How to Run Chromium From Downloaded Files - linux

This is a very noob question since I am new to Linux.
I am using Lubuntu, so I decided to quit Firefox. Then I downloaded Chromium from here, but I do not see how to run it.
Can anyone help me out?? I have this folder groovy-stable, but I don not see any .sh file that I can run.
I am actually asking to learn how to run things, because I already ran "sudo apt install chromium-browser" and got it running, but is just does not seen right to forget I could not run the package.
Thank You


PyCharm Requires Login When Ran as Root

The code inspection is not working properly on my Pop!_OS 21.04 x86_64, so I checked updates and realized that my PyCharm is actually out of date, but to update it I need to run PyCharm as root.
But, when I go to where PyCharm is located and run sudo ./, It's like it is a fresh install and wants me to login.
I have come across this issue in other apps too, where if I run it as root, it uses a different directory for config etc.
How do I get around this? Thanks in advance.

Plowshare with disabled JS interpreter

I try to use plowshare to download files with command line but on ubuntu I got this error: "Use of Javascript interpreter is disabled in debian for security."
I've found that I should add environmental variable: "PLOWSHARE_DEBIAN_JS=yes"
I added it to ".bashrc" in home directory, with source after that but it doesn't work, i can't find anything what can help, anyone know how can i enable JS?
Not sure if you found a resolve. But I fixed this issue by command export PLOWSHARE_DEBIAN_JS=yes then you might encounter another issue like "Javascript interpreter not found. Please install one" just install nodejs sudo apt-get install nodejs

Error building a script for linux

I'm trying to build a script for linux to help me each time I install linux from scratch.
The Script have to 1.- Add repositories 2.- Install software from those repositories.
Adding repositories are not the problem, the problem is when i try to install software from this repo.
For the Repo:
sudo add-apt-repository -y ppa:webupd8team/java
After that, the script should make an update, so:
sudo apt-get update
It looks simple, but is not, because I receive an error:
The command Update could not be found.
And so on the rest of the softwares
apt-get -y install oracle-java8-installer
The package oracle-java8-installer couldn't be found..
I really don't know what should I do, nothing looks to work, I gave full rigths to the file and so on... always the same error.
But if I run the command apt-get install direct from the terminal, works without problem..
Any help?
actually I wrote a script in windows to use it in future Linux installations, for some reasons it doesn't work as I want it. Thinking it was a command or misspelled words, I search for a solution, wich didn't help anyways.
Debugging my script in a virtual Machine, I found that the script was giving some random errors like '/r' doesn't support and like that. Really weird because after searching in my script for that line code I didn't find it.
With that in mind, I search again for those errors, and found that for some reasons, if you write your code in a Windows maschine, it save it in a crlf type, wich in a Linux system is interpreted really wrong.
A solution of some users was converting the type from CRLF to LF, wich in linux is using the command dos2unix.
After making that and runing my script again everything works perfectly.

How to install and get started with moai on Ubuntu?

I am trying to install moai on Ubuntu.
I tried following this:
and completed all the steps. It seemed as if everything completed. But now I don't know what to do.
How to run moai ?
I somewhere saw it was mentioned to run
moai main.lua
However I tried
which moai
without any result.
I thought that moai isn't in my PATH but I don't know which location to add to my PATH variable, because there isn't any file in moai-dev/bin folder of the name moai on my PC.
Please Help.
You can just download moai binary release which is available for linux, osx and windows. After unpacking just put moaidist/linux/moai in your PATH.

installing lpsolve for MATLAB on Ubuntu 12.04 64bit?

I am trying to install this toolkit for 3 hours.... first, for Python.. I gave up. Then for MATLAB...
It says something about installation(and I read everything at all other websites), but I have no idea of what it says...
Why is it so complicated? It is not like windows, in which for everything I want to install, double-clicking 'setup' or 'install' file on the .zip file installed everything I need.
I am so confused and distressed.. Please help me...
I do not know a bit about Ubuntu, so please explain to me which files I should download(there are a lot of files but I do not know what to download...), and how I could install it with what commands.
Thank you.
