IIS Smtp Server [closed] - iis

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Closed 8 years ago.
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My application needs to send thousands of emails on a daily basis.
So I thought about writing my own smtp server, using C#, which would pull a database every minute to see if there are any pending email messages.
But, then I came across Microsoft's IIS SMTP service....
My question :
Can the IIS SMTP service handle that amount of outgoing emails, and is it reliable? Or should I reinvent the wheel and write my own?

Yes, IIS SMTP can handle it.

Yes iis SMTP should be fine. But there are few things you should consider.
Load test the server : This will give you the maximum number of emails which can be sent at a time.
If you are planning to send large number of emails, its better to "sleep" after sending few emails and then continue with the rest.
I once wrote a cron job to send out emails in a short interval and I made a mistake of not checking the status of the previous job. A job crahsed in between and the second one started sending emails to the same address which crashed and then the next one started......
Only reinvent the wheel only if you can design a much much better wheel ;-)

I would consider using 3rd party services. This is not cheap, and there is good reason they charge money for that.
1st, if you plan on sending high volume of emails on regular basis, you need to build trust relationship with major email vendors: definately gmail, hotmail, yahoo, excite, altavista, etc. That relationship will take a while, but is well worth it. Without that, your server will get banned very fast.
Check out iContact, Mailchimp, or Aweber.
Good luck

I would suggest you do some load testing on the SMTP server to make sure it handles the load you are expecting to put on to it.
I would not suggest you reinvent the wheel by building your own SMTP server. If you find the IIS SMTP performance is not up to scratch you could try and find an open source one.


Gmail - smtp error 421 4.7.0 [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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We are using gmail oAuth2 to send the mail from nodemailer and receiving below error -
{"code":"EENVELOPE","response":"421 4.7.0 Temporary System Problem.
Try again later (WS). e189-v6sm98ioe.0 -
Out testing team by mistake run the automation test script and triggered a lot of mails simultaneously, I understand that might have blocked the mail's temporarily as the error suggest. I am interested to know how long this blockage will continue and what can one do to resolve it. At this point it is not possible for us to switch mail sending from gmail to some thing else.
I faced the same problem as I tried to pump several mails as part of load testing, nearly 100 mails in a minute. After sending 500 mails, Gmail started rejecting the connection with the same error.
The situation became normal after I introduced a think time of 1 second, limiting the outgoing mail at < 50 per min.
For me, Gmail was rejecting my mails only for a duration of 3 minutes.
It is a 24 hours lockout; however, sometimes it can be just temporary. Try reducing the amount of connections sent to be no more than 1 every other second.

DOS attacks using cmd and protection against them [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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After finding someones ip you can easily send pings to them to make DOS attacks. Me and my friend tried to make a defense against them and wanted to know how a low level attacker can send this DOS attacks. When one of us sent pings to the other using cmd when we were connected to the same modem(wifi) it succeed in sending pings. But when we were on different networks it failed and sent a message like "Request timed out". I assume this is a failure message but I've some questions in this matter.
I won't write the command to make DOS attacks since I don't want to encourage anyone in making those and anyone who is knowledgeable in this subject already knows how to do that.
//Assume that attacker knows the ip of the victim.
Can a computer be successful enough to slow down the second computer if he sends infinite pings? If so in how much time(approximately.)(assume their computers are same.) What can be the worst result for the victim?
How can someone be successful in making DOS attacks to people who are connected into different networks from cmd? And how can I take measures against them?
This will not work over the internet if the victim's router is set not to send ICMP replies to ping requests.
Can a computer be successful enough to slow down the second computer
if he sends infinite pings? If so in how much
time(approximately.)(assume their computers are same.) What can be the
worst result for the victim?
Not significantly. What you need is an amplification attack - that is the victim's computer has to do more work than you for each request. Sending a reply to a ping is minimal work and involves sending the same amount of bytes back, so you are not slowing the victim machine anymore than your own.
How can someone be successful in making DOS attacks to people who are
connected into different networks from cmd? And how can I take
measures against them?
You would be better off using a software tool to do this, or by setting up a botnet to do a distributed denial of service instead (DDoS). Usage of such tools are probably illegal depending on your jurisdiction and you should get full permission if testing this from the owners of all networks and systems where your traffic would flow.
Mitigating DDoS is the million dollar question. Services such as CloudFlare can help. It all depends on what you need to protect and who from.

How to Ensure outsourced programmers don't maliciously use your server? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I have outsourced the programming of an iPhone app.
The programmer has requested access to a server to uploaded data from the app which is a necessary part of our app.
However I have never met the programmer.
I don't have any programming skills, and wouldn't know what he has uploaded to the server.
So therefore,
Do you know of any solutions to my issue of ensuring that the server is only used for the purpose of our app, and not for running any other code.
I intend on using amazon servers, but could use another option depending on the answers
There is no easy "magic bullet" - You will need to trust someone whatever you do.
Either you will need to trust your developer to use the server correctly. Or you will need to trust an experienced sysadmin to set up the server properly and give defined access rights to other users.
In my experience, it is unlikely that a developer you hire will use your server for malicious purposes. However it is quite likely that either:
They will use the server for some other, non-malicious uses on the grounds that "no-one will notice" (e.g. transferring a few files). Probably not a big issue as long as they are sensible.
They will make a mistake with config / security that will allow others to gain unauthorised access. This could be a big problem - you could find your server hijacked and your customer data compromised.
Basically it all comes down to trust, your tolerance for risk, and how much you are willing to pay an expert to run this stuff for you.

Is there an alternative google-apps for mail? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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Google Stops offering Google Apps for free.
Are there any alternatives to link your own domain with a good mail server as Gmail?
So registering mail provider with his own domain.
I'm basically looking for alternatives too and so far I can only recommend Zoho Mail:
They have a lite version supporting 5 email accounts.
Update: as of 2014-11-18, Zoho's lite version now has 10 email accounts and Zoho has improved quite substantially. They now have mobile apps to access Zoho emails (very important for your technically challenged clients) and also their web interface and overall stability have improved. My recommendation for them is now stronger.
You might also want to check other paid services which are not as expensive as Google Apps:
Unfortunately, I don't think you'll find something as decent and as reliable as Google Apps for a better price but if you're looking for something with less features and you need to pay less for such a service, the above might be your best options.
Depends on your feelings for MS, but http://domains.live.com should do what you want. Though for me I'm OK with paying to stay on Gmail vs Hotmail, personal preference only though :)

how do I get past an smtp limit? [closed]

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Closed 11 years ago.
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We have a website hosted on a shared hosting plan. It works for now but we are running over our limit for smtp emails. Our host charges us for anything over 250 emails sent. We send out daily alerts, password reminders, etc to our users (on an opt-in basis w/ the ability for them to easily opt-out).
Can we use our localhost server for email but still host the site on the remotehost? If not, are there any other (free) options?
Can you already send mail from your local server? If so, have the code in your web site pack up the information that needs to be sent that day into one email. You'll have to figure out the format to use so that you can separate them on the other end. Send it to a mailbox on your local host that is monitored by a process that unpacks the email, splits it up into separate emails, and sends those out directly. If your web host has a size limit on emails, you'll need to figure out how to break your daily output into chunks to avoid going over the size limit as well.
Or, pay a little extra to be able to send out more emails per month from your web host, which would be less complex, less prone to errors, and easier to implement.
