SYSGEN_SYSISAPI replacement for WinCE6 - windows-ce

I'm currently porting a CE5 platform to CE6. It's a headless system and until
now I've made great use of the "Device Management ISAPI Extension"
(SYSGEN_SYSISAPI), mostly for launching and killing processes. So I was
alarmed that this catalog item seems to have disappeared in CE6 Platform
Builder. There doesn't seem to be any explanation on MSDN why MS removed this.
Is there an obvious alternative that I should be using?

Have you tried manually adding the SYSGEN to the platform? It wouldn't be the first time something was dropped from the catalog, but that can still be included manually.


log4net works with Xamarin.iOS/Monotouch?

We are using Xamarin Studio to create mobile applications in .NET to some platforms. Our experience show some compatibility problems to use original Log4Net but we're no tried yet the Log4Net Compact Framework (
There's someone with this problem/solution ?
Thanks in advance!
There are a lot of limitations with the MonoTouch profile. But I managed to get some of the very basic appenders to work. Should give you enough to get started. It's a work in progress, so your milage may vary. Expect bugs!
Yes, it works properly! We done the follow steps:
include the log4net.dll into References (Figure 1).
added the using log4net; in using area code.
Figure 1 - Edit References

NoSQL databases that officially support MonoTouch

I am having trouble finding a NoSQL databases that officially support MonoTouch via a local DB on the device. If their are, could someone provide a list of them here.
According to there's siaqodb. Note that others might support MonoTouch without being mentioned in that site.
Edit: a few more clicks shows that HSS Database (from the same list) also supports MonoTouch.
You might also want to look at which ones support iOS (e.g. with Objective C) and see if bindings are available (or write your own).
Take a look on Couchbase Lite xamarin's component
RavenDB supports an embedded mode, and can run on Mono using the "Munin" storage engine option.
Although, there has been talk in the user group lately about dropping Munin, and it's not usually recommended for production, so it may not be a viable option.
I've not heard of someone using it with MonoTouch specifically, but there are some running it on Mono. If you try it, please update comments here with your findings. Thanks.
A bit late, but still relevant:
I'm the author of MarcelloDB, and I just released version 0.3.0 on nuget.
MarcelloDB is a document DB, built specifically for mobile apps (light-weight, low memory usage) and supports Xamarin Android and iOS as well as the windows platform.
I still have some features I want to add before reaching v1, but the file format and existing api are allready quite stable.

Best bugzilla desktop client

We've just started to used bugzilla and I found the web interface quite slow and not user-friendly.
I'm wondering if anyone have a suggestion for a client desktop or a browser add-on running under windows.
I found the following page:
Which one of these clients (or any other) is the best ? Any other suggestions ?
I already tried Deskzilla Lite, which seem pretty good. However, there is a lot of field (edit bug) that we don't use (i.e. hardware, os, url, depends on, etc). Is there a desktop client that allow to remove and customize the field used in the bug entry form? On this one, please do not answer I can customize the bugzilla templates, we don't want to use the web interface anyway.
Well it depends on your Bugzilla Version. Since I updated to 4.0 I've got no alternative to Deskzilla since MyZilla is not running anymore. LiveProject looks pretty neat but I never tested it, so... Deskzilla lite. :/

MonoMac and Launch Services

I'm a .NET Developer trying my hand at an application on OS X. MonoMac makes so many things easy for me. I've managed to write an application useful to myself using just the MonoMac posts people have done and the Apple Developer documentation.
I can't seem to find out how to actually associate a file extension to my application. I believe this needs to be done via Launch Services or maybe add something to the Info.plist in my project.
Any hints, code or how tos?
Read this guidelines on Runtime Configuration from Apple: as pointed by this answer: How to associate a specified type of file with my program?

Detecting Antivirus State

According to , MS can detect installed AV using either WMI or a manual method involving registry keys that MS knows about. Is there an API to access this functionality?
This Google search yields this MSDN documentation which appears to be what you're looking for, the Windows Security Center API. The documentation says Vista only, but I believe this API is also available through the Windows XP SP2 SDK.
If you can't find documentation for it and you want to do some manual digging, you can try executing Process Monitor from SysInternals and then launch the Security Center. It'll show you what keys are read, and what files are accessed.
You can use the Win32 Registry access APIs if you knew the keys.
