the language and the compiling process.
You can try to edit, compile and run simple Ocaml codes even online with ideone.
There are also apps for mobile devices, which allows you to program/experiment with your smartphone.
