Format string when translating from Excel to xml [closed] - excel

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I add headers and footers to my Excel file. Rename the file to zip format and pull out the first sheet(xl/worksheets/sheet1.xml), then I see this line <oddHeader>&C&"Britannic Bold,bold italics"&U&KFF0000"mytext"</oddHeader>
Where can I find documentation on how this string is formed, what parameters are allowed, etc?

Microsoft has documentation for the XML spreadsheet format
For your specific question, the OddHeader class is documented here.


What does the different terminal file colors mean in Linux [closed]

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I was using Linux terminal and I wondered why some files have different colors from others
do they only have colors to show the type and permissions given to the file?
It looks like that each color do have a meaning, take a look at this answer:

How to write comments within .conkyrc config file? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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How to write comments within a .conkyrc config file?
Please find below some quick examples:
-- Comment one
-- Comment two
-- Comment three
--Comment four
You need to use "--" on each line you would like to place a comment on

Use file command to get the correct type for an incomplete file [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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Suppose I just don't have the whole file, I just download the first part and it contains all the file signature/magic bytes. Can I use file command in Linux to get its type? I think this command detect the file signature at the beginning, but I am not sure if they have more validation of the rest of the files.
file(1) will look by default at the first 1Mb of the file.
If you're using it as a library (libmagic) from your own program, you can change that with magic_setparam(MAGIC_PARAM_BYTES_MAX), see its manpage.

How can I bold/Italic/Size title of a bar chart in Spotfire? [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am not able change the size, font and bold/italic in spotfire.
I tried many ways but didn't got it.
You can change that by using the properties section.
Right click on the chart and take properties.
Properties ->Fonts ->Decription.

Need to remove arrow symbols from excel data [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I was given some data in excel and it looks like this:
Maps ix↵About the Author↵x↵Preface↵xi↵Ancillary
I need to remove these little arrows and replace them with a single white space. How would I do that?
Thank you.
How about: Ctrl+h (Search and Replace), enter "↵" (by copy/paste) in the search field and (blank space) in the replace field?
