Detecting Antivirus State - security

According to , MS can detect installed AV using either WMI or a manual method involving registry keys that MS knows about. Is there an API to access this functionality?

This Google search yields this MSDN documentation which appears to be what you're looking for, the Windows Security Center API. The documentation says Vista only, but I believe this API is also available through the Windows XP SP2 SDK.

If you can't find documentation for it and you want to do some manual digging, you can try executing Process Monitor from SysInternals and then launch the Security Center. It'll show you what keys are read, and what files are accessed.

You can use the Win32 Registry access APIs if you knew the keys.


Word Addin - how to check if the createDocument() function is available?

I am using Office JS to develop a Word addin.
Thanks to previous answers, I found that I can open a new document in Word by doing:
However, that seems to only work on the Desktop version of Office.
If I try that same addin in the online version, I get an error:
Sorry, this function isn’t available. Perform a runtime check on the Office add-in to find out whether the feature is supported by the host
How can I programatically find out if that function is available so that I can make the plugin default to a different behavior if it's not?
Also, is there some documentation on the createDocument function? (I googled and could not find anything).
In the general case, you should use the isSetSupported API check at runtime to be able to see whether a particular method is available. See
In this particular case, you're running into the fact that createDocument is part of a not-yet-released (preview-only) WordApi 1.4 (PREVIEW) API set (you can see it in the IntelliSense, both in the d.ts file (TypeScript) and vsdoc (JavaScript in VS 2015 and earlier). For example, in
Because it's Preview, this unfortunately means that isSetSupported will return "false" regardless... because it simply might not be reliably available anywhere yet (or at least, the team has not signed off on it being done and available). So for these Preview APIs, it's really meant just for your own dev testing, not anything you would use in production.

How to access silent/vibrate mode for windows phone using C#?

I want to identify the current profile of windows phone.Is it is silent/ring.How can I check it.Please give suggestion.
This is not possible with the current Windows Phone SDK.
You can vote for this API to be added to a future version of the SDK here: Extend the API to query phone volume and vibration settings, maybe even set them.
As of wp SDK 8 you can't, nor can you adjust the volume or view/change current profile.
see this link
You can do these sort of things with windows store apps so perhaps it will come with the blue.
Humm seems I took to long to post but as olivier stated its high on the wanted list
user1021583 have you thought about running back over your questions and marking answers? you seem to have a lot of questions and none are marked as answers

NoSQL databases that officially support MonoTouch

I am having trouble finding a NoSQL databases that officially support MonoTouch via a local DB on the device. If their are, could someone provide a list of them here.
According to there's siaqodb. Note that others might support MonoTouch without being mentioned in that site.
Edit: a few more clicks shows that HSS Database (from the same list) also supports MonoTouch.
You might also want to look at which ones support iOS (e.g. with Objective C) and see if bindings are available (or write your own).
Take a look on Couchbase Lite xamarin's component
RavenDB supports an embedded mode, and can run on Mono using the "Munin" storage engine option.
Although, there has been talk in the user group lately about dropping Munin, and it's not usually recommended for production, so it may not be a viable option.
I've not heard of someone using it with MonoTouch specifically, but there are some running it on Mono. If you try it, please update comments here with your findings. Thanks.
A bit late, but still relevant:
I'm the author of MarcelloDB, and I just released version 0.3.0 on nuget.
MarcelloDB is a document DB, built specifically for mobile apps (light-weight, low memory usage) and supports Xamarin Android and iOS as well as the windows platform.
I still have some features I want to add before reaching v1, but the file format and existing api are allready quite stable.

SYSGEN_SYSISAPI replacement for WinCE6

I'm currently porting a CE5 platform to CE6. It's a headless system and until
now I've made great use of the "Device Management ISAPI Extension"
(SYSGEN_SYSISAPI), mostly for launching and killing processes. So I was
alarmed that this catalog item seems to have disappeared in CE6 Platform
Builder. There doesn't seem to be any explanation on MSDN why MS removed this.
Is there an obvious alternative that I should be using?
Have you tried manually adding the SYSGEN to the platform? It wouldn't be the first time something was dropped from the catalog, but that can still be included manually.

Fighting with Protected Mode in Vista

Our application commonly used an ActiveX control to download and install our client on IE (XP and prior), however as our user base has drifted towards more Vista boxes with "Protected Mode" on, we are required to investigate.
So going forward, is it worth the headache of trying to use the protected mode API? Is this going to result in a deluge of dialog boxes and admin rights to do the things our app needs to do (write to some local file places, access some other applications, etc)?
I'm half bent on just adding a non-browser based installer app that will do the dirty work of downloading and installing the client, if need be... this would only need to be installed once and in large corporate structures it could be pushed out by IT.
Are there some other ideas I'm missing?
This client, is it a desktop application and not some software that runs inside the browser? In that case, please just supply a regular download installer application. My personal experience with browser-hosted installers is that they are just confusing and the few I have seen seemed to be poorly coded in some way.
If you use an MSI based installer I'm sure lots of Windows domain administrators will love you too, as Microsoft has tools to deploy MSI based installations onto large sets of machines remotely.
Its far better to do this right than put it off any longer. Vista is Microsoft's way of saying they aren't letting people get away with ignoring security issues any more and encouraging people to update their code.
I'm sure other users here will be able to point you are some MSDN best practices about writing ActiveX controls.
Have you checked out Microsoft's ClickOnce Deployment?
If I remember correctly you can embed a manifests which would help with dealing with protected modes automatically, saving you those headaches with the APIs.
I believe ClickOnce is geared for the same thing your ActiveX installer was designed to do.
Since you say your IT dept could push this out, I assume you could use this kind of technology as well.
Even though you might not be writing applications on the .NET CLR, you can use Visual Studio to generate those manifest and installers for you.
