How to get all Data Objects related to Asset in Pimcore? - pimcore

I need to get all Data Objects related to Asset.
I can't find it in Asset API documentation:
How to do it the most efficient way?

You can see and debug how it is used in Pimcore Admin Panel on 'Requires' Tab of Asset:
$dependencies = $asset->getDependencies()->getRequiredBy();
foreach ($dependencies as $dependency) {
if ($dependency['type'] !== 'object') {
$concreteDataObject = Concrete::getById($dependency['id']);


Document Controller search handling of non file: URLs

Global documents with a custom URL scheme?
I have a need to cache info via a URL, with a custom scheme - non file:; to allow user access, and otherwise treat such URLs as global so any access via its URL sees the same data. It's just a fancy way to access user defaults.
I'm relying on a document controller's document(url:) to find such URL if its document exits - previously opened.
And yet it doesn't?
Consider this in app's did finish launching:
do {
let ibm = URL.init(string: "")!
let doc = try docController.makeDocument(withContentsOf: ibm, ofType: "myType")
assert((doc == docController.document(for: ibm)), "created document is not found?")
} catch let error {
The assert fires!
So I pause and try to figure what I'm doing wrong.
Essentially I'm trying to support non-file: info, in a flat namespace, to provide consistent access and content.
Probably not an answer - why such URL schemes aren't being found but a working solution is to cache anything, front the search method with such a cache, but doing so creates a maintenance issue:
#objc dynamic var docCache = [URL:NSDocument]()
override var documents: [NSDocument] {
let appDocuments = Array(Set([Array(docCache.values),super.documents].reduce([], +)))
return appDocuments
override func document(for url: URL) -> NSDocument? {
if let document = super.document(for: url) {
docCache[url] = document
return document
if let document = docCache[url] {
return document
return nil

Q: NetSuite E-Commerce - Source Custom Entity Fields to Reference Checkout

I have a custom entity field placed inside NetSuite, now I have to source the value of this field to my Reference Checkout as I'll use the value as a condition for which payment method to show on the shop.
Any ideas how to do this? I've searched the SuiteAnswers and got no significant help there.
Thank you!
I've looked into using view.model.get('customfield ID here') but it has not worked. I've also already defined the field on models.js. Just not sure if I placed it properly.
Render function of Order Wizard Payment Method Selector
, render: function()
if (this.wizard.hidePayment())
if (!this.selectedModule)
var selected_payment = this.model.get('paymentmethods').findWhere({primary: true})
, selected_type;
var creditlevelhold = this.wizard.model.get('creditlevelhold'); < -- this is the custom field
selected_type = selected_payment.get('type');
else if(this.wizard.options.profile.get('paymentterms') && creditlevelhold === ''){
selected_type = 'invoice';
Should be available like:

Implementing List.cshtml for Projection throws 'Orchard.ContentManagement.ContentItem' does not contain a definition for 'TagsPart'

I have implemented List.cshtml to provide a custom display for an image gallery. This is the first time I have tried to override a Projection with a Template and at first it seemed to work fine. Then I noticed that when I try to access the Projection on the backend Orchard 1.7 falls over with:
RuntimeBinderException 'Orchard.ContentManagement.ContentItem' does
not contain a definition for 'TagsPart'
Here is some code from the template List.cshtml:
List<TagRecord> uniqueTags = new List<TagRecord>();
List<dynamic> items = Model.Items;
if (items != null && items.Any())
foreach (var item in items)
if (item != null && item.ContentItem != null)
TagsPart part = item.ContentItem.TagsPart;
if (part != null && part.CurrentTags != null)
foreach (var t in part.CurrentTags)
if (!uniqueTags.Contains(t))
I am ignorant on a couple of points, which I suspect may be causing the error:
How to specify a template for a Projection (more specific than 'List.cshtml'). Can I use How?
How should I test for the presence of a specific part in the ContentItem? Just assigning TagsPart part = item.ContentItem.TagsPart; throws the exception above.
UPDATE: I had implemented this as a Module; that is, the List.cshtml was in the Views folder of a simple Module. If I move List.cshtml to the Theme then the problem goes away. However, I would still prefer to use a module so that the layout is independent of the theme.
Orchard 1.7 includes a new query layout provider called 'Shape'. I simply used this provider, gave it a Shape Type of 'LightboxIsotope', and created a view called 'LightboxIsotope.cshtml'.
In a projection you can customize the html rendered for each property on the List. In order to acomplish this you need to go to your query, and add a new Layout, choose the properties you need, and set everything you want.
If the layouts provided in the Queries Module donĀ“t fullfill your requirements, you can allways create your own layout provider, this blog post shows an example:

How to programmatically add target lists to the what's new web part in Sharepoint (or how to handle undocumented namespaces)

From code I've automatically created a lot of similar sites (SPWeb) in my site collection from a site template (in Sharepoint Foundation). Every site has a home page on which I've added the "what's new" web part (found under "Social collaboration").
Even though the web part has several "target lists" (I'd have called it "source lists") added to it on the template site, this connection is lost on the sites created from the template. So I need to programmatically find all these web parts and add the target lists to them. Looping the web parts is not an issue - I've done that before - but I can't seem to find a word on the net on how to go about modifying this particular web part. All I have is a brief intellisense.
I've found out that it recides in the
namespace, but on the lists provided on MSDN this is one of very few namespaces that doesn't have a link to a reference documentation.
Does anyone have any experience of modifying this web part from code? If not, how would you go about to find out? I can't seem to figure out a method for this..
Here is how I did it. It worked really well. I had a feature that created several list instances and provisioned the What's New web part. In the Feature Receiver, I looped through all of the list instances, indexed the Modified field, and then added the list to the web part:
private void ConfigureLists(SPWeb web, SPFeatureReceiverProperties properties)
List<Guid> ids = new List<Guid>();
SPElementDefinitionCollection elements =
properties.Feature.Definition.GetElementDefinitions(new CultureInfo((int)web.Language, false));
foreach (SPElementDefinition element in elements)
if ("ListInstance" == element.ElementType)
XmlNode node = element.XmlDefinition;
SPList list = web.Lists[node.Attributes["Title"].Value];
SPField field = list.Fields[SPBuiltInFieldId.Modified];
if (!field.Indexed)
field.Indexed = true;
string targetConfig = string.Empty;
foreach (Guid id in ids)
targetConfig += string.Format("'{0}',''\n", id);
SPFile file = web.GetFile("Pages/default.aspx");
using (SPLimitedWebPartManager manager = file.GetLimitedWebPartManager(PersonalizationScope.Shared))
WhatsNewWebPart webpart = null;
foreach (System.Web.UI.WebControls.WebParts.WebPart eachWebPart in manager.WebParts)
webpart = eachWebPart as WhatsNewWebPart;
if (null != webpart)
if (null != webpart)
webpart.TargetConfig = targetConfig;
If you are unsure about the property, export the web part from the browser, then open the .webpart/.dwp file with a text editor. Somewhere in the xml will be a reference to the source list.
*.webparts are usually easier to modify, just set the property.
*.dwps are harder because you sometimes have to get the property (eg ViewXML), then load it into an XmlDocument, then replace the property, and write the xml document string value back to ViewXML.

Creating a custom Document Library in SharePoint

I have a document library in my SharePoint page and there are 10 documents in it.
If User A is logged in I want him to only see 5 of those documents in that document library.
How can I create some custom document library for this to work?
I have MOSS installed.
Thanks in advance!
You could configure different permissions on each document in the document library. Just select the "Manage Permissions" option on each item and break the permission inheritance from the document library level. Just note that having too many documents with item level permissions can create a maintenance nightmare for you. Another option could be to create two document libraries with different permissions.
Write an ItemEventReceiver that breaks the permissions based on a field in the library, i.e. a column that holds the different roles .
We have done this by creating a list that holds all roles coupled to sharepoint groups.
Administrator -> Owners of website (SPGroup), Company Administrators (SPGroup)
Managers -> Managers (SPGroup)
then in our content type we have a lookup column to this list.
Here's the code for the ItemEventReceiver:
public override void ItemUpdated(SPItemEventProperties properties)
lock (_lock)
using (SPSite site = new SPSite(properties.SiteId,
using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb(properties.RelativeWebUrl))
web.AllowUnsafeUpdates = true;
var item = web.Lists[properties.ListId].GetItemById(properties.ListItemId);
var roles = item["Roles"] as SPFieldLookupValueCollection;
var rolesList = web.Site.RootWeb.Lists["Company Roles"];
var groupsToAdd = new List<SPFieldUserValue>();
if (item.HasUniqueRoleAssignments)
item = item.ParentList.GetItemById(item.ID);
if (roles != null && roles.Count > 0)
// Iterate over the roles and see if there is a group associated
foreach (var role in roles)
var roleItem = rolesList.GetItemById(rol.LookupId);
if (roleItem != null)
// This is the SPgroup field in the rolesList
var groups = roleItem["Groups"] as SPFieldUserValueCollection;
if (groups != null)
groupsToAdd.AddRange(from g in groups
where g.User == null
select g);
if (groupsToAdd.Count > 0)
foreach (var value in groupsToAdd)
var group = web.Groups[value.LookupValue];
var assignment = web.RoleAssignments.GetAssignmentByPrincipal(group);
catch (Exception ex)
If the coding doesn't work for you, and you'd rather not set permissions on each file, then there is a third option. We use folders with permissions set on them.
Create a folder called "Managers", break permissions, and set rights to only the managers.
Create another folder called "Employee 1", break permissions, and set Contribute rights to the Employee and the Employe's manager.
Place the files in the appropriate folders and it will inherit rights from the folder.
This way, managers can see the manager files, and all files of their employees. Users can only see their own files.
Similar logic can be done for Headquarters, Region 1, Region 2, etc ... and creating different Groups for each region and then assigning the group to the folder's permissions.
Note, there's always concern in using this design on maintaining all the permissions and on performance, but we've been doing similar things for 750+ user populations and thousand of docs and it's been working fine for us so far.
