Azure KeyValut Secret Expired Event Not Getting Fired - azure

I am creating an event subscription for KeyVault expiry.
In this screen, I can't type name of the topic. Why is it already populated with a topic name?
Following screen is from my producation instance and I can see a text box where I can type the name of the topic.
If I go ahead and create a subscription based on already selected topic (screen1), My secret expired event does not trigger. Any help please.
I can't see anything in the application insight, only this graph has some information, other than this no error nothing else.

Thanks for the update #Ali,
As a workaround which is suggested by you posting the same as solution for beneficial for other community members.
After deleting all the resources(e.g function app, service bus ,key
valult) and creating again it works successfully.
There are few more workarounds for this kind of issue,
Please make sure that you have clear cache from the browser and use edge in your environment.
As we have tried the same to create we can able to select the topic details and also able to provide the system topic name as well.
Our setup in local:-
Microsoft Edge Version 103.0.1264.37 (Official build) (64-bit)
For more information please refer this MICROSOFT Q&A discussion for the similar issues and this is for setup the receive notification on Expired event .
If still facing any issue please reach out to the MICROSOFT Azure support team.


Azure Application Insight Work items authorization error

My purpose is to create bug in Azure DevOps directly from Azure Application Insight, I am doing to attach the work item (bug) feature available in Azure Application Insight but on clicking Authorize button it give me following error
Authorization token provided through OAuth does not have access to read/write work items for requested uri/project collection/project
for reference please find the below image.
I didnt understand what you meant by private browser, and I have full admin access over Azure Portal.
basically I have the link in which is the devop url
HealthTechnologies is the organization
ReportItNow is the Project
so in Azure insight workitem section, URL I am putting and in project I am putting ReportItNow, I dont know what i am doing wrong.
Still waiting for this glitch to solve.
Oky let me make it more simple, if I want to automatically create bug in Azure DevOps when ever any new exception came in to the Azure
Application Insight How I can get this into real practical.
I solve this when I took a detailed look at the error message url. It's saying that the missing authorization is for https://uri/Project Collection/Project. Based on that, I changed my url from to and it worked,

Unable to add permissions to App on Azure Portal

I have created an app on Azure Portal to access some information via Microsoft Graph API but I am not able to add any permissions to it. It was working earlier but not any more. I also tried to register a new app, the app gets register but yet again the permissions could not be added.
As soon as I press the button to add the selected permissions these two popup notifications come up ..
1. Your session will end in a few minutes. You will have to refresh your browser to start a new session.
2. The portal is having issues getting an authentication token. The experience rendered may be degraded.
Additional information from the call to get a token:
Extension: Microsoft_AAD_RegisteredApps
This is happening since last 3 days now. I also searched on Google and found that people had similar issues earlier as well. Though I have raised a ticket on the portal for this but haven't received any reply yet.
Any help here would be very much appreciated. Also is there any way to check any logs on the portal itself. I did try to check the network logs via browser developer tools but they aren't much help.
It seems to be an issue with the Azure Portal for your region.
As #Hury Shen suggested, you should contact Azure Support for further investigation.
See how to open a support ticket on Azure portal.
Seems like there was an issue with my account address. I changed the address to one of US and it worked for me.
#Allen Wu Thanks for the suggestions. I had already asked them about it but no one replied.

How to configure Azure Notification Hub to use APNS token authentication mode?

I am trying to add APNS connection in Azure Notification Hub with Token as authentication mode.
I have searched around but I am not able to find any guides anywhere to make this work.
Maybe someone has a link to a guide showing how to find the information needed?
I tried to create a "APNs Auth Key" in Apple developer console, but that gives me a .p8 file and the token inside that file does not seem to be accepted, so I guess I need to find the token somewhere else.
I hope someone have a link to a guide for setting this up and find the information needed.
Update (Apr 2018): #Krumelur reports in the comments that the blog article is out of date. Check out his suggestion on how to fix it to avoid getting errors.
Update (June 2017): There is now an official Microsoft post about Token-based (HTTP/2) Authentication for APNS.
Original answer (May 2017):
Token Based Authentication and HTTP/2 Example with APNS is a good step by step guide of how to get those values from your Apple Developer Account.
Key ID in Azure Portal is what APNS_KEY_ID is in the sample above
App Name in Azure Portal is your app name
App ID in Azure Portal is what TEAM_ID is in the sample above
Token in Azure Portal is the contents of the file referred to in APNS_AUTH_KEY variable in the sample above
Do not forget to keep track which keys and tokens are sandbox and which are production endpoint ones.
Looks like this is out of date. It is now looking for
Key ID
Bundle ID
Team ID
Everything is described now in the documentation here.

How do I debug problems during Azure Store offer upgrade?

I'm having troubles debugging "upgrade" of my offer in Azure Store. I've "purchased" the offering, then I click "Upgrade", select a more expensive plan and click the "Proceed" arrow I see the following error message:
We cannot provide a billing estimate at this time. Please try again later. If this error persists, contact support with the following information.
(Subscription could not be found for the provided subscription id (DM - ActivityId={GuidHere}
On my service side I see that there's a GET to /storebase/subscriptions/sub-id-here/cloudservices/service-name-here to which my service returns an XML reply together with HTTP 200.
That's all the data I have.
How do I find why the upgrade process fails?
The answer is there's no way to actually debug something because there's no way to access Azure Store logs and no way to find what happens behind the scene when the user goes from one Azure Store purchase step to another. All the developer can do is contact support.

Azure - Unable To Get SQL Azure Invitation Code!

I'm trying to convert my Silverlight Business Application over to the cloud with the help of Azure. I have been following this link from Brad Abrams blog.
Both the links to Windows Azure and SQL Azure crash out in Google Chrome, they work in Internet Explorer, but it's literally one of the worst user experiences I've ever had.
The Problem
I'm asked to sign in to Microsoft connect with my Live ID.
I do so, I'm then asked to register; I do so.
I'm then sent a verification email which I verify.
I'm then signed out!
When I sign back in, it repeats the process....
Any suggestions for making this work?
Finally managed to get signed up/in to connect. From here I was able to get hold of an invitation code to Windows Azure. Now I need an invitation code for SQL Azure. I cannot see ANYWHERE that advertises a way of getting this SQL Azure code, the only thing that I have seen is some text saying that there "may be a delay" in receiving codes due to volume of interest, which quite frankly I find hard to believe.........
It's so far been 3 days now. This officially sucks!
If I have any more news I'll post back here.
I eventually gave up and emailed the support team moaning about the poor service, got an email invitation code about a day later :-D
Let me assure you that the Windows Azure Portal itself works fine under Chrome... Connect however doesn't.
I'm not sure at what point of the process you're getting stuck. Is it registering for Connect? Or have you gotten far enough that you're filling in a survey to get access to Windows Azure?
If it's as early as registering for Connect, I would contact Connect Support:
Thats funny. I have just received an SQL Azure October CTP invitation that doesn't work.
But after 3 weeks i still dont have a Windows Azure invitation code. From where Im standing, the Azure registration process appears to be a jumbled mess.
As of Jan 4th SQL Azure (as well as Windows Azure) is now open to all users to register and SQL Azure no longer require tokens. For more details on this please see the blog post.
