How to debug ASP permission problems with WScript.Shell object? - security

I have to run command line operation from some legacy ASP application.
Here is my code:
cmd = "%comspec% /c echo Hello"
set wsh = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ireturn = wsh.Run(cmd, 0, true)
set wsh = nothing
And here is result I am receiving:
Microsoft VBScript runtime error
Permission denied
/test.asp, line 6
Do you have any idea how to make IIS6 to run this code?
Note: Of course I don't have to run echo command but I want to exclude any additional causes of the problem.
Update: I tried most things tomalaks mention however nothing helped. Maybe I can alter question a little. How can I debug this problem?

ASP usually is denied access to anything potentially dangerous, such as cmd.exe. Check file permissions on cmd.exe to see if that is true for you (I suppose it is).
If you really must use cmd.exe to do part of the page processing, either change file permissions on cmd.exe (not recommended for an Internet-facing web-server), or make sure that the ASP page runs credentials that are not denied access to that file.
To achieve this, use the IIS management console to remove "anonymous access" to the ASP page and use Windows-integrated authentication instead (if feasible), or leave "anonymous access" on and enter a fixed set of credentials that should be used instead of the default "IUSR_...".
Alternatively, if you use cmd.exe just to start a program that outputs something to STDOUT, you can try starting the program directly, without wrapping it in a cmd.exe call. Again, the user the ASP page runs under needs access to that program's executable.


how do I fix HTTP Error 401.3 - Unauthorized?

So I've come across a problem, what I am trying to do is "Check if the python file is ready to execute" as verbatim by my CS professor. So here I what I have done so far:
-Enabled Directory Browsing
-Added a new Script Map
-Linked the executable to the python executable of my python project
-Changed its directory to a new folder (as instructed)
-Created a New Python File with this code in it:
print("Content-Tytpe: text/html\n");
number1 = 1
while number < 10:
print("Hello Python World! <br>");
number = number+1
-and finally clicked on "Browse .80"
I clicked on "" (the python file) and this showed up:
I researched a couple of fixes in this site and among others and this is what I have tried:
-Checked the permissions in the folder and made added a new permission for Everyone with Full Control Access
-Checked Authentication and Anonymous Authentication and set it to Application Pool Identity, both on the Desktop and the Default Website
-I even went to go as far as resetting my PC to check if some other third party application is affecting it
I am really at the end of my rope here so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Try to refer to the steps below.
In IIS, select your site -> Double click on Authentication -> Select Anonymous authentication-> Right-click on it and select Edit option.
Select a Specific user option. Set IUSR, click OK.
Go to the site folder-> open its properties-> go to Security tab-> Make sure IIS_USRS has Read & execute, List folder contents, Read permissions.
After that try to visit the page again.
If the issue persists, try to check whether you are able to visit any HTML file in that folder or not.

Unable to use SelectPDF after deployment to IIS

I have a function that generates a PDF from a HTML page like this:
HtmlToPdf converter = new HtmlToPdf();
PdfDocument doc = converter.ConvertUrl(url);
var PdfArray = doc.Save();
This works perfectly when I run it in VS 2017, However when I deploy to IIS it throws the following exception: "Conversion failure error 5."
According to my Googling this is related to the IIS not having the correct access to write. However I have as an attempt given that application access to every operation.
All suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
From the troubleshooting page on SelectPdf website:
The error code is this:
5 (0x5)
Access is denied.
Enable execute permissions on Select.Html.dep.
You need to go to the bin folder of your deployment to IIS and set execute permissions for the Select.Html.dep file. If you do not know the app pool user, in the first place, just set permissions for Everyone to see if it works.

Access denied upon doing a GetDirectories() but Dir in Powershell works

I have a problem I hope someone might help me with.
I've created a custom action page where I among other things will scan a directory on a remote server for a set of directories, and inside those directories I am searching for a set of files.
However, when I execute the code on the production server I get an Access denied exception.
If I use the same code on my testserver (accessing the same remote server) it works just fine.
If I use powershell or explorer on the production server I can access the remote directory and files with no problems.
I am using the same account in all scenarios (if I print out Page.User.Identity.Name and SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName they are the same and equal to the account I use on the test server and the one I am logged on with on the production server when accessing the remote server from command line or explorer).
The code looks like this:
string user = SPContext.Current.Web.CurrentUser.LoginName.Remove(0,7);
string user_path = "\\\\srv\\share1\\subdir\\dir\\" + user;
// The line below will raise an exception on the production server.
foreach (string board_path in Directory.GetDirectories(user_path, "Board*")) {
foreach (string board_file in Directory.GetFiles(board_path, "Board*.xml")) {
I cant figure out why the code runs on the testserver but not on the production machine. I am using SharePoint 2010 Standard.
Thanks in advance for any kind of help I can get.
The problem was solved by using SPSecurity.RunWithElevatedPrivileges()!

IIS6 bat file - Home Directory

How do I get the Root/Home Directory of a website in IIS6 using a batch file??
My Scenario:
I am creating a tool to summarise and report of sites in IIS. I am using batch files and running iisweb /query to get all the sites then looping over the results and using iisvdir /query "Website Name" to get the virtual directories.
However it has to be backwards compatible with IIS6 and I am having trouble getting the Home Directory of the site.
I don't think you can do this directly from a batch file, but you should be able to do it from a vbscript which you can call from a batch file.
The trick is to use the IIS WMI provider which gives you access to the IIS metabase. For example, the script below should echo the name and path of every virtual directory on the local server.
set provider = GetObject("winmgmts://localhost/root/MicrosoftIISv2")
set results = provider.ExecQuery("SELECT Name,Path from IISWebVirtualDirSetting")
for each item in results
WScript.Echo item.Name
WScript.Echo item.Path
If you saved this script as iispaths.vbs (just as an example), you could then call it from a batch file with:
cscript //nologo iispaths.vbs
Unfortunately I don't have access to a machine with IIS6, so I am unable to test this at the moment, but if you have any problems getting it to work, feel free to let me know in the comments and I'll do my best to fix the issue.
I don't have a IIS6 server, however, through some searching, I found that:
IIS6 uses %SystemRoot%\system32\inetsrv\MetaBase.xml and %SystemRoot%\system32\inetsrv\MBSchema.xml for storing configuration (The IIS Metabase (IIS 6.0));
If your server isn't changing home-directories too often, those xml should be updated;
using a command line parser (like xmlstartlet), you can extract Path property from IIsWebVirtualDir node (according Metabase Structure), using XPath.
With xmlstartlet, a command like below, would output root path:
xml sel -t -v "//IIsWebVirtualDir[#Location='/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT']/#Path" "%SystemRoot%\system32\inetsrv\MetaBase.xml"
Maybe schema needs to be corrected.
This can be a command line approach. I can't test it as I don't have any IIS6 server neither I can get any MetaBase.xml sample.

VBScript works from command line but doesn't work as ASP script

I've got the following code working as VBScript from command line:
Set FRELoader = Server.CreateObject( "FREngineWrap.FRELoader" )
Set Engine = FRELoader.Load
When I put it into ASP page:
<%# Language=VBScript %>
Set FRELoader = Server.CreateObject( "FREngineWrap.FRELoader" )
Set Engine = FRELoader.Load
it doesn't work:
Error Type:
Unspecified error
/test.asp, line 4
I've got IIS 5.1 here
The problem is definitely in FREngineWrap.FRELoader, not in your ASP code. Remember, when running from VBScript, the program runs in your user context - e.g. as user "MYDOMAIN\alex347".
When you run the program from ASP, it runs in whatever IIS security context you are using. This often can cause problems, especially if the IIS user doesn't have access to files you have access to as MYDOMAIN\alex347.
If you have the source code to FRELoader, you might check and see where it throws an error. Otherwise, you might have to try changing your IIS security settings.
EDIT: Here's a link for how to modify IIS so that it uses a different user's credentials. Try changing IIS's credentials to your username and see if it works.
That is a database connection error. Check your connection string.
